import Foundation extension Video { static var fixtureID: Video.ID = "video-fixture" static var fixtureChannelID: Channel.ID = "channel-fixture" static var fixture: Video { let bannerURL = ",00005a57ffffa5a8-k-c0xffffffff-no-nd-rj" let thumbnailURL = "" let chapterImageURL = URL(string: "")! return Video( app: .invidious, videoID: fixtureID, title: "Relaxing Piano Music to feel good", author: "Fancy Videotuber", length: 582, published: "7 years ago", views: 21534, description: "Some relaxing live piano music", genre: "Music", channel: Channel( app: .invidious, id: fixtureChannelID, name: "The Channel", bannerURL: URL(string: bannerURL)!, thumbnailURL: URL(string: thumbnailURL)!, description: "The best channel that ever existed.\nThe best channel that ever existed. The best channel that ever existed. The best channel that ever existed. The best channel that ever existed. ", subscriptionsCount: 2300, totalViews: 3_260_378_817, videos: [] ), thumbnails: [], live: false, upcoming: false, publishedAt: Date(), likes: 37333, dislikes: 30, keywords: ["very", "cool", "video", "msfs 2020", "757", "747", "A380", "737-900", "MOD", "Zibo", "MD80", "MD11", "Rotate", "Laminar", "787", "A350", "MSFS", "MS2020", "Microsoft Flight Simulator", "Microsoft", "Flight", "Simulator", "SIM", "World", "Ortho", "Flying", "Boeing MAX"], chapters: [ .init(title: "A good chapter name", image: chapterImageURL, start: 20), .init(title: "Other fine but incredibly too long chapter name, I don't know what else to say", image: chapterImageURL, start: 30), .init(title: "Short", image: chapterImageURL, start: 60) ] ) } static var fixtureLiveWithoutPublishedOrViews: Video { var video = fixture video.title = "\(video.title) \(video.title) \(video.title) \(video.title) \(video.title)" video.published = "0 seconds ago" video.views = 0 = true return video } static var fixtureUpcomingWithoutPublishedOrViews: Video { var video = fixtureLiveWithoutPublishedOrViews = false video.upcoming = true return video } static var allFixtures: [Video] { [fixture, fixtureLiveWithoutPublishedOrViews, fixtureUpcomingWithoutPublishedOrViews] } static func fixtures(_ count: Int) -> [Video] { var result = [Video]() while result.count < count { result.append(allFixtures.shuffled().first!) } return result } }