- Enhance documentation;
- Fix the regular expression fallback on HTML embed watch page;
- Use HTML scripts tag search first instead of the regular expression approach,
now used as a last resort;
- Compile regular expressions only once, in order to improve the performance of
subsequent extraction calls when clearing the cache;
- Provide original exceptions when fetching or parsing pages on which the base
JavaScript's player could be found failed, allowing clients to detect network
errors when they are the cause of the failures for instance;
- Remove delegate method which was not taking a video ID and hardcoding one, as
we can provide the video ID in all cases or do not provide a video ID at worse;
- Rename and make extraction methods package-private, as they are not intended
to be used publicly.
These breaking internal changes have been applied where needed, in
YoutubeJavaScriptExtractorTest and YoutubeStreamExtractor (in which an unneeded
initStsFromPlayerJsIfNeeded call have been removed).
- Fix testCheckAudioStreams test of
YoutubeStreamExtractorDefaultTest.AudioTrackLanguage test class, by updating
the excepted audio track name test to use the updated English audio track name
(audio track type info has been added on the video tested);
- Fix YoutubeStreamExtractorDefaultTest.PublicBroadcasterTest test class by
using a different video from a French and German public broadcast channel, as
the channel Dinge Erklärt – Kurzgesagt is not affiliated with a public
broadcast channel anymore;
- Fix YoutubeStreamExtractorLivestreamTest test class, by updating the excepted
name of the livestream to the current one.
These parameters are the only ones currently known to bypass 403 HTTP issues
related to failure of passing Android client integrity checks, as the ones of
stories (and the base of the shorts ones) do not work anymore, which may be
related to end of this format on the service.
- Remove useless concatenation on the downloader path;
- Remove unneeded public test modifier;
- Update license header;
- Specify the service class tested instead of the generic class.
- Switch to the new domain used by YouTube for search suggestions,
suggestqueries-clients6.youtube.com, and add the xhr query parameter with the
t value, to allow getting responses without requiring trim;
- Use the Java 8 Stream API to collect search suggestions and improve invalid
response detection by checking whether the content type of the response
returned is JSON;
- Move the licence header at the top of the file.
When a description is missing, no description should be returned, even the ones
indicating there is no description. This behavior is represented by a null
return instead.
Also update PeertubeAccountExtractorTest to reflect these changes.
The tested comment has been removed, so it couldn't be found in the comments
This comment has been replaced by a new one from the current comments of the
Also, in the parent class PeertubeCommentsExtractorTest, final has been used as
much as possible and for-each loops of lists have been replaced by their
forEach method or the Stream API, in order to simplify code.