package com.github.libretube.fragments import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager import com.github.libretube.R import com.github.libretube.adapters.SearchAdapter import com.github.libretube.databinding.FragmentSearchResultBinding import com.github.libretube.preferences.PreferenceHelper import com.github.libretube.preferences.PreferenceKeys import com.github.libretube.util.RetrofitInstance import com.github.libretube.util.hideKeyboard import retrofit2.HttpException import class SearchResultFragment : Fragment() { private val TAG = "SearchResultFragment" private lateinit var binding: FragmentSearchResultBinding private lateinit var nextPage: String private var query: String = "" private lateinit var searchAdapter: SearchAdapter private var apiSearchFilter: String = "all" override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) query = arguments?.getString("query").toString() } override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View { binding = FragmentSearchResultBinding.inflate(layoutInflater, container, false) return binding.root } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) // add the query to the history addToHistory(query) // filter options binding.filterChipGroup.setOnCheckedStateChangeListener { _, _ -> apiSearchFilter = when ( binding.filterChipGroup.checkedChipId ) { -> "all" -> "videos" -> "channels" -> "playlists" -> "music_songs" -> "music_videos" -> "music_albums" -> "music_playlists" else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Filter out of range") } fetchSearch() } fetchSearch() binding.searchRecycler.viewTreeObserver .addOnScrollChangedListener { if (!binding.searchRecycler.canScrollVertically(1)) { fetchNextSearchItems() } } } private fun fetchSearch() { lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated { view?.let { context?.hideKeyboard(it) } val response = try { RetrofitInstance.api.getSearchResults(query, apiSearchFilter) } catch (e: IOException) { println(e) Log.e(TAG, "IOException, you might not have internet connection $e") return@launchWhenCreated } catch (e: HttpException) { Log.e(TAG, "HttpException, unexpected response") return@launchWhenCreated } runOnUiThread { if (response.items?.isNotEmpty() == true) { binding.searchRecycler.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(requireContext()) searchAdapter = SearchAdapter(response.items, childFragmentManager) binding.searchRecycler.adapter = searchAdapter } else { binding.searchContainer.visibility = View.GONE binding.noSearchResult.visibility = View.VISIBLE } } nextPage = response.nextpage!! } } private fun fetchNextSearchItems() { lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated { val response = try { RetrofitInstance.api.getSearchResultsNextPage( query, apiSearchFilter, nextPage ) } catch (e: IOException) { println(e) Log.e(TAG, "IOException, you might not have internet connection") return@launchWhenCreated } catch (e: HttpException) { Log.e(TAG, "HttpException, unexpected response," + e.response()) return@launchWhenCreated } nextPage = response.nextpage!! kotlin.runCatching { if (response.items?.isNotEmpty() == true) { searchAdapter.updateItems(response.items.toMutableList()) } } } } private fun addToHistory(query: String) { val searchHistoryEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.SEARCH_HISTORY_TOGGLE, true) if (searchHistoryEnabled && query != "") { PreferenceHelper.saveToSearchHistory(query) } } private fun Fragment?.runOnUiThread(action: () -> Unit) { this ?: return if (!isAdded) return // Fragment not attached to an Activity activity?.runOnUiThread(action) } }