import Defaults import SwiftUI struct QualitySettings: View { @State private var presentingProfileForm = false @State private var editedProfileID: QualityProfile.ID? @Default(.qualityProfiles) private var qualityProfiles @Default(.batteryCellularProfile) private var batteryCellularProfile @Default(.batteryNonCellularProfile) private var batteryNonCellularProfile @Default(.chargingCellularProfile) private var chargingCellularProfile @Default(.chargingNonCellularProfile) private var chargingNonCellularProfile var body: some View { VStack { #if os(macOS) sections Spacer() #else List { sections } #endif } .sheet(isPresented: $presentingProfileForm) { QualityProfileForm(qualityProfileID: $editedProfileID) } #if os(tvOS) .frame(maxWidth: 1000) #elseif os(iOS) .listStyle(.insetGrouped) #endif .navigationTitle("Quality") } var sections: some View { Group { Group { #if os(tvOS) Section(header: Text("Default Profile")) { Text("\(QualityProfilesModel.shared.tvOSProfile?.description ?? "None")") } #elseif os(iOS) if UIDevice.current.hasCellularCapabilites { Section(header: Text("Battery")) { Picker("Wi-Fi", selection: $batteryNonCellularProfile) { profilePickerOptions } Picker("Cellular", selection: $batteryCellularProfile) { profilePickerOptions } } Section(header: Text("Charging")) { Picker("Wi-Fi", selection: $chargingNonCellularProfile) { profilePickerOptions } Picker("Cellular", selection: $chargingCellularProfile) { profilePickerOptions } } } else { nonCellularBatteryDevicesProfilesPickers } #else if Power.hasInternalBattery { nonCellularBatteryDevicesProfilesPickers } else { Picker("Default", selection: $chargingNonCellularProfile) { profilePickerOptions } } #endif } .disabled(qualityProfiles.isEmpty) Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "Profiles"), footer: profilesFooter) { profilesList Button { editedProfileID = nil presentingProfileForm = true } label: { Label("Add profile...", systemImage: "plus") } } .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) } } @ViewBuilder var nonCellularBatteryDevicesProfilesPickers: some View { Picker("Battery", selection: $batteryNonCellularProfile) { profilePickerOptions } Picker("Charging", selection: $chargingNonCellularProfile) { profilePickerOptions } } @ViewBuilder func profileControl(_ qualityProfile: QualityProfile) -> some View { #if os(tvOS) Button { QualityProfilesModel.shared.applyToAll(qualityProfile) } label: { Text(qualityProfile.description) } #else Text(qualityProfile.description) #endif } var profilePickerOptions: some View { ForEach(qualityProfiles) { qualityProfile in Text(qualityProfile.description).tag( } } var profilesFooter: some View { #if os(tvOS) Text("You can switch between profiles in playback settings controls.") #else Text("You can use automatic profile selection based on current device status or switch it in video playback settings controls.") .foregroundColor(.secondary) #endif } @ViewBuilder var profilesList: some View { let list = ForEach(qualityProfiles) { qualityProfile in profileControl(qualityProfile) .contextMenu { Button { QualityProfilesModel.shared.applyToAll(qualityProfile) } label: { #if os(tvOS) Text("Make default") #elseif os(iOS) Label("Apply to all", systemImage: "wand.and.stars") #else if Power.hasInternalBattery { Text("Apply to all") } else { Text("Make default") } #endif } Button { editedProfileID = presentingProfileForm = true } label: { Label("Edit...", systemImage: "pencil") } Button { QualityProfilesModel.shared.remove(qualityProfile) } label: { Label("Remove", systemImage: "trash") } #if os(tvOS) Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {} #endif } } if #available(macOS 12.0, *) { #if os(macOS) List { list } .listStyle(.inset(alternatesRowBackgrounds: true)) #else list #endif } else { #if os(macOS) List { list } #else list #endif } } } struct QualitySettings_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { #if os(macOS) QualitySettings() #else NavigationView { EmptyView() QualitySettings() } .navigationViewStyle(.stack) #endif } }