import SwiftUI struct ShareButton: View { let contentItem: ContentItem @ObservedObject private var accounts = AccountsModel.shared private var navigation: NavigationModel { .shared } @ObservedObject private var player = PlayerModel.shared let label: LabelView? init( contentItem: ContentItem, @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> LabelView? = { Label("Share...", systemImage: "square.and.arrow.up") } ) { self.contentItem = contentItem self.label = label() } @ViewBuilder var body: some View { // TODO: this should work with other content item types if let video = { Menu { if !video.localStreamIsFile { if video.localStreamIsRemoteURL { remoteURLAction } else { instanceActions Divider() if !accounts.isEmpty { youtubeActions } } } } label: { label } .menuStyle(.borderlessButton) .help("Share") #if os(macOS) .frame(maxWidth: 60) #endif } } private var instanceActions: some View { Group { Button(labelForShareURL( { if let url = player.playerAPI( { shareAction(url) } else { navigation.presentAlert( title: "Could not create share link", message: "For custom locations you can configure Frontend URL in Locations settings" ) } } if contentItemIsPlayerCurrentVideo { Button(labelForShareURL(, withTime: true)) { if let video = player.videoForDisplay, let api = player.playerAPI(video) { shareAction( api.shareURL( contentItem, time: player.backend.currentTime )! ) } } } } } private var youtubeActions: some View { Group { if let url = accounts.api.shareURL(contentItem, frontendURL: "") { Button(labelForShareURL("YouTube")) { shareAction(url) } if contentItemIsPlayerCurrentVideo { Button(labelForShareURL("YouTube", withTime: true)) { shareAction( accounts.api.shareURL( contentItem, frontendURL: "", time: player.backend.currentTime )! ) } } } } } private var contentItemIsPlayerCurrentVideo: Bool { contentItem.contentType == .video && == player.videoForDisplay?.videoID } @ViewBuilder private var remoteURLAction: some View { if let url = { Button(labelForShareURL()) { shareAction(url) } } } private func shareAction(_ url: URL) { #if os(macOS) NSPasteboard.general.clearContents() NSPasteboard.general.setString(url.absoluteString, forType: .string) #else player.pause() navigation.shareURL = url navigation.presentingShareSheet = true #endif } private func labelForShareURL(_ app: String? = nil, withTime: Bool = false) -> String { if withTime { #if os(macOS) return String(format: "Copy %@ link with time".localized(), app ?? "") #else return String(format: "Share %@ link with time".localized(), app ?? "") #endif } else { #if os(macOS) return String(format: "Copy%@link".localized(), app == nil ? " " : " \(app!) ") #else return String(format: "Share%@link".localized(), app == nil ? " " : " \(app!) ") #endif } } } struct ShareButton_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ShareButton( contentItem: ContentItem(video: Video.fixture) ) .injectFixtureEnvironmentObjects() } }