import Foundation extension Video { static var fixtureID: Video.ID = "video-fixture" static var fixtureChannelID: Channel.ID = "channel-fixture" static var fixture: Video { let bannerURL = ",00005a57ffffa5a8-k-c0xffffffff-no-nd-rj" let thumbnailURL = "" let chapterImageURL = URL(string: "")! return Video( videoID: fixtureID, title: "Relaxing Piano Music to feel good", author: "Fancy Videotuber", length: 582, published: "7 years ago", views: 21534, description: "Some relaxing live piano music", genre: "Music", channel: Channel( id: fixtureChannelID, name: "The Channel", bannerURL: URL(string: bannerURL)!, thumbnailURL: URL(string: thumbnailURL)!, subscriptionsCount: 2300, totalViews: 3_260_378_817, videos: [] ), thumbnails: [], live: false, upcoming: false, publishedAt: Date(), likes: 37333, dislikes: 30, keywords: ["very", "cool", "video", "msfs 2020", "757", "747", "A380", "737-900", "MOD", "Zibo", "MD80", "MD11", "Rotate", "Laminar", "787", "A350", "MSFS", "MS2020", "Microsoft Flight Simulator", "Microsoft", "Flight", "Simulator", "SIM", "World", "Ortho", "Flying", "Boeing MAX"], chapters: [ .init(title: "A good chapter name", image: chapterImageURL, start: 20), .init(title: "Other fine but incredibly too long chapter name, I don't know what else to say", image: chapterImageURL, start: 30), .init(title: "Short", image: chapterImageURL, start: 60) ] ) } static var fixtureLiveWithoutPublishedOrViews: Video { var video = fixture video.title = "\(video.title) \(video.title) \(video.title) \(video.title) \(video.title)" video.published = "0 seconds ago" video.views = 0 = true return video } static var fixtureUpcomingWithoutPublishedOrViews: Video { var video = fixtureLiveWithoutPublishedOrViews = false video.upcoming = true return video } static var allFixtures: [Video] { [fixture, fixtureLiveWithoutPublishedOrViews, fixtureUpcomingWithoutPublishedOrViews] } static func fixtures(_ count: Int) -> [Video] { var result = [Video]() while result.count < count { result.append(allFixtures.shuffled().first!) } return result } }