import Defaults import Siesta import SwiftUI import UniformTypeIdentifiers struct FavoriteItemView: View { var item: FavoriteItem @Environment(\.navigationStyle) private var navigationStyle @StateObject private var store = FavoriteResourceObserver() @ObservedObject private var accounts = AccountsModel.shared private var playlists = PlaylistsModel.shared private var favoritesModel = FavoritesModel.shared private var navigation = NavigationModel.shared @ObservedObject private var player = PlayerModel.shared @ObservedObject private var watchModel = WatchModel.shared @FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: [.init(key: "watchedAt", ascending: false)]) var watches: FetchedResults @State private var visibleWatches = [Watch]() @Default(.hideShorts) private var hideShorts @Default(.hideWatched) private var hideWatched @Default(.widgetsSettings) private var widgetsSettings @Default(.visibleSections) private var visibleSections init(item: FavoriteItem) { self.item = item } var body: some View { Group { if isVisible { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) { itemControl .contextMenu { contextMenu } .contentShape(Rectangle()) #if os(tvOS) .padding(.leading, 40) #else .padding(.leading, 15) #endif if limitedItems.isEmpty, !(resource?.isLoading ?? false) { VStack(alignment: .leading) { Text(emptyItemsText) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) .foregroundColor(.secondary) if hideShorts || hideWatched { AccentButton(text: "Disable filters", maxWidth: nil, verticalPadding: 0, minHeight: 30) { hideShorts = false hideWatched = false reloadVisibleWatches() } } } .padding(.vertical, 10) #if os(tvOS) .padding(.horizontal, 40) #else .padding(.horizontal, 15) #endif } else { Group { switch widgetListingStyle { case .horizontalCells: HorizontalCells(items: limitedItems) case .list: ListView(items: limitedItems) .padding(.vertical, 10) #if os(tvOS) .padding(.leading, 40) #else .padding(.horizontal, 15) #endif } } .environment(\.inChannelView, inChannelView) } } .contentShape(Rectangle()) .onAppear { if item.section == .history { reloadVisibleWatches() } else { resource?.addObserver(store) loadCacheAndResource() } } .onChange(of: player.currentVideo) { _ in reloadVisibleWatches() } .onChange(of: hideShorts) { _ in reloadVisibleWatches() } .onChange(of: hideWatched) { _ in reloadVisibleWatches() } } } .id(watchModel.historyToken) .onChange(of: accounts.current) { _ in resource?.addObserver(store) loadCacheAndResource(force: true) } .onChange(of: watchModel.historyToken) { _ in { reloadVisibleWatches() } } } var emptyItemsText: String { var filterText = "" if hideShorts && hideWatched { filterText = "(watched and shorts hidden)" } else if hideShorts { filterText = "(shorts hidden)" } else if hideWatched { filterText = "(watched hidden)" } return "No videos to show".localized() + " " + filterText.localized() } var contextMenu: some View { Group { if item.section == .history { Section { Button { navigation.presentAlert( Alert( title: Text("Are you sure you want to clear history of watched videos?"), message: Text("This cannot be reverted"), primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Clear All")) { PlayerModel.shared.removeHistory() visibleWatches = [] }, secondaryButton: .cancel() ) ) } label: { Label("Clear History", systemImage: "trash") } } } Button { favoritesModel.remove(item) } label: { Label("Remove from Favorites", systemImage: "trash") } #if os(tvOS) Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {} #endif } } func reloadVisibleWatches() { guard item.section == .history else { return } visibleWatches = [] let watches = Array( watches .filter { $0.videoID != player.currentVideo?.videoID && itemVisible(.init(video: $ } .prefix(favoritesModel.limit(item)) ) let last = watches.last for watch in watches { player.loadHistoryVideoDetails(watch) { guard let video = player.historyVideo(watch.videoID), itemVisible(.init(video: video)) else { return } visibleWatches.append(watch) guard watch == last else { return } visibleWatches.sort { $0.watchedAt ?? Date() > $1.watchedAt ?? Date() } } } } var limitedItems: [ContentItem] { var items: [ContentItem] if item.section == .history { items = { ContentItem(video: player.historyVideo($0.videoID) ?? $ } } else { items = store.contentItems.filter { itemVisible($0) } } return Array(items.prefix(favoritesModel.limit(item))) } func itemVisible(_ item: ContentItem) -> Bool { if hideWatched, watch(item)?.finished ?? false { return false } guard hideShorts, item.contentType == .video, let video = else { return true } return !video.short } func watch(_ item: ContentItem) -> Watch? { guard let id = else { return nil } return watches.first { $0.videoID == id } } var widgetListingStyle: WidgetListingStyle { favoritesModel.listingStyle(item) } func loadCacheAndResource(force: Bool = false) { guard let resource else { return } var onSuccess: (Entity) -> Void = { _ in } var contentItems = [ContentItem]() switch item.section { case .subscriptions: let feed = FeedCacheModel.shared.retrieveFeed(account: accounts.current) contentItems = ContentItem.array(of: feed) onSuccess = { response in if let videos: [Video] = response.typedContent() { FeedCacheModel.shared.storeFeed(account: accounts.current, videos: videos) } } case let .channel(_, id, name): var channel = Channel(app: .invidious, id: id, name: name) if let cache = ChannelsCacheModel.shared.retrieve(channel.cacheKey), let cacheChannel =, !cacheChannel.videos.isEmpty { contentItems = ContentItem.array(of: cacheChannel.videos) } onSuccess = { response in if let channel: Channel = response.typedContent() { store.contentItems = ContentItem.array(of: channel.videos) } else if let videos: [Video] = response.typedContent() { channel.videos = videos store.contentItems = ContentItem.array(of: videos) } else if let channelPage: ChannelPage = response.typedContent() { if let channel = { } store.contentItems = channelPage.results } } case let .channelPlaylist(_, id, title): if let cache = ChannelPlaylistsCacheModel.shared.retrievePlaylist(.init(id: id, title: title)), !cache.videos.isEmpty { contentItems = ContentItem.array(of: cache.videos) } onSuccess = { response in if let playlist: ChannelPlaylist = response.typedContent() { ChannelPlaylistsCacheModel.shared.storePlaylist(playlist: playlist) } } case let .playlist(_, id): let playlists = PlaylistsCacheModel.shared.retrievePlaylists(account: accounts.current) if let playlist = playlists.first(where: { $ == id }) { contentItems = ContentItem.array(of: playlist.videos) } default: contentItems = [] } if !contentItems.isEmpty { store.contentItems = contentItems } if force { resource.load().onSuccess(onSuccess) } else { resource.loadIfNeeded()?.onSuccess(onSuccess) } } var navigatableItem: Bool { switch item.section { case .history: return false case .trending: return visibleSections.contains(.trending) case .subscriptions: return visibleSections.contains(.subscriptions) && accounts.signedIn case .popular: return visibleSections.contains(.popular) && default: return true } } var inChannelView: Bool { switch item.section { case .channel: return true default: return false } } var itemControl: some View { VStack { if navigatableItem { #if os(tvOS) itemButton #else if itemIsNavigationLink { itemNavigationLink } else { itemButton } #endif } else { itemLabel .foregroundColor(.secondary) } } } var itemButton: some View { Button(action: itemButtonAction) { itemLabel .foregroundColor(.accentColor) } #if !os(tvOS) .buttonStyle(.plain) #endif } var itemNavigationLink: some View { NavigationLink(destination: itemNavigationLinkDestination) { itemLabel } } var itemIsNavigationLink: Bool { switch item.section { case .channel: return navigationStyle == .tab case .channelPlaylist: return navigationStyle == .tab case .playlist: return navigationStyle == .tab case .subscriptions: return navigationStyle == .tab case .popular: return navigationStyle == .tab default: return false } } @ViewBuilder var itemNavigationLinkDestination: some View { switch item.section { case let .channel(_, id, name): ChannelVideosView(channel: .init(app: .invidious, id: id, name: name)) case let .channelPlaylist(_, id, title): ChannelPlaylistView(playlist: .init(id: id, title: title)) case let .playlist(_, id): ChannelPlaylistView(playlist: .init(id: id, title: label)) case .subscriptions: SubscriptionsView() case .popular: PopularView() default: EmptyView() } } func itemButtonAction() { switch item.section { case let .channel(_, id, name): NavigationModel.shared.openChannel(.init(app: .invidious, id: id, name: name), navigationStyle: navigationStyle) case let .channelPlaylist(_, id, title): NavigationModel.shared.openChannelPlaylist(.init(id: id, title: title), navigationStyle: navigationStyle) case .subscriptions: navigation.hideViewsAboveBrowser() navigation.tabSelection = .subscriptions case .popular: navigation.hideViewsAboveBrowser() navigation.tabSelection = .popular case let .trending(country, category): navigation.hideViewsAboveBrowser() Defaults[.trendingCountry] = .init(rawValue: country) ?? .us Defaults[.trendingCategory] = category.isNil ? .default : (.init(rawValue: category!) ?? .default) navigation.tabSelection = .trending case let .searchQuery(text, _, _, _): navigation.hideViewsAboveBrowser() navigation.openSearchQuery(text) case let .playlist(_, id): navigation.tabSelection = .playlist(id) case .history: print("should not happen") } } var itemLabel: some View { HStack { Text(label) .font(.title3.bold()) if navigatableItem { Image(systemName: "chevron.right") .imageScale(.small) } } .lineLimit(1) .padding(.trailing, 10) } private var isVisible: Bool { switch item.section { case .subscriptions: return && !accounts.isEmpty && !accounts.current.anonymous case .popular: return case let .channel(appType, _, _): guard let appType = VideosApp.AppType(rawValue: appType) else { return false } return == appType case let .channelPlaylist(appType, _, _): guard let appType = VideosApp.AppType(rawValue: appType) else { return false } return == appType case let .playlist(accountID, _): return accounts.current?.id == accountID default: return true } } private var resource: Resource? { switch item.section { case .history: return nil case .subscriptions: if { return accounts.api.feed(1) } case .popular: if { return accounts.api.popular } case let .trending(country, category): let trendingCountry = Country(rawValue: country)! let trendingCategory = category.isNil ? nil : TrendingCategory(rawValue: category!) return accounts.api.trending(country: trendingCountry, category: trendingCategory) case let .channel(_, id, _): return accounts.api.channelVideos(id) case let .channelPlaylist(_, id, _): return accounts.api.channelPlaylist(id) case let .playlist(_, id): return accounts.api.playlist(id) case let .searchQuery(text, date, duration, order): return .init( query: text, sortBy: SearchQuery.SortOrder(rawValue: order) ?? .uploadDate, date: SearchQuery.Date(rawValue: date), duration: SearchQuery.Duration(rawValue: duration) ), page: nil ) } return nil } private var label: String { switch item.section { case let .playlist(_, id): return playlists.find(id: id)?.title ?? "Playlist".localized() default: return item.section.label.localized() } } } struct FavoriteItemView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { NavigationView { VStack { FavoriteItemView(item: .init(section: .channel("peerTube", "a", "Search: resistance body upper band workout"))) .environment(\.navigationStyle, .tab) FavoriteItemView(item: .init(section: .channel("peerTube", "a", "Marques"))) .environment(\.navigationStyle, .sidebar) } } } }