mirror of https://github.com/yattee/yattee.git synced 2025-01-10 19:40:33 +05:30
Toni Förster 9cb0325503
more robust resolution handling
Currently, we have a hard-coded list of resolutions. Since Invidious reports the actual resolution of a stream and does not hard-code them to a fixed value anymore, resolutions that are not in the list won’t be handled, and the stream cannot be played back.

Instead of hard-coding even more resolutions (and inadvertently might not cover all), we revert the list back to a finite set of resolutions, the users can select from. All other resolutions are handled dynamically and compared to the existing set of defined resolutions when selecting the best stream for playback.

Signed-off-by: Toni Förster <toni.foerster@gmail.com>
2024-09-09 12:59:39 +02:00

413 lines
12 KiB

import AVFoundation
import Defaults
import Foundation
// swiftlint:disable:next final_class
class Stream: Equatable, Hashable, Identifiable {
enum Resolution: Comparable, Codable, Defaults.Serializable {
case predefined(PredefinedResolution)
case custom(height: Int, refreshRate: Int)
enum PredefinedResolution: String, CaseIterable, Codable {
// 8K UHD (16:9) Resolutions
case hd4320p60, hd4320p30
// 4K UHD (16:9) Resolutions
case hd2160p60, hd2160p30
// 1440p (16:9) Resolutions
case hd1440p60, hd1440p30
// 1080p (Full HD, 16:9) Resolutions
case hd1080p60, hd1080p30
// 720p (HD, 16:9) Resolutions
case hd720p60, hd720p30
// Standard Definition (SD) Resolutions
case sd480p30
case sd360p30
case sd240p30
case sd144p30
var name: String {
switch self {
case let .predefined(predefined):
return predefined.rawValue
case let .custom(height, refreshRate):
return "\(height)p\(refreshRate != 30 ? ", \(refreshRate) fps" : "")"
var height: Int {
switch self {
case let .predefined(predefined):
return predefined.height
case let .custom(height, _):
return height
var refreshRate: Int {
switch self {
case let .predefined(predefined):
return predefined.refreshRate
case let .custom(_, refreshRate):
return refreshRate
var bitrate: Int {
switch self {
case let .predefined(predefined):
return predefined.bitrate
case let .custom(height, refreshRate):
// Find the closest predefined resolution based on height and refresh rate
let closestPredefined = Stream.Resolution.PredefinedResolution.allCases.min {
abs($0.height - height) + abs($0.refreshRate - refreshRate) <
abs($1.height - height) + abs($1.refreshRate - refreshRate)
// Return the bitrate of the closest predefined resolution or a default bitrate if no close match is found
return closestPredefined?.bitrate ?? 5_000_000
static func from(resolution: String, fps: Int? = nil) -> Self {
if let predefined = PredefinedResolution(rawValue: resolution) {
return .predefined(predefined)
// Attempt to parse height and refresh rate
if let height = Int(resolution.components(separatedBy: "p").first ?? ""), height > 0 {
let refreshRate = fps ?? 30
return .custom(height: height, refreshRate: refreshRate)
// Default behavior if parsing fails
return .custom(height: 720, refreshRate: 30)
static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
lhs.height == rhs.height ? (lhs.refreshRate < rhs.refreshRate) : (lhs.height < rhs.height)
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case predefined
case custom
case height
case refreshRate
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
if let predefinedValue = try? container.decode(PredefinedResolution.self, forKey: .predefined) {
self = .predefined(predefinedValue)
} else if let height = try? container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .height),
let refreshRate = try? container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .refreshRate)
self = .custom(height: height, refreshRate: refreshRate)
} else {
// Set default resolution to 720p 30 if decoding fails
self = .custom(height: 720, refreshRate: 30)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch self {
case let .predefined(predefinedValue):
try container.encode(predefinedValue, forKey: .predefined)
case let .custom(height, refreshRate):
try container.encode(height, forKey: .height)
try container.encode(refreshRate, forKey: .refreshRate)
enum Kind: String, Comparable {
case hls, adaptive, stream
private var sortOrder: Int {
switch self {
case .hls:
return 0
case .stream:
return 1
case .adaptive:
return 2
static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
lhs.sortOrder < rhs.sortOrder
enum Format: String {
case avc1
case mp4
case av1
case webm
case hls
case stream
case unknown
var description: String {
switch self {
case .webm:
return "WebM"
case .hls:
return "adaptive (HLS)"
case .stream:
return "Stream"
return rawValue.uppercased()
static func from(_ string: String) -> Self {
let lowercased = string.lowercased()
if lowercased.contains("avc1") {
return .avc1
if lowercased.contains("mpeg_4") || lowercased.contains("mp4") {
return .mp4
if lowercased.contains("av01") {
return .av1
if lowercased.contains("webm") {
return .webm
if lowercased.contains("stream") {
return .stream
if lowercased.contains("hls") {
return .hls
return .unknown
let id = UUID()
var instance: Instance!
var audioAsset: AVURLAsset!
var videoAsset: AVURLAsset!
var hlsURL: URL!
var localURL: URL!
var resolution: Resolution!
var kind: Kind!
var format: Format!
var encoding: String?
var videoFormat: String?
var bitrate: Int?
var requestRange: String?
instance: Instance? = nil,
audioAsset: AVURLAsset? = nil,
videoAsset: AVURLAsset? = nil,
hlsURL: URL? = nil,
localURL: URL? = nil,
resolution: Resolution? = nil,
kind: Kind = .hls,
encoding: String? = nil,
videoFormat: String? = nil,
bitrate: Int? = nil,
requestRange: String? = nil
) {
self.instance = instance
self.audioAsset = audioAsset
self.videoAsset = videoAsset
self.hlsURL = hlsURL
self.localURL = localURL
self.resolution = resolution
self.kind = kind
self.encoding = encoding
format = .from(videoFormat ?? "")
self.bitrate = bitrate
self.requestRange = requestRange
var isLocal: Bool {
localURL != nil
var isHLS: Bool {
hlsURL != nil
var quality: String {
guard localURL.isNil else { return "Opened File" }
if kind == .hls {
return "adaptive (HLS)"
return resolution.name
var shortQuality: String {
guard localURL.isNil else { return "File" }
if kind == .hls {
return "adaptive (HLS)"
if kind == .stream {
return resolution.name
return resolutionAndFormat
var description: String {
guard localURL.isNil else { return resolutionAndFormat }
let instanceString = instance.isNil ? "" : " - (\(instance!.description))"
return format != .hls ? "\(resolutionAndFormat)\(instanceString)" : "adaptive (HLS)\(instanceString)"
var resolutionAndFormat: String {
let formatString = format == .unknown ? "" : " (\(format.description))"
return "\(quality)\(formatString)"
var assets: [AVURLAsset] {
[audioAsset, videoAsset]
var videoAssetContainsAudio: Bool {
assets.dropFirst().allSatisfy { $0.url == assets.first!.url }
var singleAssetURL: URL? {
guard localURL.isNil else {
return URLBookmarkModel.shared.loadBookmark(localURL) ?? localURL
if kind == .hls {
return hlsURL
if videoAssetContainsAudio {
return videoAsset.url
return nil
static func == (lhs: Stream, rhs: Stream) -> Bool {
lhs.id == rhs.id
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
if let url = videoAsset?.url {
if let url = audioAsset?.url {
if let url = hlsURL {
extension Stream.Resolution.PredefinedResolution {
var height: Int {
switch self {
// 8K UHD (16:9) Resolutions
case .hd4320p60, .hd4320p30:
return 4320
// 4K UHD (16:9) Resolutions
case .hd2160p60, .hd2160p30:
return 2160
// 1440p (16:9) Resolutions
case .hd1440p60, .hd1440p30:
return 1440
// 1080p (Full HD, 16:9) Resolutions
case .hd1080p60, .hd1080p30:
return 1080
// 720p (HD, 16:9) Resolutions
case .hd720p60, .hd720p30:
return 720
// Standard Definition (SD) Resolutions
case .sd480p30:
return 480
case .sd360p30:
return 360
case .sd240p30:
return 240
case .sd144p30:
return 144
var refreshRate: Int {
switch self {
// 60 fps Resolutions
case .hd4320p60, .hd2160p60, .hd1440p60, .hd1080p60, .hd720p60:
return 60
// 30 fps Resolutions
case .hd4320p30, .hd2160p30, .hd1440p30, .hd1080p30, .hd720p30,
.sd480p30, .sd360p30, .sd240p30, .sd144p30:
return 30
// These values are an approximation.
// https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1722171?hl=en#zippy=%2Cbitrate
var bitrate: Int {
switch self {
// 8K UHD (16:9) Resolutions
case .hd4320p60:
return 180_000_000 // Midpoint between 120 Mbps and 240 Mbps
case .hd4320p30:
return 120_000_000 // Midpoint between 80 Mbps and 160 Mbps
// 4K UHD (16:9) Resolutions
case .hd2160p60:
return 60_500_000 // Midpoint between 53 Mbps and 68 Mbps
case .hd2160p30:
return 40_000_000 // Midpoint between 35 Mbps and 45 Mbps
// 1440p (2K) Resolutions
case .hd1440p60:
return 24_000_000 // 24 Mbps
case .hd1440p30:
return 16_000_000 // 16 Mbps
// 1080p (Full HD, 16:9) Resolutions
case .hd1080p60:
return 12_000_000 // 12 Mbps
case .hd1080p30:
return 8_000_000 // 8 Mbps
// 720p (HD, 16:9) Resolutions
case .hd720p60:
return 7_500_000 // 7.5 Mbps
case .hd720p30:
return 5_000_000 // 5 Mbps
// Standard Definition (SD) Resolutions
case .sd480p30:
return 2_500_000 // 2.5 Mbps
case .sd360p30:
return 1_000_000 // 1 Mbps
case .sd240p30:
return 1_000_000 // 1 Mbps
case .sd144p30:
return 600_000 // 0.6 Mbps