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synced 2025-01-06 01:20:31 +05:30
- The order of the formats can now be changed in the Quality Settings. - sortingOrder is now part of QualitiyProfile. - bestPlayable is now part of PlayerBackend. - hls and stream aren't treated as unknown anymore.
124 lines
3.7 KiB
124 lines
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import Defaults
import Foundation
struct QualityProfile: Hashable, Identifiable, Defaults.Serializable {
static var bridge = QualityProfileBridge()
static var defaultProfile = Self(id: "default", backend: .mpv, resolution: .hd720p60, formats: [.stream], order: Array(Format.allCases.indices))
enum Format: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable, Defaults.Serializable {
case hls
case stream
case avc1
case mp4
case av1
case webm
var id: String {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .stream:
return "Stream"
case .webm:
return "WebM"
return rawValue.uppercased()
var streamFormat: Stream.Format? {
switch self {
case .hls:
return nil
case .stream:
return nil
case .avc1:
return .avc1
case .mp4:
return .mp4
case .av1:
return .av1
case .webm:
return .webm
var id = UUID().uuidString
var name: String?
var backend: PlayerBackendType
var resolution: ResolutionSetting
var formats: [Format]
var order: [Int]
var description: String {
if let name, !name.isEmpty { return name }
return "\(backend.label) - \(resolution.description) - \(formatsDescription)"
var formatsDescription: String {
if formats.count == Format.allCases.count {
return "Any format".localized()
if formats.count <= 3 {
return formats.map(\.description).joined(separator: ", ")
return String(format: "%@ formats".localized(), String(formats.count))
func isPreferred(_ stream: Stream) -> Bool {
if formats.contains(.hls), stream.kind == .hls {
return true
let resolutionMatch = !stream.resolution.isNil && resolution.value >= stream.resolution
if resolutionMatch, formats.contains(.stream), stream.kind == .stream {
return true
let formatMatch = formats.compactMap(\.streamFormat).contains(stream.format)
return resolutionMatch && formatMatch
struct QualityProfileBridge: Defaults.Bridge {
static let formatsSeparator = ","
typealias Value = QualityProfile
typealias Serializable = [String: String]
func serialize(_ value: Value?) -> Serializable? {
guard let value else { return nil }
return [
"id": value.id,
"name": value.name ?? "",
"backend": value.backend.rawValue,
"resolution": value.resolution.rawValue,
"formats": value.formats.map { $0.rawValue }.joined(separator: Self.formatsSeparator),
"order": value.order.map { String($0) }.joined(separator: Self.formatsSeparator) // New line
func deserialize(_ object: Serializable?) -> Value? {
guard let object,
let id = object["id"],
let backend = PlayerBackendType(rawValue: object["backend"] ?? ""),
let resolution = ResolutionSetting(rawValue: object["resolution"] ?? "")
else {
return nil
let name = object["name"]
let formats = (object["formats"] ?? "").components(separatedBy: Self.formatsSeparator).compactMap { QualityProfile.Format(rawValue: $0) }
let order = (object["order"] ?? "").components(separatedBy: Self.formatsSeparator).compactMap { Int($0) }
return .init(id: id, name: name, backend: backend, resolution: resolution, formats: formats, order: order)