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synced 2024-12-15 06:40:32 +05:30
Invidious now reports the actual resolution and doesn’t hardcode them anymore. See: https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/pull/4586 - Extended the list of possible resolutions in the StreamModel - trigger videoLoadFailureHandler if no streams are available - more logging for backend.bestPlayable Signed-off-by: Toni Förster <toni.foerster@gmail.com>
399 lines
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399 lines
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import AVKit
import Defaults
import Foundation
import Siesta
import SwiftUI
extension PlayerModel {
var currentVideo: Video? {
var videoForDisplay: Video? {
videoBeingOpened ?? currentVideo
func play(_ videos: [Video], shuffling: Bool = false) {
navigation.presentingChannelSheet = false
playbackMode = shuffling ? .shuffle : .queue
videos.forEach { enqueueVideo($0, loadDetails: false) }
#if os(iOS)
onPresentPlayer.append { [weak self] in self?.advanceToNextItem() }
func playNext(_ video: Video) {
enqueueVideo(video, play: currentItem.isNil, prepending: true)
func playNow(_ video: Video, at time: CMTime? = nil) {
navigation.presentingChannelSheet = false
if playingInPictureInPicture, closePiPOnNavigation {
videoBeingOpened = video
enqueueVideo(video, play: true, atTime: time, prepending: true) { _, item in
self.advanceToItem(item, at: time)
func playItem(_ item: PlayerQueueItem, at time: CMTime? = nil) {
advancing = false
if !playingInPictureInPicture, !currentItem.isNil {
stream = nil
navigation.presentingChannelSheet = false
withAnimation {
aspectRatio = VideoPlayerView.defaultAspectRatio
currentItem = item
if !time.isNil {
currentItem.playbackTime = time
} else if currentItem.playbackTime.isNil {
currentItem.playbackTime = .zero
preservedTime = currentItem.playbackTime
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self else { return }
guard let video = item.video else {
if video.isLocal {
self.videoBeingOpened = nil
self.availableStreams = video.streams
guard let playerInstance = self.playerInstance else { return }
let streamsInstance = video.streams.compactMap(\.instance).first
if video.streams.isEmpty || streamsInstance.isNil || streamsInstance!.apiURLString != playerInstance.apiURLString {
self.loadAvailableStreams(video) { [weak self] _ in
self?.videoBeingOpened = nil
} else {
self.videoBeingOpened = nil
self.streamsWithInstance(instance: playerInstance, streams: video.streams) { processedStreams in
self.availableStreams = processedStreams
var playerInstance: Instance? {
InstancesModel.shared.forPlayer ?? accounts.current?.instance ?? InstancesModel.shared.all.first
func playerAPI(_ video: Video) -> VideosAPI? {
guard let url = video.instanceURL else { return accounts.api }
if accounts.current?.url == url { return accounts.api }
switch video.app {
case .local:
return nil
case .peerTube:
return PeerTubeAPI.withAnonymousAccountForInstanceURL(url)
case .invidious:
return InvidiousAPI.withAnonymousAccountForInstanceURL(url)
case .piped:
return PipedAPI.withAnonymousAccountForInstanceURL(url)
var qualityProfile: QualityProfile? {
qualityProfileSelection ?? QualityProfilesModel.shared.automaticProfile
var streamByQualityProfile: Stream? {
let profile = qualityProfile ?? .defaultProfile
// First attempt: Filter by both `canPlay` and `isPreferred`
if let streamPreferredForProfile = backend.bestPlayable(
availableStreams.filter { backend.canPlay($0) && profile.isPreferred($0) },
maxResolution: profile.resolution, formatOrder: profile.formats
) {
return streamPreferredForProfile
// Fallback: Filter by `canPlay` only
let fallbackStream = backend.bestPlayable(
availableStreams.filter { backend.canPlay($0) },
maxResolution: profile.resolution, formatOrder: profile.formats
// If no stream is found, trigger the error handler
guard let finalStream = fallbackStream else {
let error = RequestError(
userMessage: "No supported streams available.",
cause: NSError(domain: "stream.yatte.app", code: -1, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "No supported streams available"])
videoLoadFailureHandler(error, video: currentVideo)
return nil
// Return the found stream
return finalStream
func advanceToNextItem() {
guard !advancing else {
advancing = true
var nextItem: PlayerQueueItem?
switch playbackMode {
case .queue:
nextItem = queue.first
case .shuffle:
nextItem = queue.randomElement()
case .related:
nextItem = autoplayItem
case .loopOne:
nextItem = nil
if let nextItem {
} else {
advancing = false
var isAdvanceToNextItemAvailable: Bool {
switch playbackMode {
case .loopOne:
return false
case .queue, .shuffle:
return !queue.isEmpty
case .related:
return autoplayItem != nil
func advanceToItem(_ newItem: PlayerQueueItem, at time: CMTime? = nil) {
navigation.presentingChannelSheet = false
currentItem = newItem
currentItem.playbackTime = time
let playTime = currentItem.shouldRestartPlaying ? CMTime.zero : time
guard let video = newItem.video else { return }
playerAPI(video)?.loadDetails(currentItem, failureHandler: { self.videoLoadFailureHandler($0, video: video) }) { newItem in
self.playItem(newItem, at: playTime)
@discardableResult func remove(_ item: PlayerQueueItem) -> PlayerQueueItem? {
if let index = queue.firstIndex(where: { $0.videoID == item.videoID }) {
return queue.remove(at: index)
return nil
func resetQueue() {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self else {
self.currentItem = nil
self.stream = nil
@discardableResult func enqueueVideo(
_ video: Video,
play: Bool = false,
atTime: CMTime? = nil,
prepending: Bool = false,
loadDetails: Bool = true,
videoDetailsLoadHandler: @escaping (Video, PlayerQueueItem) -> Void = { _, _ in }
) -> PlayerQueueItem? {
let item = PlayerQueueItem(video, playbackTime: atTime)
if play {
navigation.presentingChannelSheet = false
withAnimation {
aspectRatio = VideoPlayerView.defaultAspectRatio
navigation.presentingChannelSheet = false
currentItem = item
videoBeingOpened = video
if loadDetails {
playerAPI(item.video)?.loadDetails(item, failureHandler: { self.videoLoadFailureHandler($0, video: video) }) { [weak self] newItem in
guard let self else { return }
videoDetailsLoadHandler(newItem.video, newItem)
if play {
} else {
self.queue.insert(newItem, at: prepending ? 0 : self.queue.endIndex)
} else {
videoDetailsLoadHandler(video, item)
queue.insert(item, at: prepending ? 0 : queue.endIndex)
return item
func prepareCurrentItemForHistory(finished: Bool = false) {
if let currentItem {
if Defaults[.saveHistory] {
if let video = currentVideo, !historyVideos.contains(where: { $0 == video }) {
updateWatch(finished: finished, time: backend.currentTime)
if let video = currentItem.video,
let localURL = video.localStream?.localURL
logger.info("stopping security scoped resource access for \(localURL)")
func playHistory(_ item: PlayerQueueItem, at time: CMTime? = nil) {
guard let video = item.video else { return }
var time = time ?? item.playbackTime
if item.shouldRestartPlaying {
time = .zero
let newItem = enqueueVideo(video, atTime: time, prepending: true)
advanceToItem(newItem!, at: time)
func removeQueueItems() {
func restoreQueue() {
var restoredQueue = [PlayerQueueItem?]()
if let lastPlayed,
!Defaults[.queue].contains(where: { $0.videoID == lastPlayed.videoID })
self.lastPlayed = nil
restoredQueue.append(contentsOf: Defaults[.queue])
queue = restoredQueue.compactMap { $0 }
queue.forEach { loadQueueVideoDetails($0) }
func loadQueueVideoDetails(_ item: PlayerQueueItem) {
guard !accounts.current.isNil, !item.hasDetailsLoaded else { return }
let videoID = item.video?.videoID ?? item.videoID
let video = item.video ?? Video(app: item.app ?? .local, instanceURL: item.instanceURL, videoID: videoID)
let replaceQueueItem: (PlayerQueueItem) -> Void = { newItem in
self.queue.filter { $0.videoID == videoID }.forEach { item in
if let index = self.queue.firstIndex(of: item) {
self.queue[index] = newItem
if let video = VideosCacheModel.shared.retrieveVideo(video.cacheKey) {
var item = item
item.id = UUID()
item.video = video
.loadDetails(item, failureHandler: nil) { [weak self] newItem in
guard let self else { return }
self.logger.info("LOADED queue details: \(videoID)")
private func videoLoadFailureHandler(_ error: RequestError, video: Video? = nil) {
var message = error.userMessage
if let errorDictionary = error.json.dictionaryObject,
let errorMessage = errorDictionary["message"] ?? errorDictionary["error"],
let errorString = errorMessage as? String
message += "\n"
message += errorString
var retryButton: Alert.Button?
if let video {
retryButton = Alert.Button.default(Text("Retry")) { [weak self] in
if let self {
self.enqueueVideo(video, play: true, prepending: true, loadDetails: true)
var alert: Alert
if let retryButton {
alert = Alert(
title: Text("Could not load video"),
message: Text(message),
primaryButton: .cancel { [weak self] in
guard let self else { return }
secondaryButton: retryButton
} else {
alert = Alert(title: Text("Could not load video"))