from youtube import proto from flask import Markup as mk import requests import base64 import json import re # From: # SORT: # videos: # Popular - 1 # Oldest - 2 # Newest - 3 # playlists: # Oldest - 2 # Newest - 3 # Last video added - 4 # view: # grid: 0 or 1 # list: 2 headers = { 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5', 'X-YouTube-Client-Name': '1', 'X-YouTube-Client-Version': '2.20180418', } real_cookie = (('Cookie', 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=8XihrAcN1l4'),) generic_cookie = (('Cookie', 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=ST1Ti53r4fU'),) def channel_ctoken_desktop(channel_id, page, sort, tab, view=1): # see # page > 1 doesn't work when sorting by oldest offset = 30*(int(page) - 1) schema_number = { 3: 6307666885028338688, 2: 17254859483345278706, 1: 16570086088270825023, }[int(sort)] page_token = proto.string(61, proto.unpadded_b64encode(proto.string(1, proto.uint(1, schema_number) + proto.string(2, proto.string(1, proto.unpadded_b64encode(proto.uint(1,offset))) ) ))) tab = proto.string(2, tab ) sort = proto.uint(3, int(sort)) #page = proto.string(15, str(page) ) shelf_view = proto.uint(4, 0) view = proto.uint(6, int(view)) continuation_info = proto.string(3, proto.percent_b64encode(tab + sort + shelf_view + view + page_token) ) channel_id = proto.string(2, channel_id ) pointless_nest = proto.string(80226972, channel_id + continuation_info) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(pointless_nest).decode('ascii') def channel_ctoken_mobile(channel_id, page, sort, tab, view=1): tab = proto.string(2, tab ) sort = proto.uint(3, int(sort)) page = proto.string(15, str(page) ) # example with shelves in videos tab: shelf_view = proto.uint(4, 0) view = proto.uint(6, int(view)) continuation_info = proto.string( 3, proto.percent_b64encode(tab + view + sort + shelf_view + page) ) channel_id = proto.string(2, channel_id ) pointless_nest = proto.string(80226972, channel_id + continuation_info) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(pointless_nest).decode('ascii') def id_or_username(string): cidRegex = "^UC.{22}$" if re.match(cidRegex, string): return "channel" else: return "user" def get_channel_videos_tab(content): tabs = content['contents']['twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer']['tabs'] for tab in tabs: if tab['title'] != "Videos": continue else: return tab def get_video_items_from_tab(tab): items = [] for item in tab: try: if item['gridVideoRenderer']: items.append(item) else: continue except KeyError: continue return items def get_info_grid_video_item(item, channel=None): item = item['gridVideoRenderer'] thumbnailOverlays = item['thumbnailOverlays'] published = "" views = "" isLive = False isUpcoming = False try: if 'UPCOMING' in str(thumbnailOverlays): start_time = item['upcomingEventData']['startTime'] isUpcoming = True views = "-" published = "Scheduled" except KeyError: isUpcoming = False try: if 'LIVE' in str(thumbnailOverlays): isLive = True try: views = item['viewCountText']['simpleText'] except: views = "Live" try: duration = item['lengthText']['simpleText'] except: duration = "-" if published != "Scheduled": try: published = item['publishedTimeText']['simpleText'] except KeyError: published = "None" except KeyError: isUpcoming = False isLive = False if not isUpcoming and not isLive: views = item['viewCountText']['simpleText'] published = item['publishedTimeText']['simpleText'] try: duration = item['lengthText']['simpleText'] except: duration = "?" video = { 'videoTitle':item['title']['runs'][0]['text'], 'description':"", 'views':views, 'timeStamp':published, 'duration':duration, 'channelName':channel['username'], 'authorUrl':f"/channel/{channel['channelId']}", 'channelId':channel['channelId'], 'id':item['videoId'], 'videoUrl':f"/watch?v={item['videoId']}", 'isLive':isLive, 'isUpcoming':isUpcoming, 'videoThumb':item['thumbnail']['thumbnails'][0]['url'], } return video def get_author_info_from_channel(content): hmd = content['metadata']['channelMetadataRenderer'] cmd = content['header']['c4TabbedHeaderRenderer'] description = mk(hmd['description']) channel = { "channelId": cmd['channelId'], "username": cmd['title'], "thumbnail": f"https:{cmd['avatar']['thumbnails'][0]['url'].replace('/', '~')}", "description":description, "suscribers": cmd['subscriberCountText']['runs'][0]['text'].split(" ")[0], "banner": cmd['banner']['thumbnails'][0]['url'], } return channel def get_channel_info(channelId, videos=True, page=1, sort=3): if id_or_username(channelId) == "channel": videos = [] ciUrl = f"{channelId}" mainUrl = f"{channel_ctoken_desktop(channelId, page, sort, 'videos')}" content = json.loads(requests.get(mainUrl, headers=headers).text) req = requests.get(ciUrl, headers=headers).text start = ( req.index('window["ytInitialData"]') + len('window["ytInitialData"]') + 3 ) end = req.index("};", start) + 1 jsonIni = req[start:end] data = json.loads(jsonIni) #videosTab = get_channel_videos_tab(content) authorInfo = get_author_info_from_channel(data) if videos: gridVideoItemList = get_video_items_from_tab(content[1]['response']['continuationContents']['gridContinuation']['items']) for video in gridVideoItemList: vid = get_info_grid_video_item(video, authorInfo) videos.append(vid) print({"channel":authorInfo, "videos":videos}) return {"channel":authorInfo, "videos":videos} else: return {"channel":authorInfo} else: baseUrl = f"{channelId}"