import AVKit import CoreData #if os(iOS) import CoreMotion #endif import Defaults import Foundation import Logging import MediaPlayer import Siesta import SwiftUI import SwiftyJSON #if !os(macOS) import UIKit #endif final class PlayerModel: ObservableObject { static let availableRates: [Float] = [0.5, 0.67, 0.8, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2] let logger = Logger(label: "") var avPlayerView = AppleAVPlayerView() var playerItem: AVPlayerItem? var mpvPlayerView = MPVPlayerView() @Published var presentingPlayer = false { didSet { handlePresentationChange() } } @Published var activeBackend = PlayerBackendType.mpv var avPlayerBackend: AVPlayerBackend! var mpvBackend: MPVBackend! var backends: [PlayerBackend] { [avPlayerBackend, mpvBackend] } var backend: PlayerBackend! { switch activeBackend { case .mpv: return mpvBackend case .appleAVPlayer: return avPlayerBackend } } @Published var playerSize: CGSize = .zero { didSet { backend.setSize(playerSize.width, playerSize.height) }} @Published var stream: Stream? @Published var currentRate: Float = 1.0 { didSet { backend.setRate(currentRate) } } @Published var availableStreams = [Stream]() { didSet { handleAvailableStreamsChange() } } @Published var streamSelection: Stream? { didSet { rebuildTVMenu() } } @Published var queue = [PlayerQueueItem]() { didSet { Defaults[.queue] = queue } } @Published var currentItem: PlayerQueueItem! { didSet { handleCurrentItemChange() } } @Published var historyVideos = [Video]() @Published var preservedTime: CMTime? @Published var sponsorBlock = SponsorBlockAPI() @Published var segmentRestorationTime: CMTime? @Published var lastSkipped: Segment? { didSet { rebuildTVMenu() } } @Published var restoredSegments = [Segment]() @Published var musicMode = false @Published var returnYouTubeDislike = ReturnYouTubeDislikeAPI() #if os(iOS) @Published var motionManager: CMMotionManager! @Published var lockedOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation? @Published var lastOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation? #endif var accounts: AccountsModel var comments: CommentsModel var controls: PlayerControlsModel { didSet { backends.forEach { backend in var backend = backend backend.controls = controls } }} var context: NSManagedObjectContext = PersistenceController.shared.container.viewContext @Published var playingInPictureInPicture = false var pipController: AVPictureInPictureController? var pipDelegate = PiPDelegate() @Published var presentingErrorDetails = false var playerError: Error? { didSet { #if !os(tvOS) if !playerError.isNil { presentingErrorDetails = true } #endif }} @Default(.pauseOnHidingPlayer) private var pauseOnHidingPlayer @Default(.closePiPOnNavigation) var closePiPOnNavigation @Default(.closePiPOnOpeningPlayer) var closePiPOnOpeningPlayer #if !os(macOS) @Default(.closePiPAndOpenPlayerOnEnteringForeground) var closePiPAndOpenPlayerOnEnteringForeground #endif private var currentArtwork: MPMediaItemArtwork? #if !os(macOS) var playerLayerView: PlayerLayerView! #endif init(accounts: AccountsModel? = nil, comments: CommentsModel? = nil, controls: PlayerControlsModel? = nil) { self.accounts = accounts ?? AccountsModel() self.comments = comments ?? CommentsModel() self.controls = controls ?? PlayerControlsModel() self.avPlayerBackend = AVPlayerBackend(model: self, controls: controls) self.mpvBackend = MPVBackend(model: self) Defaults[.activeBackend] = .mpv } func show() { #if os(macOS) if presentingPlayer { Windows.player.focus() return } #endif presentingPlayer = true #if os(macOS) Windows.player.focus() #endif } func hide() { controls.playingFullscreen = false presentingPlayer = false #if os(iOS) if Defaults[.lockPortraitWhenBrowsing] { Orientation.lockOrientation(.portrait, andRotateTo: .portrait) } #endif } func togglePlayer() { #if os(macOS) if !presentingPlayer { } Windows.player.focus() #else if presentingPlayer { hide() } else { show() } #endif } var isLoadingVideo: Bool { guard !currentVideo.isNil else { return false } return backend.isLoadingVideo } var isPlaying: Bool { backend.isPlaying } var playerItemDuration: CMTime? { backend.playerItemDuration } var playerItemDurationWithoutSponsorSegments: CMTime? { (backend.playerItemDuration ?? .zero) - .secondsInDefaultTimescale( sponsorBlock.segments.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.duration } ) } var videoDuration: TimeInterval? { currentItem?.duration ?? currentVideo?.length ?? playerItemDuration?.seconds } var time: CMTime? { currentItem?.playbackTime } var live: Bool { currentVideo?.live ?? false } func togglePlay() { backend.togglePlay() } func play() { } func pause() { backend.pause() } func play(_ video: Video, at time: CMTime? = nil, showingPlayer: Bool = true) { pause() var delay = 0.0 #if os(iOS) delay = 0.5 #endif DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } self.playNow(video, at: time) } guard !playingInPictureInPicture else { return } if showingPlayer { show() } } func playStream( _ stream: Stream, of video: Video, preservingTime: Bool = false, upgrading: Bool = false ) { playerError = nil if !upgrading { resetSegments() DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in self?.sponsorBlock.loadSegments( videoID: video.videoID, categories: Defaults[.sponsorBlockCategories] ) guard Defaults[.enableReturnYouTubeDislike] else { return } self?.returnYouTubeDislike.loadDislikes(videoID: video.videoID) { [weak self] dislikes in self?.currentItem?.video?.dislikes = dislikes } } } controls.reset() backend.playStream( stream, of: video, preservingTime: preservingTime, upgrading: upgrading ) if !upgrading { updateCurrentArtwork() } } func saveTime(completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void = {}) { guard let currentTime = backend.currentTime, currentTime.seconds > 0 else { completionHandler() return } DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in self?.preservedTime = currentTime completionHandler() } } func upgradeToStream(_ stream: Stream, force: Bool = false) { guard let video = currentVideo else { return } if !, force || != stream { playStream(stream, of: video, preservingTime: true, upgrading: true) } } private func handleAvailableStreamsChange() { rebuildTVMenu() guard stream.isNil else { return } guard let stream = preferredStream(availableStreams) else { return } streamSelection = stream playStream( stream, of: currentVideo!, preservingTime: !currentItem.playbackTime.isNil ) } private func handlePresentationChange() { var delay = 0.0 #if os(iOS) if presentingPlayer { delay = 0.2 } #endif DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) { [weak self] in self?.backend.setNeedsDrawing(self?.presentingPlayer ?? false) } controls.hide() #if !os(macOS) UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = presentingPlayer #endif if presentingPlayer, closePiPOnOpeningPlayer, playingInPictureInPicture { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) { [weak self] in self?.closePiP() } } if !presentingPlayer, pauseOnHidingPlayer, !playingInPictureInPicture { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) { [weak self] in self?.pause() } } if !presentingPlayer, !pauseOnHidingPlayer, backend.isPlaying { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) { [weak self] in self?.play() } } } func changeActiveBackend(from: PlayerBackendType, to: PlayerBackendType) { guard activeBackend != to else { return } Defaults[.activeBackend] = to self.activeBackend = to guard var stream = stream else { return } if to == .mpv { addVideoTrackFromStream() } else { musicMode = false } inactiveBackends().forEach { $0.pause() } let fromBackend: PlayerBackend = from == .appleAVPlayer ? avPlayerBackend : mpvBackend let toBackend: PlayerBackend = to == .appleAVPlayer ? avPlayerBackend : mpvBackend if let stream =, == { fromBackend.currentTime?.seconds ?? .zero) { finished in guard finished else { return } } = stream streamSelection = stream return } if !backend.canPlay(stream) || (to == .mpv && !stream.hlsURL.isNil) { guard let preferredStream = preferredStream(availableStreams) else { return } stream = preferredStream streamSelection = preferredStream } DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } self.upgradeToStream(stream, force: true) self.setNeedsDrawing(self.presentingPlayer) } } private func inactiveBackends() -> [PlayerBackend] { [activeBackend == PlayerBackendType.mpv ? avPlayerBackend : mpvBackend] } func rateLabel(_ rate: Float) -> String { let formatter = NumberFormatter() formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 0 formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2 return "\(formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: rate))!)×" } func closeCurrentItem(finished: Bool = false) { prepareCurrentItemForHistory(finished: finished) currentItem = nil backend.closeItem() } func closePiP() { guard playingInPictureInPicture else { return } let wasPlaying = isPlaying pause() #if os(tvOS) show() #endif backend.closePiP(wasPlaying: wasPlaying) } func handleCurrentItemChange() { #if os(macOS) Windows.player.window?.title = windowTitle #endif Defaults[.lastPlayed] = currentItem } #if os(macOS) var windowTitle: String { currentVideo.isNil ? "Not playing" : "\(currentVideo!.title) - \(currentVideo!.author)" } #else func handleEnterForeground() { setNeedsDrawing(true) guard closePiPAndOpenPlayerOnEnteringForeground, playingInPictureInPicture else { return } show() closePiP() } func handleEnterBackground() { setNeedsDrawing(false) } func enterFullScreen() { guard !controls.playingFullscreen else { return }"entering fullscreen") backend.enterFullScreen() } func exitFullScreen() { guard controls.playingFullscreen else { return }"exiting fullscreen") if controls.playingFullscreen { toggleFullscreen(true) } backend.exitFullScreen() } #endif func updateNowPlayingInfo() { guard let video = currentItem?.video else { return } let currentTime = (backend.currentTime?.seconds.isFinite ?? false) ? backend.currentTime!.seconds : 0 var nowPlayingInfo: [String: AnyObject] = [ MPMediaItemPropertyTitle: video.title as AnyObject, MPMediaItemPropertyArtist: as AnyObject, MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyIsLiveStream: as AnyObject, MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime: currentTime as AnyObject, MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackQueueCount: queue.count as AnyObject, MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackQueueIndex: 1 as AnyObject, MPMediaItemPropertyMediaType: MPMediaType.anyVideo.rawValue as AnyObject ] if !currentArtwork.isNil { nowPlayingInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork] = currentArtwork as AnyObject } if ! { let itemDuration = (backend.playerItemDuration ?? .zero).seconds let duration = itemDuration.isFinite ? Double(itemDuration) : nil if !duration.isNil { nowPlayingInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration] = duration as AnyObject } } MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.default().nowPlayingInfo = nowPlayingInfo } func updateCurrentArtwork() { guard let video = currentVideo, let thumbnailData = try? Data(contentsOf: video.thumbnailURL(quality: .medium)!) else { return } #if os(macOS) let image = NSImage(data: thumbnailData) #else let image = UIImage(data: thumbnailData) #endif if image.isNil { return } currentArtwork = MPMediaItemArtwork(boundsSize: image!.size) { _ in image! } } func toggleFullscreen(_ isFullScreen: Bool) { controls.resetTimer() #if os(macOS) Windows.player.toggleFullScreen() #endif controls.playingFullscreen = !isFullScreen #if os(iOS) if controls.playingFullscreen { guard !( ?? true) else { return } Orientation.lockOrientation(.landscape, andRotateTo: .landscapeRight) } else { Orientation.lockOrientation(.allButUpsideDown, andRotateTo: .portrait) } #endif } func setNeedsDrawing(_ needsDrawing: Bool) { backends.forEach { $0.setNeedsDrawing(needsDrawing) } } func toggleMusicMode() { musicMode.toggle() if musicMode { if playingInPictureInPicture { avPlayerBackend.pause() avPlayerBackend.switchToMPVOnPipClose = false closePiP() } #if os(macOS) // TODO: initialize mpv on startup on mac if mpvBackend.client.isNil { } #endif changeActiveBackend(from: .appleAVPlayer, to: .mpv) controls.presentingControls = true controls.removeTimer() mpvBackend.setVideoToNo() } else { addVideoTrackFromStream() mpvBackend.setVideoToAuto() controls.resetTimer() } } func addVideoTrackFromStream() { if let videoTrackURL = stream?.videoAsset?.url, mpvBackend.tracks < 2 {"adding video track") mpvBackend.addVideoTrack(videoTrackURL) } mpvBackend.setVideoToAuto() } }