package com.github.libretube.util import import android.content.Context import android.content.ContextWrapper import android.content.Intent import import android.os.Handler import android.os.Looper import import androidx.core.os.bundleOf import com.github.libretube.R import com.github.libretube.constants.IntentData import com.github.libretube.constants.PreferenceKeys import com.github.libretube.enums.PlaylistType import com.github.libretube.extensions.toID import com.github.libretube.ui.activities.MainActivity import com.github.libretube.ui.fragments.PlayerFragment import com.github.libretube.ui.views.SingleViewTouchableMotionLayout object NavigationHelper { private val handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) fun navigateChannel( context: Context, channelId: String? ) { if (channelId == null) return val activity = unwrap(context) val bundle = bundleOf(IntentData.channelId to channelId) activity.navController.navigate(, bundle) try { if (activity.binding.mainMotionLayout.progress == 0.toFloat()) { activity.binding.mainMotionLayout.transitionToEnd() activity.findViewById( .transitionToEnd() } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } private fun unwrap(context: Context): MainActivity { var correctContext: Context? = context while (correctContext !is MainActivity && correctContext is ContextWrapper) { correctContext = correctContext.baseContext } return correctContext as MainActivity } /** * Navigate to the given video using the other provided parameters as well * If the audio only mode is enabled, play it in the background, else as a normal video */ fun navigateVideo( context: Context, videoId: String?, playlistId: String? = null, channelId: String? = null, keepQueue: Boolean = false, timeStamp: Long? = null, forceVideo: Boolean = false ) { if (videoId == null) return if (PreferenceHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.AUDIO_ONLY_MODE, false) && !forceVideo) { BackgroundHelper.stopBackgroundPlay(context) BackgroundHelper.playOnBackground( context, videoId.toID(), timeStamp, playlistId, channelId, keepQueue ) handler.postDelayed({ startAudioPlayer(context) }, 500) return } val bundle = bundleOf( IntentData.videoId to videoId.toID(), IntentData.playlistId to playlistId, IntentData.channelId to channelId, IntentData.keepQueue to keepQueue, IntentData.timeStamp to timeStamp ) val activity = context as AppCompatActivity activity.supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction() .remove(PlayerFragment()) .commit() activity.supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction() .replace(, PlayerFragment().apply { arguments = bundle } ) .commitNow() } fun navigatePlaylist( context: Context, playlistId: String?, playlistType: PlaylistType ) { if (playlistId == null) return val activity = unwrap(context) val bundle = bundleOf( IntentData.playlistId to playlistId, IntentData.playlistType to playlistType ) activity.navController.navigate(, bundle) } /** * Start the audio player fragment */ fun startAudioPlayer(context: Context) { val activity = unwrap(context) activity.navController.navigate( } /** * Needed due to different MainActivity Aliases because of the app icons */ fun restartMainActivity(context: Context) { // kill player notification val nManager = context .getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager nManager.cancelAll() // start a new Intent of the app val pm: PackageManager = context.packageManager val intent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(context.packageName) intent?.flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK context.startActivity(intent) // kill the old application android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid()) } }