import Defaults import Siesta import SwiftUI struct SearchView: View { private var query: SearchQuery? @State private var searchSortOrder = SearchQuery.SortOrder.relevance @State private var searchDate = SearchQuery.Date.any @State private var searchDuration = SearchQuery.Duration.any @State private var recentsChanged = false #if os(tvOS) @State private var searchDebounce = Debounce() @State private var recentsDebounce = Debounce() private var recents = RecentsModel.shared #endif @State private var favoriteItem: FavoriteItem? @Environment(\.navigationStyle) private var navigationStyle @ObservedObject private var accounts = AccountsModel.shared @ObservedObject private var state = SearchModel.shared private var favorites = FavoritesModel.shared private var navigation = NavigationModel.shared @Default(.recentlyOpened) private var recentlyOpened @Default(.saveRecents) private var saveRecents @Default(.showHome) private var showHome @Default(.searchListingStyle) private var searchListingStyle private var videos = [Video]() init(_ query: SearchQuery? = nil, videos: [Video] = []) { self.query = query self.videos = videos } var body: some View { VStack { #if os(iOS) VStack { if, state.query.query != state.queryText { SearchSuggestions() .opacity(state.queryText.isEmpty ? 0 : 1) } else { results } } .backport .scrollDismissesKeyboardInteractively() #else ZStack { results #if os(macOS) if, state.query.query != state.queryText { HStack { Spacer() SearchSuggestions() .borderLeading(width: 1, color: Color("ControlsBorderColor")) .frame(maxWidth: 280) .opacity(state.queryText.isEmpty ? 0 : 1) } } #endif } #endif } .environment(\.listingStyle, searchListingStyle) .toolbar { #if os(macOS) ToolbarItemGroup(placement: toolbarPlacement) { ListingStyleButtons(listingStyle: $searchListingStyle) HideWatchedButtons() HideShortsButtons() FavoriteButton(item: favoriteItem) .id(favoriteItem?.id) if { Section { HStack { Text("Sort:") .foregroundColor(.secondary) searchSortOrderPicker } } .transaction { t in t.animation = .none } } if { filtersMenu } SearchTextField() } #endif } .onAppear { if let query { state.queryText = query.query state.resetQuery(query) updateFavoriteItem() } if !videos.isEmpty { videos)) } } .onChange(of: accounts.current) { _ in state.reloadQuery() } .onChange(of: state.queryText) { newQuery in if newQuery.isEmpty { favoriteItem = nil state.resetQuery() } else { updateFavoriteItem() } state.loadSuggestions(newQuery) #if os(tvOS) searchDebounce.invalidate() recentsDebounce.invalidate() searchDebounce.debouncing(2) { state.changeQuery { query in query.query = newQuery } } recentsDebounce.debouncing(10) { recents.addQuery(newQuery) } #endif } .onChange(of: searchSortOrder) { order in state.changeQuery { query in query.sortBy = order updateFavoriteItem() } } .onChange(of: searchDate) { date in state.changeQuery { query in = date updateFavoriteItem() } } .onChange(of: searchDuration) { duration in state.changeQuery { query in query.duration = duration updateFavoriteItem() } } #if os(tvOS) .searchable(text: $state.queryText) { if !state.queryText.isEmpty { ForEach(state.querySuggestions, id: \.self) { suggestion in Text(suggestion) .searchCompletion(suggestion) } } } #else .ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard, edges: .bottom) .navigationTitle("Search") #endif #if os(iOS) .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) { searchMenu } ToolbarItem(placement: .principal) { SearchTextField() } } .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) #endif } #if os(iOS) var searchMenu: some View { Menu { if { searchSortOrderPicker .pickerStyle(.menu) Picker(selection: $searchDuration, label: Text("Duration")) { ForEach(SearchQuery.Duration.allCases) { duration in Text( } } .pickerStyle(.menu) Picker("Upload date", selection: $searchDate) { ForEach(SearchQuery.Date.allCases) { date in Text( } } .pickerStyle(.menu) } if !state.query.isEmpty { Section { FavoriteButton(item: favoriteItem) } } ListingStyleButtons(listingStyle: $searchListingStyle) Section { HideWatchedButtons() HideShortsButtons() } Section { SettingsButtons() } } label: { HStack { Image(systemName: "magnifyingglass") Image(systemName: "") } .foregroundColor(.accentColor) .imageScale(.medium) } } #endif private var results: some View { VStack { if showRecentQueries { recentQueries } else { VerticalCells(items:, allowEmpty: state.query.isEmpty) { if shouldDisplayHeader { header } } .environment(\.loadMoreContentHandler) { state.loadNextPage() } if noResults { Text("No results") if searchFiltersActive { Button("Reset search filters", action: resetFilters) } Spacer() } } } } private var toolbarPlacement: ToolbarItemPlacement { #if os(iOS) || favorites.isEnabled ? .bottomBar : .automatic #else .automatic #endif } private var showRecentQueries: Bool { navigationStyle == .tab && saveRecents && state.queryText.isEmpty } private var filtersActive: Bool { searchDuration != .any || searchDate != .any } private func resetFilters() { searchSortOrder = .relevance searchDate = .any searchDuration = .any } private var noResults: Bool { && !state.isLoading && !state.query.isEmpty } private var recentQueries: some View { VStack { List { Section(header: Text("Recents")) { if recentlyOpened.isEmpty { Text("Search history is empty") .foregroundColor(.secondary) } ForEach(recentlyOpened.reversed(), id: \.tag) { item in recentItemControl(item) .lineLimit(1) .truncationMode(.middle) .foregroundColor(.accentColor) } } .redrawOn(change: recentsChanged) Section(footer: Color.clear.frame(minHeight: 80)) { clearHistoryButton } } } #if os(iOS) .listStyle(.insetGrouped) #endif } @ViewBuilder private func recentItemControl(_ item: RecentItem) -> some View { #if os(tvOS) recentItemButton(item) #else if recentItemIsNavigationLink(item) { recentItemNavigationLink(item) } else { recentItemButton(item) } #endif } private func recentItemNavigationLink(_ item: RecentItem) -> some View { NavigationLink(destination: recentItemNavigationLinkDestination(item)) { recentItemLabel(item) } } @ViewBuilder private func recentItemNavigationLinkDestination(_ item: RecentItem) -> some View { switch item.type { case .channel: if let channel = { ChannelVideosView(channel: channel) } case .playlist: if let playlist = item.playlist { ChannelPlaylistView(playlist: playlist) } default: EmptyView() } } func recentItemIsNavigationLink(_ item: RecentItem) -> Bool { switch item.type { case .channel: return navigationStyle == .tab case .playlist: return navigationStyle == .tab default: return false } } private func recentItemButton(_ item: RecentItem) -> some View { Button { switch item.type { case .query: state.queryText = item.title state.changeQuery { query in query.query = item.title } NavigationModel.shared.hideKeyboard() updateFavoriteItem() RecentsModel.shared.add(item) case .channel: guard let channel = else { return } NavigationModel.shared.openChannel( channel, navigationStyle: navigationStyle ) case .playlist: guard let playlist = item.playlist else { return } NavigationModel.shared.openChannelPlaylist( playlist, navigationStyle: navigationStyle ) } } label: { recentItemLabel(item) } .contextMenu { removeButton(item) #if os(tvOS) Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {} #endif } } private func recentItemLabel(_ item: RecentItem) -> some View { let systemImage = item.type == .query ? "magnifyingglass" : item.type == .channel ? RecentsModel.symbolSystemImage(item.title) : "" return Label(item.title, systemImage: systemImage) } private func removeButton(_ item: RecentItem) -> some View { Button { RecentsModel.shared.close(item) recentsChanged.toggle() } label: { Label("Remove", systemImage: "trash") } } private var clearHistoryButton: some View { Button { NavigationModel.shared.presentAlert( Alert( title: Text("Are you sure you want to clear search history?"), message: Text("This cannot be reverted"), primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Clear")) { RecentsModel.shared.clear() recentsChanged.toggle() }, secondaryButton: .cancel() ) ) } label: { Label("Clear Search History...", systemImage: "trash.fill") } .labelStyle(.titleOnly) .foregroundColor(Color("AppRedColor")) } private var searchFiltersActive: Bool { searchDate != .any || searchDuration != .any } private var searchSortOrderPicker: some View { Picker("Sort", selection: $searchSortOrder) { ForEach(SearchQuery.SortOrder.allCases) { sortOrder in Text( } } } #if os(tvOS) private var searchSortOrderButton: some View { Button(action: { self.searchSortOrder = }) { Text( .font(.system(size: 30)) .padding(.horizontal) .padding(.vertical, 2) } .buttonStyle(.card) .contextMenu { ForEach(SearchQuery.SortOrder.allCases) { sortOrder in Button( { self.searchSortOrder = sortOrder } } } } private var searchDateButton: some View { Button(action: { self.searchDate = }) { Text( .font(.system(size: 30)) .padding(.horizontal) .padding(.vertical, 2) } .buttonStyle(.card) .contextMenu { ForEach(SearchQuery.Date.allCases) { searchDate in Button( { self.searchDate = searchDate } } } } private var searchDurationButton: some View { Button(action: { self.searchDuration = }) { Text( .font(.system(size: 30)) .padding(.horizontal) .padding(.vertical, 2) } .buttonStyle(.card) .contextMenu { ForEach(SearchQuery.Duration.allCases) { searchDuration in Button( { self.searchDuration = searchDuration } } } } private var filtersHorizontalStack: some View { HStack { HStack(spacing: 30) { Text("Sort") .foregroundColor(.secondary) searchSortOrderButton } .frame(maxWidth: 300, alignment: .trailing) HStack(spacing: 30) { Text("Duration") .foregroundColor(.secondary) searchDurationButton } .frame(maxWidth: 300) HStack(spacing: 30) { Text("Date") .foregroundColor(.secondary) searchDateButton } .frame(maxWidth: 300, alignment: .leading) } .font(.system(size: 30)) } #else private var filtersMenu: some View { Menu(filtersActive ? "Filter: active" : "Filter") { Picker(selection: $searchDuration, label: Text("Duration")) { ForEach(SearchQuery.Duration.allCases) { duration in Text( } } Picker("Upload date", selection: $searchDate) { ForEach(SearchQuery.Date.allCases) { date in Text( } } } .foregroundColor(filtersActive ? .accentColor : .secondary) .transaction { t in t.animation = .none } } #endif private func updateFavoriteItem() { favoriteItem = FavoriteItem(section: .searchQuery( state.queryText, searchDate.rawValue, searchDuration.rawValue, searchSortOrder.rawValue )) } var shouldDisplayHeader: Bool { #if os(tvOS) !state.query.isEmpty #else false #endif } var header: some View { HStack { clearButton #if os(tvOS) if { filtersHorizontalStack } #endif FavoriteButton(item: favoriteItem) .id(favoriteItem?.id) .labelStyle(.iconOnly) .font(.system(size: 25)) Spacer() ListingStyleButtons(listingStyle: $searchListingStyle) HideWatchedButtons() HideShortsButtons() } .labelStyle(.iconOnly) .padding(.leading, 30) .padding(.bottom, 15) .padding(.trailing, 30) } var clearButton: some View { Button { state.queryText = "" } label: { Label("Clear", systemImage: "xmark") .labelStyle(.iconOnly) } .font(.caption) } } struct SearchView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { NavigationView { SearchView(SearchQuery(query: "Is Google Evil"), videos: Video.fixtures(30)) .injectFixtureEnvironmentObjects() } } }