" subscribers" = " subscribers"; "#" = "#"; "%@" = "%@"; "%@ %@" = "%@ %@"; "%@ Channel" = "%@ Channel"; "%@ Playlist" = "%@ Playlist"; "%@ subscribers" = "%@ subscribers"; "%lld" = "%lld"; "%lld videos" = "%lld videos"; "%lld%%" = "%lld%%"; "1 century ago" = "1 century ago"; "1,234M" = "1,234M"; "10 seconds forwards/backwards" = "10 seconds forwards/backwards"; "1234" = "1234"; "a" = "a"; "A" = "A"; "Accounts" = "Accounts"; "Accounts are not supported for the application of this instance" = "Accounts are not supported for the application of this instance"; "Add Account" = "Add Account"; "Add Account..." = "Add Account..."; "Add Location" = "Add Location"; "Add Location..." = "Add Location..."; "Add profile..." = "Add profile..."; "Add Quality Profile" = "Add Quality Profile"; "Add to %@" = "Add to %@"; "Add to Favorites" = "Add to Favorites"; "Add to Playlist" = "Add to Playlist"; "Add to Playlist..." = "Add to Playlist..."; "Advanced" = "Advanced"; /* Trending category, section containing all kinds of videos */ "All" = "All"; "Always use AVPlayer for live videos" = "Always use AVPlayer for live videos"; "Anonymous" = "Anonymous"; /* Video date filter in search Video duration filter in search */ "Any" = "Any"; "Apply to all" = "Apply to all"; "Are you sure you want to clear history of watched videos?" = "Are you sure you want to clear history of watched videos?"; "Are you sure you want to clear search history?" = "Are you sure you want to clear search history?"; "Are you sure you want to delete playlist?" = "Are you sure you want to delete playlist?"; "Are you sure you want to restore default quality profiles?" = "Are you sure you want to restore default quality profiles?"; "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from %@?" = "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from %@?"; "Automatic" = "Automatic"; "Autoplaying Next" = "Autoplaying Next"; "Backend" = "Backend"; "Badge" = "Badge"; "Badge & Decreased opacity" = "Badge & Decreased opacity"; "Badge color" = "Badge color"; "Based on system color scheme" = "Based on system color scheme"; "Battery" = "Battery"; "Blue" = "Blue"; "Browsing" = "Browsing"; "Buffering stream..." = "Buffering stream..."; "Bugs and great feature ideas can be sent to the GitHub issues tracker. " = "Bugs and great feature ideas can be sent to the GitHub issues tracker. "; "Button" = "Button"; "cache-pause-wait" = "cache-pause-wait"; "cache-secs" = "cache-secs"; "Cancel" = "Cancel"; "Captions" = "Captions"; "Categories to Skip" = "Categories to Skip"; "Category" = "Category"; "Cellular" = "Cellular"; "Chapters" = "Chapters"; "Charging" = "Charging"; "Clear" = "Clear"; "Clear All" = "Clear All"; "Clear All Recents" = "Clear All Recents"; "Clear History" = "Clear History"; "Clear Search History" = "Clear Search History"; "Clear Search History..." = "Clear Search History..."; "Clear the queue" = "Clear the queue"; "Close" = "Close"; "Close PiP and open player when application enters foreground" = "Close PiP and open player when application enters foreground"; "Close PiP when player is opened" = "Close PiP when player is opened"; "Close PiP when starting playing other video" = "Close PiP when starting playing other video"; "Close player when closing video" = "Close player when closing video"; "Close player when starting PiP" = "Close player when starting PiP"; "Close Video" = "Close Video"; "Close video after playing last in the queue" = "Close video after playing last in the queue"; "Comments" = "Comments"; "Connected successfully (%@)" = "Connected successfully (%@)"; "Connection failed" = "Connection failed"; "Contact" = "Contact"; "Continue" = "Continue"; "Continue from %@" = "Continue from %@"; "Contributing" = "Contributing"; "Controls" = "Controls"; "Copy %@ link" = "Copy %@ link"; "Copy %@ link with time" = "Copy %@ link with time"; "Could not load locations manifest" = "Could not load locations manifest"; "Country" = "Country"; "Country Name or Code" = "Country Name or Code"; "Create Playlist" = "Create Playlist"; "Current: %@\n%@" = "Current: %@\n%@"; /* Locations settings, custom instance is selected as current */ "Custom" = "Custom"; "Custom Locations" = "Custom Locations"; /* Video sort order in search */ "Date" = "Date"; "Decrease rate" = "Decrease rate"; "Decreased opacity" = "Decreased opacity"; "Delete" = "Delete"; "Disabled" = "Disabled"; "Discord Server" = "Discord Server"; "Discussions take place in Discord and Matrix. It's a good spot for general questions." = "Discussions take place in Discord and Matrix. It's a good spot for general questions."; "Don't use public locations" = "Don't use public locations"; "Donations" = "Donations"; "Done" = "Done"; "Duration" = "Duration"; "Edit" = "Edit"; "Edit Playlist" = "Edit Playlist"; "Edit Quality Profile" = "Edit Quality Profile"; "Edit..." = "Edit..."; "Enable logging" = "Enable logging"; "Enable Return YouTube Dislike" = "Enable Return YouTube Dislike"; "Enter fullscreen in landscape" = "Enter fullscreen in landscape"; "Error" = "Error"; "Error when accessing playlist" = "Error when accessing playlist"; "Explicit reminders to like, subscribe or interact with them on any paid or free platform(s) (e.g. click on a video)." = "Explicit reminders to like, subscribe or interact with them on any paid or free platform(s) (e.g. click on a video)."; "Favorites" = "Favorites"; "Filter" = "Filter"; "Filter: active" = "Filter: active"; "Find Other" = "Find Other"; "Finding something to play..." = "Finding something to play..."; "For videos which feature music as the primary content." = "For videos which feature music as the primary content."; "Formats will be selected in order as listed.\nHLS is an adaptive format (resolution setting does not apply)." = "Formats will be selected in order as listed.\nHLS is an adaptive format (resolution setting does not apply)."; "Frontend URL" = "Frontend URL"; "Fullscreen size" = "Fullscreen size"; "Gaming" = "Gaming"; "Help" = "Help"; "Hide sidebar" = "Hide sidebar"; "High" = "High"; "Highest" = "Highest"; "Highest quality" = "Highest quality"; "History" = "History"; "Honor orientation lock" = "Honor orientation lock"; /* Video date filter in search */ "Hour" = "Hour"; "I am lost" = "I am lost"; "I found a bug /" = "I found a bug /"; "I have a feature request" = "I have a feature request"; "I like this app!" = "I like this app!"; "I want to ask a question" = "I want to ask a question"; "If you are interested what's coming in future updates, you can track project Milestones." = "If you are interested what's coming in future updates, you can track project Milestones."; "If you are reporting a bug, include all relevant details (especially: appĀ version, used device and system version, steps to reproduce)." = "If you are reporting a bug, include all relevant details (especially: appĀ version, used device and system version, steps to reproduce)."; "Increase rate" = "Increase rate"; "Info" = "Info"; "Instance of current account" = "Instance of current account"; /* SponsorBlock category name */ "Interaction" = "Interaction"; "Interface" = "Interface"; /* SponsorBlock category name */ "Intro" = "Intro"; "Issues Tracker" = "Issues Tracker"; /* Selected video has just finished playing */ "Just watched" = "Just watched"; /* Player controls layout size */ "Large" = "Large"; "Large layout is not suitable for all devices and using it may cause controls not to fit on the screen." = "Large layout is not suitable for all devices and using it may cause controls not to fit on the screen."; "LIVE" = "LIVE"; /* Loading stream OSD */ "Loading streams..." = "Loading streams..."; "Loading..." = "Loading..."; "Locations" = "Locations"; "Lock portrait mode" = "Lock portrait mode"; /* Video duration filter in search */ "Long" = "Long"; "Low" = "Low"; "Low quality" = "Low quality"; "Lowest" = "Lowest"; "Mark as watched" = "Mark as watched"; "Mark video as watched after playing" = "Mark video as watched after playing"; "Mark watched videos with" = "Mark watched videos with"; "Matrix Channel" = "Matrix Channel"; "Matrix Chat" = "Matrix Chat"; /* Player controls layout size */ "Medium" = "Medium"; "Medium quality" = "Medium quality"; "Milestones" = "Milestones"; /* Video date filter in search */ "Month" = "Month"; "More info can be found in:" = "More info can be found in:"; "Movies" = "Movies"; "MPV Documentation" = "MPV Documentation"; "Music" = "Music"; "Name" = "Name"; "New Playlist" = "New Playlist"; "Next" = "Next"; "No description" = "No description"; "No Playlists" = "No Playlists"; "No results" = "No results"; "Normal" = "Normal"; "Not available" = "Not available"; "Not Playing" = "Not Playing"; "Nothing" = "Nothing"; /* SponsorBlock category name */ "Offtopic in Music Videos" = "Offtopic in Music Videos"; "Only when signed in" = "Only when signed in"; "Open \"Playlists\" tab to create new one" = "Open \"Playlists\" tab to create new one"; "Open Settings" = "Open Settings"; /* Loading stream OSD */ "Opening %@ stream..." = "Opening %@ stream..."; "Opening audio stream..." = "Opening audio stream..."; "Orientation" = "Orientation"; /* SponsorBlock category name */ "Outro" = "Outro"; "Part of a video promoting a product or service not directly related to the creator. The creator will receive payment or compensation in the form of money or free products." = "Part of a video promoting a product or service not directly related to the creator. The creator will receive payment or compensation in the form of money or free products."; "Password" = "Password"; "Pause" = "Pause"; "Pause when entering background" = "Pause when entering background"; "Pause when player is closed" = "Pause when player is closed"; "Picture in Picture" = "Picture in Picture"; "Play" = "Play"; "Play All" = "Play All"; "Play in PiP" = "Play in PiP"; "Play Last" = "Play Last"; "Play Music" = "Play Music"; "Play Next" = "Play Next"; "Play Now" = "Play Now"; "Playback" = "Playback"; "Player" = "Player"; "Playlist" = "Playlist"; "Playlist \"%@\" will be deleted.\nIt cannot be reverted." = "Playlist \"%@\" will be deleted.\nIt cannot be reverted."; "Playlists" = "Playlists"; "Popular" = "Popular"; "Preferred Formats" = "Preferred Formats"; "Profiles" = "Profiles"; "Promoting a product or service that is directly related to the creator themselves. This usually includes merchandise or promotion of monetized platforms." = "Promoting a product or service that is directly related to the creator themselves. This usually includes merchandise or promotion of monetized platforms."; "Proxy videos" = "Proxy videos"; "Public Locations" = "Public Locations"; "Public Manifest" = "Public Manifest"; "Quality" = "Quality"; "Quality Profile" = "Quality Profile"; "Queue" = "Queue"; "Queue is empty" = "Queue is empty"; "Rate" = "Rate"; /* Video sort order in search */ "Rating" = "Rating"; "Recents" = "Recents"; "Red" = "Red"; "Refresh" = "Refresh"; "Regular size" = "Regular size"; "Regular Size" = "Regular Size"; "Related" = "Related"; /* Video sort order in search */ "Relevance" = "Relevance"; "Remove" = "Remove"; "Remove from Favorites" = "Remove from Favorites"; "Remove from history" = "Remove from history"; "Remove from Playlist" = "Remove from Playlist"; "Remove from the queue" = "Remove from the queue"; "Replies" = "Replies"; "Reset" = "Reset"; "Reset search filters" = "Reset search filters"; "Reset watched status when playing again" = "Reset watched status when playing again"; "Resolution" = "Resolution"; "Restart" = "Restart"; "Restart the app to apply the settings above." = "Restart the app to apply the settings above."; "Restart/Play next" = "Restart/Play next"; "Restore default profiles..." = "Restore default profiles..."; "Rotate to portrait when exiting fullscreen" = "Rotate to portrait when exiting fullscreen"; "Round corners" = "Round corners"; "Save" = "Save"; "Save history of played videos" = "Save history of played videos"; "Save history of searches, channels and playlists" = "Save history of searches, channels and playlists"; "Search" = "Search"; "Search history is empty" = "Search history is empty"; "Search..." = "Search..."; "Sections" = "Sections"; "Seek gesture sensitivity" = "Seek gesture sensitivity"; "Seek gesture speed" = "Seek gesture speed"; "Seek with horizontal swipe on video" = "Seek with horizontal swipe on video"; "Segments typically found at the start of a video that include an animation, still frame or clip which are also seen in other videos by the same creator." = "Segments typically found at the start of a video that include an animation, still frame or clip which are also seen in other videos by the same creator."; "Select location closest to you:" = "Select location closest to you:"; /* SponsorBlock category name */ "Self-promotion" = "Self-promotion"; "Settings" = "Settings"; "Share %@ link" = "Share %@ link"; "Share %@ link with time" = "Share %@ link with time"; "Share..." = "Share..."; /* Video duration filter in search */ "Short" = "Short"; "Show account username" = "Show account username"; "Show anonymous accounts" = "Show anonymous accounts"; "Show channel name" = "Show channel name"; "Show history" = "Show history"; "Show keywords" = "Show keywords"; "Show playback statistics" = "Show playback statistics"; "Show progress of watching on thumbnails" = "Show progress of watching on thumbnails"; "Show sidebar when space permits" = "Show sidebar when space permits"; "Show video length" = "Show video length"; "Shuffle" = "Shuffle"; "Shuffle All" = "Shuffle All"; "Sidebar" = "Sidebar"; "Sign In Required" = "Sign In Required"; /* Player controls layout size */ "Small" = "Small"; /* Player controls layout size */ "Smaller" = "Smaller"; "Sort" = "Sort"; "Sort: %@" = "Sort: %@"; "Source" = "Source"; /* SponsorBlock category name */ "Sponsor" = "Sponsor"; "SponsorBlock" = "SponsorBlock"; "SponsorBlock API Instance" = "SponsorBlock API Instance"; "Subscribe" = "Subscribe"; /* Subscriptions title */ "Subscriptions" = "Subscriptions"; "Switch to other public location" = "Switch to other public location"; "Switch to public locations" = "Switch to public locations"; "System controls buttons" = "System controls buttons"; "System controls show buttons for %@" = "System controls show buttons for %@"; "That's nice to hear. It is fun to deliver apps other people want to use. You can consider donating to the project or help by contributing to new features development." = "That's nice to hear. It is fun to deliver apps other people want to use. You can consider donating to the project or help by contributing to new features development."; "This cannot be reverted" = "This cannot be reverted"; "This cannot be reverted. You might need to switch between views or restart the app to see changes." = "This cannot be reverted. You might need to switch between views or restart the app to see changes."; "This information will be processed only on your device and used to connect you to the server in the specified country." = "This information will be processed only on your device and used to connect you to the server in the specified country."; "This will remove all your custom profiles and return their default values. This cannot be reverted." = "This will remove all your custom profiles and return their default values. This cannot be reverted."; "Thumbnails" = "Thumbnails"; /* Video date filter in search */ "Today" = "Today"; "Trending" = "Trending"; /* Player controls layout size for TV */ "TV" = "TV"; "Typically near or at the end of the video when the credits pop up and/or endcards are shown." = "Typically near or at the end of the video when the credits pop up and/or endcards are shown."; "unknown" = "unknown"; "Unsubscribe" = "Unsubscribe"; "Upload date" = "Upload date"; "URL" = "URL"; "Used to create links from videos, channels and playlists" = "Used to create links from videos, channels and playlists"; "Username" = "Username"; /* Player controls layout size */ "Very Large" = "Very Large"; "Videos" = "Videos"; /* Video sort order in search */ "Views" = "Views"; "Watched" = "Watched"; /* Selected video was played on given date */ "Watched %@" = "Watched %@"; /* Selected video is being played */ "Watching now" = "Watching now"; /* Video date filter in search */ "Week" = "Week"; "Welcome" = "Welcome"; "When partially watched video is played" = "When partially watched video is played"; "Wi-Fi" = "Wi-Fi"; "Wiki" = "Wiki"; "Yattee" = "Yattee"; "Yattee %@ (build %@)" = "Yattee %@ (build %@)"; /* Video date filter in search */ "Year" = "Year"; "You can find information about using Yattee in the Wiki pages." = "You can find information about using Yattee in the Wiki pages."; "You can use automatic profile selection based on current device status or switch it in video playback settings controls." = "You can use automatic profile selection based on current device status or switch it in video playback settings controls."; "You have no Playlists" = "You have no Playlists"; "You have no playlists\n\nTap on \"New Playlist\" to create one" = "You have no playlists\n\nTap on \"New Playlist\" to create one"; "You need to create an instance and accounts\nto access %@ section" = "You need to create an instance and accounts\nto access %@ section"; "You need to select an account\nto access %@ section" = "You need to select an account\nto access %@ section"; "Public" = "Public"; "Unlisted" = "Unlisted"; "Now Playing" = "Now Playing"; "Current Location" = "Current Location"; "Private" = "Private"; "Playback queue is empty" = "Playback queue is empty"; "Playing Next" = "Playing Next"; "You can switch between profiles in playback settings controls." = "You can switch between profiles in playback settings controls."; "Add Channels, Playlists and Searches to Favorites using" = "Add Channels, Playlists and Searches to Favorites using"; "Make default" = "Make default"; "Visibility" = "Visibility"; "Current Playlist" = "Current Playlist"; "Stream & Player" = "Stream & Player"; "Statistics" = "Statistics"; "Hardware decoder" = "Hardware decoder"; "Stream FPS" = "Stream FPS"; "Cached time" = "Cached time"; "Rate & Captions" = "Rate & Captions"; "Dropped frames" = "Dropped frames"; "Any format" = "Any format"; "%@ formats" = "%@ formats"; "Keep last played video in the queue after restart" = "Keep last played video in the queue after restart"; "Playlist is empty\n\nTap and hold on a video and then \n\"Add to Playlist\"" = "Playlist is empty\n\nTap and hold on a video and then\n\"Add to Playlist\""; "It can be changed later in settings. You can use your own locations too." = "It can be changed later in settings. You can use your own locations too."; "Press and hold remote button to open captions and quality menus" = "Press and hold remote button to open captions and quality menus"; "Comments are disabled" = "Comments are disabled"; "No comments" = "No comments"; "No chapters information available" = "No chapters information available";