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synced 2025-01-07 18:10:33 +05:30
Piped API now includes it in the streams response, no need for separate query
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187 lines
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import Defaults
import Foundation
#if os(iOS)
import UIKit
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let kavinPipedInstanceID = "kavin-piped"
static let instances = Key<[Instance]>("instances", default: [
app: .piped,
id: kavinPipedInstanceID,
name: "Kavin",
apiURL: "https://pipedapi.kavin.rocks",
frontendURL: "https://piped.kavin.rocks"
static let accounts = Key<[Account]>("accounts", default: [])
static let lastAccountID = Key<Account.ID?>("lastAccountID")
static let lastInstanceID = Key<Instance.ID?>("lastInstanceID")
static let lastUsedPlaylistID = Key<Playlist.ID?>("lastPlaylistID")
static let sponsorBlockInstance = Key<String>("sponsorBlockInstance", default: "https://sponsor.ajay.app")
static let sponsorBlockCategories = Key<Set<String>>("sponsorBlockCategories", default: Set(SponsorBlockAPI.categories))
static let favorites = Key<[FavoriteItem]>("favorites", default: [
.init(section: .trending("US", "default")),
.init(section: .trending("GB", "default")),
.init(section: .trending("ES", "default")),
.init(section: .channel("UC-lHJZR3Gqxm24_Vd_AJ5Yw", "PewDiePie")),
.init(section: .channel("UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw", "Linus Tech Tips")),
.init(section: .channel("UCBJycsmduvYEL83R_U4JriQ", "Marques Brownlee")),
.init(section: .channel("UCE_M8A5yxnLfW0KghEeajjw", "Apple"))
#if !os(tvOS)
static let accountPickerDisplaysUsername = Key<Bool>("accountPickerDisplaysUsername", default: false)
#if os(iOS)
static let lockPortraitWhenBrowsing = Key<Bool>("lockPortraitWhenBrowsing", default: UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone)
static let channelOnThumbnail = Key<Bool>("channelOnThumbnail", default: true)
static let timeOnThumbnail = Key<Bool>("timeOnThumbnail", default: true)
static let roundedThumbnails = Key<Bool>("roundedThumbnails", default: true)
static let quality = Key<ResolutionSetting>("quality", default: .best)
static let playerSidebar = Key<PlayerSidebarSetting>("playerSidebar", default: PlayerSidebarSetting.defaultValue)
static let playerInstanceID = Key<Instance.ID?>("playerInstance")
static let showKeywords = Key<Bool>("showKeywords", default: false)
static let showHistoryInPlayer = Key<Bool>("showHistoryInPlayer", default: false)
static let commentsInstanceID = Key<Instance.ID?>("commentsInstance", default: kavinPipedInstanceID)
#if !os(tvOS)
static let commentsPlacement = Key<CommentsPlacement>("commentsPlacement", default: .separate)
static let pauseOnHidingPlayer = Key<Bool>("pauseOnHidingPlayer", default: true)
static let closePiPOnNavigation = Key<Bool>("closePiPOnNavigation", default: false)
static let closePiPOnOpeningPlayer = Key<Bool>("closePiPOnOpeningPlayer", default: false)
#if !os(macOS)
static let closePiPAndOpenPlayerOnEnteringForeground = Key<Bool>("closePiPAndOpenPlayerOnEnteringForeground", default: false)
static let recentlyOpened = Key<[RecentItem]>("recentlyOpened", default: [])
static let queue = Key<[PlayerQueueItem]>("queue", default: [])
static let lastPlayed = Key<PlayerQueueItem?>("lastPlayed")
static let saveHistory = Key<Bool>("saveHistory", default: true)
static let showWatchingProgress = Key<Bool>("showWatchingProgress", default: true)
static let watchedThreshold = Key<Int>("watchedThreshold", default: 90)
static let watchedVideoStyle = Key<WatchedVideoStyle>("watchedVideoStyle", default: .badge)
static let watchedVideoBadgeColor = Key<WatchedVideoBadgeColor>("WatchedVideoBadgeColor", default: .red)
static let watchedVideoPlayNowBehavior = Key<WatchedVideoPlayNowBehavior>("watchedVideoPlayNowBehavior", default: .continue)
static let resetWatchedStatusOnPlaying = Key<Bool>("resetWatchedStatusOnPlaying", default: false)
static let saveRecents = Key<Bool>("saveRecents", default: true)
static let trendingCategory = Key<TrendingCategory>("trendingCategory", default: .default)
static let trendingCountry = Key<Country>("trendingCountry", default: .us)
static let visibleSections = Key<Set<VisibleSection>>("visibleSections", default: [.favorites, .subscriptions, .trending, .playlists])
#if os(macOS)
static let enableBetaChannel = Key<Bool>("enableBetaChannel", default: false)
#if os(iOS)
static let honorSystemOrientationLock = Key<Bool>("honorSystemOrientationLock", default: true)
static let enterFullscreenInLandscape = Key<Bool>("enterFullscreenInLandscape", default: UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone)
static let lockLandscapeOnRotation = Key<Bool>("lockLandscapeOnRotation", default: false)
static let lockLandscapeWhenEnteringFullscreen = Key<Bool>("lockLandscapeWhenEnteringFullscreen", default: false)
enum ResolutionSetting: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable {
case best, hd720p, sd480p, sd360p, sd240p, sd144p
var value: Stream.Resolution {
switch self {
case .best:
return .hd720p
return Stream.Resolution(rawValue: rawValue)!
var description: String {
switch self {
case .best:
return "Best available quality"
return value.name
enum PlayerSidebarSetting: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable {
case always, whenFits, never
static var defaultValue: Self {
#if os(macOS)
enum VisibleSection: String, CaseIterable, Comparable, Defaults.Serializable {
case favorites, subscriptions, popular, trending, playlists
var title: String {
var tabSelection: TabSelection {
switch self {
case .favorites:
return TabSelection.favorites
case .subscriptions:
return TabSelection.subscriptions
case .popular:
return TabSelection.popular
case .trending:
return TabSelection.trending
case .playlists:
return TabSelection.playlists
private var sortOrder: Int {
switch self {
case .favorites:
return 0
case .subscriptions:
return 1
case .popular:
return 2
case .trending:
return 3
case .playlists:
return 4
static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
lhs.sortOrder < rhs.sortOrder
enum WatchedVideoStyle: String, Defaults.Serializable {
case nothing, badge, decreasedOpacity, both
enum WatchedVideoBadgeColor: String, Defaults.Serializable {
case colorSchemeBased, red, blue
enum WatchedVideoPlayNowBehavior: String, Defaults.Serializable {
case `continue`, restart
#if !os(tvOS)
enum CommentsPlacement: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable {
case info, separate