import AVFAudio import CoreMedia import Defaults import Foundation import Logging import MediaPlayer import MPVKit import Repeat import SwiftUI final class MPVBackend: PlayerBackend { static var timeUpdateInterval = 0.5 static var networkStateUpdateInterval = 0.1 private var logger = Logger(label: "mpv-backend") var model: PlayerModel { .shared } var controls: PlayerControlsModel { .shared } var playerTime: PlayerTimeModel { .shared } var networkState: NetworkStateModel { .shared } var seek: SeekModel { .shared } var stream: Stream? var video: Video? var captions: Captions? { didSet { guard let captions else { client?.removeSubs() return } addSubTrack(captions.url) }} var currentTime: CMTime? var loadedVideo = false var isLoadingVideo = true { didSet { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let self else { return } self.controls.isLoadingVideo = self.isLoadingVideo self.setNeedsNetworkStateUpdates(true) self.model.objectWillChange.send() } }} var isPlaying = true { didSet { networkStateTimer.start() if isPlaying { startClientUpdates() } else { stopControlsUpdates() } updateControlsIsPlaying() #if os(macOS) if isPlaying { ScreenSaverManager.shared.disable(reason: "Yattee is playing video") } else { ScreenSaverManager.shared.enable() } MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.default().playbackState = isPlaying ? .playing : .paused #else DispatchQueue.main.async { UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = self.model.presentingPlayer && self.isPlaying } #endif }} var isSeeking = false { didSet { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let self else { return } self.model.isSeeking = self.isSeeking } } } var playerItemDuration: CMTime? #if !os(macOS) var controller: MPVViewController! #endif var client: MPVClient! { didSet { client.backend = self } } private var clientTimer: Repeater! private var networkStateTimer: Repeater! private var onFileLoaded: (() -> Void)? var controlsUpdates = false private var timeObserverThrottle = Throttle(interval: 2) var suggestedPlaybackRates: [Double] { [0.25, 0.33, 0.5, 0.67, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 3, 4] } func canPlayAtRate(_ rate: Double) -> Bool { rate > 0 && rate <= 100 } var tracks: Int { client?.tracksCount ?? -1 } var aspectRatio: Double { client?.aspectRatio ?? VideoPlayerView.defaultAspectRatio } var frameDropCount: Int { client?.frameDropCount ?? 0 } var outputFps: Double { client?.outputFps ?? 0 } var formattedOutputFps: String { String(format: "%.2ffps", outputFps) } var hwDecoder: String { client?.hwDecoder ?? "unknown" } var bufferingState: Double { client?.bufferingState ?? 0 } var cacheDuration: Double { client?.cacheDuration ?? 0 } var videoFormat: String { client?.videoFormat ?? "unknown" } var videoCodec: String { client?.videoCodec ?? "unknown" } var currentVo: String { client?.currentVo ?? "unknown" } var videoWidth: Double? { if let width = client?.width, width != "unknown" { return Double(width) } return nil } var videoHeight: Double? { if let height = client?.height, height != "unknown" { return Double(height) } return nil } var audioFormat: String { client?.audioFormat ?? "unknown" } var audioCodec: String { client?.audioCodec ?? "unknown" } var currentAo: String { client?.currentAo ?? "unknown" } var audioChannels: String { client?.audioChannels ?? "unknown" } var audioSampleRate: String { client?.audioSampleRate ?? "unknown" } init() { // swiftlint:disable shorthand_optional_binding clientTimer = .init(interval: .seconds(Self.timeUpdateInterval), mode: .infinite) { [weak self] _ in guard let self = self, self.model.activeBackend == .mpv else { return } self.getTimeUpdates() } networkStateTimer = .init(interval: .seconds(Self.networkStateUpdateInterval), mode: .infinite) { [weak self] _ in guard let self = self, self.model.activeBackend == .mpv else { return } self.updateNetworkState() } // swiftlint:enable shorthand_optional_binding } typealias AreInIncreasingOrder = (Stream, Stream) -> Bool func canPlay(_ stream: Stream) -> Bool { stream.resolution != .unknown && stream.format != .av1 } func playStream(_ stream: Stream, of video: Video, preservingTime: Bool, upgrading: Bool) { #if !os(macOS) if model.presentingPlayer { DispatchQueue.main.async { UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true } } #endif var captions: Captions? if let captionsLanguageCode = Defaults[.captionsLanguageCode] { captions = video.captions.first { $0.code == captionsLanguageCode } ?? video.captions.first { $0.code.contains(captionsLanguageCode) } } let updateCurrentStream = { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in self?.stream = stream self?.video = video self? = stream self?.captions = captions } } let startPlaying = { #if !os(macOS) do { try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(self.handleAudioSessionInterruption(_:)), name: AVAudioSession.interruptionNotification, object: nil ) } catch { self.logger.error("Error setting up audio session: \(error)") } #endif DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let self else { return } self.startClientUpdates() // Captions should only be displayed when selected by the user, // not when the video starts. So, we remove them. self.client?.removeSubs() if !preservingTime, !upgrading, let segment = self.model.sponsorBlock.segments.first, self.model.lastSkipped.isNil { segment.endTime, seekType: .segmentSkip(segment.category)) { finished in guard finished else { return } self.model.lastSkipped = segment self.model.handleOnPlayStream(stream) } } else { self.model.handleOnPlayStream(stream) } } } let replaceItem: (CMTime?) -> Void = { [weak self] time in guard let self else { return } self.stop() DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let self, let client = self.client else { return } if let url = stream.singleAssetURL { self.onFileLoaded = { updateCurrentStream() startPlaying() } if video.isLocal, video.localStreamIsFile { if url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { URLBookmarkModel.shared.saveBookmark(url) } } client.loadFile(url, bitrate: stream.bitrate, kind: stream.kind, sub: captions?.url, time: time, forceSeekable: stream.kind == .hls) { [weak self] _ in self?.isLoadingVideo = true } } else { self.onFileLoaded = { updateCurrentStream() startPlaying() } let fileToLoad = self.model.musicMode ? stream.audioAsset.url : stream.videoAsset.url let audioTrack = self.model.musicMode ? nil : stream.audioAsset.url client.loadFile(fileToLoad, audio: audioTrack, bitrate: stream.bitrate, kind: stream.kind, sub: captions?.url, time: time, forceSeekable: stream.kind == .hls) { [weak self] _ in self?.isLoadingVideo = true self?.pause() } } } } if preservingTime { if model.preservedTime.isNil || upgrading { model.saveTime { replaceItem(self.model.preservedTime) } } else { replaceItem(self.model.preservedTime) } } else { replaceItem(nil) } startClientUpdates() } func play() { isPlaying = true startClientUpdates() if controls.presentingControls { startControlsUpdates() } setRate(model.currentRate) // After the video has ended, hitting play restarts the video from the beginning. if currentTime?.seconds.formattedAsPlaybackTime() == model.playerTime.duration.seconds.formattedAsPlaybackTime() && currentTime!.seconds > 0 && model.playerTime.duration.seconds > 0 { seek(to: 0, seekType: .loopRestart) } client?.play() } func pause() { isPlaying = false stopClientUpdates() client?.pause() } func togglePlay() { if isPlaying { pause() } else { play() } } func cancelLoads() { stop() } func stop() { client?.stop() } func seek(to time: CMTime, seekType _: SeekType, completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)?) { client?.seek(to: time) { [weak self] _ in self?.getTimeUpdates() self?.updateControls() completionHandler?(true) } } func setRate(_ rate: Double) { client?.setDoubleAsync("speed", rate) } func closeItem() { client?.pause() client?.stop() = nil = nil } func closePiP() {} func startControlsUpdates() { guard model.presentingPlayer, model.controls.presentingControls, !model.controls.presentingOverlays else {"ignored controls update start") return }"starting controls updates") controlsUpdates = true } func stopControlsUpdates() {"stopping controls updates") controlsUpdates = false } func startClientUpdates() { clientTimer.start() } private var handleSegmentsThrottle = Throttle(interval: 1) func getTimeUpdates() { currentTime = client?.currentTime playerItemDuration = client?.duration if controlsUpdates { updateControls() } model.updateNowPlayingInfo() handleSegmentsThrottle.execute { if let currentTime { model.handleSegments(at: currentTime) } } timeObserverThrottle.execute { self.model.updateWatch(time: self.currentTime) } self.model.updateTime(self.currentTime!) } private func stopClientUpdates() { clientTimer.pause() } private func updateControlsIsPlaying() { guard model.activeBackend == .mpv else { return } DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in self?.controls.isPlaying = self?.isPlaying ?? false } } func handle(_ event: UnsafePointer!) { "RECEIVED event: \(String(cString: mpv_event_name(event.pointee.event_id)))")) switch event.pointee.event_id { case MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN: mpv_destroy(client.mpv) client.mpv = nil case MPV_EVENT_LOG_MESSAGE: let logmsg = UnsafeMutablePointer(OpaquePointer( "\(String(cString: (logmsg!.pointee.prefix)!)), " + "\(String(cString: (logmsg!.pointee.level)!)), " + "\(String(cString: (logmsg!.pointee.text)!))")) case MPV_EVENT_FILE_LOADED: onFileLoaded?() startClientUpdates() onFileLoaded = nil case MPV_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE: let dataOpaquePtr = OpaquePointer( if let property = UnsafePointer(dataOpaquePtr)?.pointee { let propertyName = String(cString: handlePropertyChange(propertyName, property) } case MPV_EVENT_PLAYBACK_RESTART: isLoadingVideo = false isSeeking = false onFileLoaded?() startClientUpdates() onFileLoaded = nil case MPV_EVENT_VIDEO_RECONFIG: model.updateAspectRatio() case MPV_EVENT_SEEK: isSeeking = true case MPV_EVENT_END_FILE: let reason = event! mpv_end_file_reason.self) if reason != MPV_END_FILE_REASON_STOP { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let self else { return } NavigationModel.shared.presentAlert(title: "Error while opening file") self.model.closeCurrentItem(finished: true) self.getTimeUpdates() self.eofPlaybackModeAction() } } else { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in self?.handleEndOfFile() } } default: "UNHANDLED event: \(String(cString: mpv_event_name(event.pointee.event_id)))")) } } func handleEndOfFile() { guard client.eofReached else { return } eofPlaybackModeAction() } func setNeedsDrawing(_ needsDrawing: Bool) { client?.setNeedsDrawing(needsDrawing) } func setSize(_ width: Double, _ height: Double) { client?.setSize(width, height) } func addVideoTrack(_ url: URL) { client?.addVideoTrack(url) } func addSubTrack(_ url: URL) { client?.removeSubs() client?.addSubTrack(url) } func setVideoToAuto() { client?.setVideoToAuto() } func setVideoToNo() { client?.setVideoToNo() } func updateNetworkState() { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let self, let client = self.client else { return } self.networkState.pausedForCache = client.pausedForCache self.networkState.cacheDuration = client.cacheDuration self.networkState.bufferingState = client.bufferingState } if !networkState.needsUpdates { networkStateTimer.pause() } } func setNeedsNetworkStateUpdates(_ needsUpdates: Bool) { if needsUpdates { networkStateTimer.start() } else { networkStateTimer.pause() } } func startMusicMode() { setVideoToNo() } func stopMusicMode() { addVideoTrackFromStream() setVideoToAuto() controls.resetTimer() } func addVideoTrackFromStream() { if let videoTrackURL =, tracks < 2 {"adding video track") addVideoTrack(videoTrackURL) } setVideoToAuto() } func didChangeTo() { setNeedsDrawing(model.presentingPlayer) if model.musicMode { startMusicMode() } else { stopMusicMode() } } private func handlePropertyChange(_ name: String, _ property: mpv_event_property) { switch name { case "pause": if let paused = UnsafePointer(OpaquePointer( { if paused { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in self?.handleEndOfFile() } } else { isLoadingVideo = false isSeeking = false } isPlaying = !paused networkStateTimer.start() } case "core-idle": if let idle = UnsafePointer(OpaquePointer( { if !idle { isLoadingVideo = false isSeeking = false networkStateTimer.start() } } default:"MPV backend received unhandled property: \(name)") } } #if !os(macOS) @objc func handleAudioSessionInterruption(_ notification: Notification) {"Audio session interruption received.") guard let info = notification.userInfo, let typeValue = info[AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeKey] as? UInt else {"AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeKey is missing or not a UInt in userInfo.") return } let type = AVAudioSession.InterruptionType(rawValue: typeValue)"Interruption type received: \(String(describing: type))") switch type { case .began: pause()"Audio session interrupted.") default: break } } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: AVAudioSession.interruptionNotification, object: nil) } #endif }