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Playlist name The playlist name can\'t be empty Add to playlist Done. Failed :( About Language System System Light Dark %1$s subscribers Settings Location Instance Adjustments Website %1$s videos Connect to the Internet first. Retry Comments Choose search filter Channels All Playlists OK History Search History Clear history YT Music Songs YT Music Videos YT Music Albums YT Music Playlists Default Tab SponsorBlock Uses the https://sponsor.ajay.app API Skipped segment On Segments Sponsor Paid promotion, paid referrals and direct advertisements. Not for self-promotion or free genuine shoutouts to causes, creators, websites, and products. Unpaid/Self Promotion Similar to \"sponsor\" except for unpaid or self promotion. This includes sections about merchandise, donations, or info about who they collaborated with. Interaction reminder (like and subscribe) When there is a short reminder to like, subscribe or follow in the middle of content. If long or about something specific, it should instead be self promotion. Intermission/Intro Animation An interval without actual content. Could be a pause, static frame, repeating animation. Should not be used for transitions containing info. End cards and credits Info following the ending. Not for conclusions with info. Filler Tangent/Jokes For tangential scenes added only for filler or humor not required to understand the main content of the video. Music: Non-Music Section Only for use in music videos. It should cover parts of the video not part of official mixes. In the end, the video should resemble the Spotify or any other mixed version as closely as possible, or reduce talking or other distractions. Preview/Recap For segments detailing upcoming content in this or future videos in its series, but do not provide additional info. If it includes clips that only appear here, this is very likely the wrong category. License Accents Resting red Blissful blue Yeeting yellow Groovy green Pleasurable purple Black Mystic Material 3 Notifications Icon On Off Piped YouTube Play in the background Version %1$s is available Go to releases on GitHub to download it? Appearance Behavior Downloads Video format Conversion of files if both audio and video are downloaded. Download to Where downloaded media gets stored. Visit the website for more info on the app and its features. Contributing Provide ideas, translations, design changes, clean and write code. The more is done the better it gets! The GPLv3+ is a copylefted libre license. Use, study, change and share; with all. Donate Give what this is worth to you, if you can. Team LibreTube is smaller than your donation or help. Look for new version Click to find out if the app is up to date. Running the latest version. You are running the latest version. Playback speed Advanced Player Adjust the app to your liking. Downloads, and reset Live This comment has no replies. Authors Get to know everyone who is involved in developing and improving the app. Name The name of the folder downloaded media is stored in. Internal storage Download folder SD card Music folder Movie folder Share URL to %1$s views Default Lost legacy Glib gradient Fashionable fire Trendy torch Silly shaped Flying flame Boosted bird Piped, login, and subscriptions Add… Instance name URL to instance API Add Instance Fill in the name and the API URL. Clear added Please enter a URL that works V %1$s Get to know team LibreTube and how it all happens. Related content Show similar streams alongside what you watch. Show chapters Hide chapters Preloading Max. amount of seconds of video to buffer. Video format for player No audio No video Audio Video Downloading… Autoplay Hide trending page URL to instance frontend Quality Behavior Quality, and player behavior Seek increment Piped is a libre alternative web-frontend for YouTube provides the API we use. Without it, LibreTube wouldn\'t exist. Huge thanks to their devs! Auto-pause Pause playback when the screen is turned off. Auto-play the next video after the current one. Clone playlist Restore defaults Reset all settings and log out? Delete account Delete your Piped account Account Restore Watch History Remember position Continue from last playback position Authentication instance Use a different instance for authenticated calls. Choose an auth instance Auto GitHub Audio and video Fullscreen orientation Aspect ratio for videos Auto-rotation Landscape Portrait Community Discord Matrix Telegram Reddit Twitter Please turn on Wi-Fi or mobile data to connect to the Internet. Open… Chapters Playback speed App restart required Restart the app ? Navbar label visibility Always Selected Never Auto-fullscreen Fullscreen playback when the device gets turned. Pure theme Pure white/black theme No external player found. Please make sure you have one installed. Data-saver mode Skip thumbnails and other images. Remember searches Keep track of watched videos locally Watch and search history Remembered playback positions Reset System caption style Captions None Install the new LibreTube version now? Video preview Show a snapshot when dragging the playback indicator. General Language, and region Playing in the background… Captions Downloading APK… Audio format for player Audio quality Best Worst Subtitle language Notifications Notifications for new streams Notifications about fresh content from creators you follow. Checking every … %1$s new streams available New streams by %1$s… Are you sure? This can\'t be undone! No history yet. Newest Oldest Most views Least views Channel Name (A-Z) Channel Name (Z-A) Sorting Required connection All Metered Only on Wi-Fi Translation Help translate the app No results. Error Copied Download succeeded Share with start time Export Subscriptions Skip buttons Show buttons to skip to the next or previous video. Maximum history size Unlimited Background mode Add to queue