All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AccountTerminatedException |
AccountTerminatedException.Reason |
af |
AgeRestrictedContentException |
am |
ar |
AudioStream |
AudioStream.Builder |
AudioTrackType |
az |
BandcampAlbumInfoItemExtractor |
BandcampChannelExtractor |
BandcampChannelInfoItemExtractor |
BandcampChannelLinkHandlerFactory |
Artist do have IDs that are useful
BandcampChannelTabExtractor |
BandcampChannelTabLinkHandlerFactory |
BandcampCommentsExtractor |
BandcampCommentsInfoItemExtractor |
BandcampCommentsLinkHandlerFactory |
BandcampDiscographStreamInfoItemExtractor |
BandcampExtractorHelper |
BandcampFeaturedExtractor |
BandcampFeaturedLinkHandlerFactory |
BandcampPlaylistExtractor |
BandcampPlaylistInfoItemExtractor |
BandcampPlaylistInfoItemFeaturedExtractor |
BandcampPlaylistLinkHandlerFactory |
Just as with streams, the album ids are essentially useless for us.
BandcampPlaylistStreamInfoItemExtractor |
BandcampRadioExtractor |
BandcampRadioInfoItemExtractor |
BandcampRadioStreamExtractor |
BandcampRelatedPlaylistInfoItemExtractor |
Extracts recommended albums from tracks' website
BandcampSearchExtractor |
BandcampSearchQueryHandlerFactory |
BandcampSearchStreamInfoItemExtractor |
BandcampService |
BandcampStreamExtractor |
BandcampStreamInfoItemExtractor |
Implements methods that return a constant value in subclasses for better readability.
BandcampStreamLinkHandlerFactory |
Tracks don't have standalone ids, they are always in combination with the band id.
BandcampSuggestionExtractor |
be |
bg |
bn |
bs |
ca |
ChannelExtractor |
ChannelInfo |
ChannelInfoItem |
ChannelInfoItemExtractor |
ChannelInfoItemsCollector |
ChannelTabExtractor |
ChannelTabInfo |
ChannelTabs |
Constants of channel tabs supported by the extractor.
Collector<I,E> |
Collectors are used to simplify the collection of information
from extractors
CommentsExtractor |
CommentsInfo |
CommentsInfoItem |
CommentsInfoItemExtractor |
CommentsInfoItemsCollector |
ContentCountry |
Represents a country that should be used when fetching content.
ContentNotAvailableException |
ContentNotSupportedException |
CreationException |
Exception that is thrown when a YouTube DASH manifest creator encounters a problem
while creating a manifest.
cs |
da |
DateWrapper |
A wrapper class that provides a field to describe if the date/time is precise or just an
de |
DeliveryMethod |
An enum to represent the different delivery methods of streams which are returned
by the extractor.
DeliveryType |
Streaming format types used by YouTube in their streams.
Description |
Downloader |
A base for downloader implementations that NewPipe will use
to download needed resources during extraction.
el |
en |
en_GB |
es |
es_419 |
es_US |
et |
eu |
ExtractionException |
Extractor |
ExtractorHelper |
fa |
FeedExtractor |
This class helps to extract items from lightweight feeds that the services may provide.
FeedInfo |
fi |
fil |
FoundAdException |
fr |
fr_CA |
Frameset |
Class to handle framesets / storyboards which summarize the stream content.
GeographicRestrictionException |
gl |
gu |
hi |
hr |
hu |
hy |
id |
Image |
Class representing images in the extractor.
Image.ResolutionLevel |
The estimated resolution level of an Image .
ImageSuffix |
Serializable class representing a suffix (which may include its format extension, such as
.jpg ) which needs to be added to get an image/thumbnail URL with its corresponding
height, width and estimated resolution level.
Info |
InfoItem |
InfoItem.InfoType |
InfoItemExtractor |
InfoItemsCollector<I extends InfoItem,E extends InfoItemExtractor> |
is |
it |
ItagItem |
ItagItem.ItagType |
iw |
ja |
JavaScript |
JavaScriptExtractor |
Utility class for extracting functions from JavaScript code.
JsonUtils |
ka |
KioskExtractor<T extends InfoItem> |
KioskInfo |
KioskList |
KioskList.KioskExtractorFactory |
kk |
km |
kn |
ko |
ky |
Lexer |
JavaScript lexer that is able to parse JavaScript code and return its
Lexer.ParsedToken |
Parsed token, containing the token and its position in the input string
LinkHandler |
LinkHandlerFactory |
ListExtractor<R extends InfoItem> |
Base class to extractors that have a list (e.g.
ListExtractor.InfoItemsPage<T extends InfoItem> |
ListInfo<T extends InfoItem> |
ListLinkHandler |
ListLinkHandlerFactory |
lo |
LocaleCompat |
This class contains a simple implementation of Locale.forLanguageTag(String) for Android
API levels below 21 (Lollipop).
Localization |
lt |
lv |
ManifestCreatorCache<K extends,V extends> |
A serializable cache class used by the extractor to cache manifests
generated with extractor's manifests generators.
MediaCCCChannelTabExtractor |
MediaCCC does not really have channel tabs, but rather a list of videos for each conference,
so this class just acts as a videos channel tab extractor.
MediaCCCConferenceExtractor |
MediaCCCConferenceInfoItemExtractor |
MediaCCCConferenceKiosk |
MediaCCCConferenceLinkHandlerFactory |
Since MediaCCC does not really have channel tabs (i.e.
MediaCCCConferencesListLinkHandlerFactory |
MediaCCCLiveListLinkHandlerFactory |
MediaCCCLiveStreamExtractor |
MediaCCCLiveStreamKiosk |
MediaCCCLiveStreamKioskExtractor |
MediaCCCParsingHelper |
MediaCCCRecentKiosk |
MediaCCCRecentKioskExtractor |
MediaCCCRecentListLinkHandlerFactory |
MediaCCCSearchExtractor |
MediaCCCSearchQueryHandlerFactory |
MediaCCCService |
MediaCCCStreamExtractor |
MediaCCCStreamInfoItemExtractor |
MediaCCCStreamLinkHandlerFactory |
MediaFormat |
Static data about various media formats support by NewPipe, eg mime type, extension
MetaInfo |
mk |
ml |
mn |
mr |
ms |
MultiInfoItemsCollector |
A collector that can handle many extractor types, to be used when a list contains items of
different types (e.g.
my |
ne |
NewPipe |
Provides access to streaming services supported by NewPipe.
nl |
no |
pa |
Page |
PaidContentException |
Pair<F extends,S extends> |
Serializable class to create a pair of objects.
Parser |
Avoid using regex !!!
Parser.RegexException |
ParsingException |
PatternsHolder |
PatternsManager |
PeertubeAccountExtractor |
PeertubeChannelExtractor |
PeertubeChannelInfoItemExtractor |
PeertubeChannelLinkHandlerFactory |
PeertubeChannelTabExtractor |
PeertubeChannelTabLinkHandlerFactory |
PeertubeCommentsExtractor |
PeertubeCommentsInfoItemExtractor |
PeertubeCommentsLinkHandlerFactory |
PeertubeInstance |
PeertubeParsingHelper |
PeertubePlaylistExtractor |
PeertubePlaylistInfoItemExtractor |
PeertubePlaylistLinkHandlerFactory |
PeertubeSearchExtractor |
PeertubeSearchQueryHandlerFactory |
PeertubeSepiaStreamInfoItemExtractor |
A StreamInfoItem collected from SepiaSearch
PeertubeService |
PeertubeStreamExtractor |
PeertubeStreamInfoItemExtractor |
PeertubeStreamLinkHandlerFactory |
PeertubeSuggestionExtractor |
PeertubeTrendingExtractor |
PeertubeTrendingLinkHandlerFactory |
pl |
PlaylistExtractor |
PlaylistInfo |
PlaylistInfo.PlaylistType |
Mixes are handled as particular playlists in NewPipeExtractor.
PlaylistInfoItem |
PlaylistInfoItemExtractor |
PlaylistInfoItemsCollector |
PrivateContentException |
pt |
pt_PT |
RandomStringFromAlphabetGenerator |
Generates a random string from a predefined alphabet.
ReadyChannelTabListLinkHandler |
ReadyChannelTabListLinkHandler.ChannelTabExtractorBuilder |
ReCaptchaException |
Request |
An object that holds request information used when executing
a request.
Request.Builder |
Response |
A Data class used to hold the results from requests made by the Downloader implementation.
ro |
ru |
SearchExtractor |
SearchExtractor.NothingFoundException |
SearchInfo |
SearchQueryHandler |
SearchQueryHandlerFactory |
ServiceList |
A list of supported services.
si |
sk |
sl |
SoundcloudChannelExtractor |
SoundcloudChannelInfoItemExtractor |
SoundcloudChannelLinkHandlerFactory |
SoundcloudChannelTabExtractor |
SoundcloudChannelTabLinkHandlerFactory |
SoundcloudChartsExtractor |
SoundcloudChartsLinkHandlerFactory |
SoundcloudCommentsExtractor |
SoundcloudCommentsInfoItemExtractor |
SoundcloudCommentsLinkHandlerFactory |
SoundCloudGoPlusContentException |
SoundcloudParsingHelper |
SoundcloudPlaylistExtractor |
SoundcloudPlaylistInfoItemExtractor |
SoundcloudPlaylistLinkHandlerFactory |
SoundcloudSearchExtractor |
SoundcloudSearchQueryHandlerFactory |
SoundcloudService |
SoundcloudStreamExtractor |
SoundcloudStreamInfoItemExtractor |
SoundcloudStreamLinkHandlerFactory |
SoundcloudSubscriptionExtractor |
Extract the "followings" from a user in SoundCloud.
SoundcloudSuggestionExtractor |
sq |
sr |
sr_Latn |
Stream |
Abstract class which represents streams in the extractor.
StreamExtractor |
Scrapes information from a video/audio streaming service (eg, YouTube).
StreamExtractor.Privacy |
StreamInfo |
Info object for opened contents, i.e.
StreamInfo.StreamExtractException |
StreamInfoItem |
Info object for previews of unopened videos, e.g.
StreamInfoItemExtractor |
StreamInfoItemsCollector |
StreamingService |
StreamingService.LinkType |
LinkType will be used to determine which type of URL you are handling, and therefore which
part of NewPipe should handle a certain URL.
StreamingService.ServiceInfo |
This class holds meta information about the service implementation.
StreamingService.ServiceInfo.MediaCapability |
StreamSegment |
StreamType |
SubscriptionExtractor |
SubscriptionExtractor.ContentSource |
SubscriptionExtractor.InvalidSourceException |
Exception that should be thrown when the input do not contain valid content that the
extractor can parse (e.g.
SubscriptionItem |
SubtitlesStream |
SubtitlesStream.Builder |
SuggestionExtractor |
sv |
sw |
ta |
te |
th |
TimeAgoParser |
A helper class that is meant to be used by services that need to parse durations such as
23 seconds and/or upload dates in the format 2 days ago or similar.
TimeAgoPatternsManager |
Token |
tr |
uk |
UnsupportedTabException |
ur |
Utils |
uz |
vi |
VideoStream |
VideoStream.Builder |
YoutubeChannelExtractor |
YoutubeChannelHelper |
Shared functions for extracting YouTube channel pages and tabs.
YoutubeChannelHelper.ChannelHeader |
A channel header response.
YoutubeChannelHelper.ChannelHeader.HeaderType |
Types of supported YouTube channel headers.
YoutubeChannelHelper.ChannelResponseData |
YoutubeChannelInfoItemExtractor |
YoutubeChannelLinkHandlerFactory |
YoutubeChannelTabExtractor |
YoutubeChannelTabExtractor.VideosTabExtractor |
YoutubeChannelTabLinkHandlerFactory |
YoutubeChannelTabPlaylistExtractor |
YoutubeChannelTabPlaylistExtractor.SystemPlaylistUrlCreationException |
Exception thrown when a YouTube system playlist URL could not be created.
YoutubeCommentsExtractor |
YoutubeCommentsInfoItemExtractor |
YoutubeCommentsLinkHandlerFactory |
YoutubeDashManifestCreatorsUtils |
Utilities and constants for YouTube DASH manifest creators.
YoutubeDescriptionHelper |
YoutubeFeedExtractor |
YoutubeFeedInfoItemExtractor |
YoutubeJavaScriptPlayerManager |
Manage the extraction and the usage of YouTube's player JavaScript needed data in the YouTube
YoutubeMetaInfoHelper |
YoutubeMixOrPlaylistInfoItemExtractor |
YoutubeMixPlaylistExtractor |
YoutubeMusicAlbumOrPlaylistInfoItemExtractor |
YoutubeMusicArtistInfoItemExtractor |
YoutubeMusicPremiumContentException |
YoutubeMusicSearchExtractor |
YoutubeMusicSongOrVideoInfoItemExtractor |
YoutubeOtfDashManifestCreator |
Class which generates DASH manifests of YouTube OTF streams .
YoutubeParsingHelper |
YoutubePlaylistExtractor |
YoutubePlaylistInfoItemExtractor |
YoutubePlaylistLinkHandlerFactory |
YoutubePostLiveStreamDvrDashManifestCreator |
Class which generates DASH manifests of YouTube post-live DVR streams (which use the
LIVE delivery type ).
YoutubeProgressiveDashManifestCreator |
YoutubeReelInfoItemExtractor |
YoutubeSearchExtractor |
YoutubeSearchQueryHandlerFactory |
YoutubeService |
YoutubeStreamExtractor |
YoutubeStreamInfoItemExtractor |
YoutubeStreamLinkHandlerFactory |
YoutubeSubscriptionExtractor |
Extract subscriptions from a Google takeout export
YoutubeSuggestionExtractor |
YoutubeTrendingExtractor |
YoutubeTrendingLinkHandlerFactory |
zh_CN |
zh_HK |
zh_TW |
zu |