mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 18:40:36 +05:30
127 lines
4.5 KiB
127 lines
4.5 KiB
extern crate rocket;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant, SystemTime};
use diesel::connection::SimpleConnection;
use rocket::{Build, Rocket};
use rocket::fairing::AdHoc;
use rocket_sync_db_pools::database;
use tokio::time::interval;
use structs::{Segment, Sponsor};
use crate::routes::skip_segments;
mod models;
mod routes;
mod schema;
mod structs;
pub struct Db(diesel::PgConnection);
async fn run_migrations(rocket: Rocket<Build>) -> Rocket<Build> {
use diesel_migrations::{embed_migrations, EmbeddedMigrations, MigrationHarness};
const MIGRATIONS: EmbeddedMigrations = embed_migrations!("migrations/");
.expect("Failed to get a database connection")
.run(|c| {
MigrationHarness::run_pending_migrations(c, MIGRATIONS)
.expect("Failed to run migrations");
static mut LAST_UPDATE: Option<SystemTime> = None;
// async fn import_db(conn: Rocket<Orbit>) -> _ {
// let path = Path::new("mirror/sponsorTimes.csv");
// loop {
// let last_update = unsafe { LAST_UPDATE };
// // see if file exists
// if path.exists() && (last_update.is_none() || last_update.unwrap().elapsed().unwrap_or_default().as_secs() > 60) {
// // Check last modified time
// let last_modified = path.metadata().unwrap().modified().unwrap();
// // Check if file was modified since last update
// if last_update.is_none() || last_modified > last_update.unwrap() {
// // Use COPY FROM to import the CSV file
// let start = Instant::now();
// println!("Importing database...");
// conn.batch_execute("COPY sponsorblock FROM '/mirror/sponsorTimes.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;")
// .expect("Failed to import database");
// println!("Imported database in {}ms", start.elapsed().as_millis());
// unsafe {
// LAST_UPDATE = Some(last_modified);
// }
// }
// sleep(Duration::from_secs(60));
// }
// sleep(Duration::from_secs(30));
// }
// }
fn rocket() -> Rocket<Build> {
.attach(AdHoc::on_ignite("Diesel Migrations", run_migrations))
.attach(AdHoc::on_liftoff("background database", |rocket| {
Box::pin(async move {
let mut interval = interval(Duration::from_secs(30));
let path = Path::new("mirror/sponsorTimes.csv");
// Get an actual DB connection
let db = Db::get_one(rocket).await.unwrap();
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
let last_update = unsafe { LAST_UPDATE };
// see if file exists
if path.exists() && (last_update.is_none() || last_update.unwrap().elapsed().unwrap_or_default().as_secs() > 60) {
// Check last modified time
let last_modified = path.metadata().unwrap().modified().unwrap();
// Check if file was modified since last update
if last_update.is_none() || last_modified > last_update.unwrap() {
// Use COPY FROM to import the CSV file
let start = Instant::now();
println!("Importing database...");
// Execute a query of some kind
db.run(move |c| {
c.batch_execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION; TRUNCATE \"sponsorTimes\"; COPY \"sponsorTimes\" FROM '/mirror/sponsorTimes.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER; COMMIT;")
.expect("Failed to import database");
println!("Imported database in {}ms", start.elapsed().as_millis());
unsafe {
LAST_UPDATE = Some(last_modified);
).mount("/", routes![skip_segments])