package com.github.libretube.helpers import import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import import android.util.Base64 import android.view.accessibility.CaptioningManager import android.widget.Toast import androidx.annotation.StringRes import import import androidx.core.content.getSystemService import import import androidx.media3.common.AudioAttributes import androidx.media3.common.C import androidx.media3.common.PlaybackParameters import androidx.media3.common.Tracks import androidx.media3.exoplayer.DefaultLoadControl import androidx.media3.exoplayer.ExoPlayer import androidx.media3.exoplayer.LoadControl import androidx.media3.exoplayer.trackselection.DefaultTrackSelector import androidx.media3.ui.CaptionStyleCompat import com.github.libretube.R import com.github.libretube.api.obj.ChapterSegment import com.github.libretube.api.obj.Segment import com.github.libretube.api.obj.Streams import com.github.libretube.constants.PreferenceKeys import com.github.libretube.db.DatabaseHolder import com.github.libretube.enums.PlayerEvent import com.github.libretube.enums.SbSkipOptions import com.github.libretube.extensions.updateParameters import java.util.Locale import kotlin.math.absoluteValue import kotlin.math.roundToInt import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking object PlayerHelper { private const val ACTION_MEDIA_CONTROL = "media_control" const val CONTROL_TYPE = "control_type" private val SPONSOR_CATEGORIES = arrayOf( "intro", "selfpromo", "interaction", "sponsor", "outro", "filler", "music_offtopic", "preview" ) const val SPONSOR_HIGHLIGHT_CATEGORY = "poi_highlight" const val ROLE_FLAG_AUTO_GEN_SUBTITLE = C.ROLE_FLAG_SUPPLEMENTARY /** * Create a base64 encoded DASH stream manifest */ fun createDashSource( streams: Streams, context: Context, audioOnly: Boolean = false, disableProxy: Boolean ): Uri { val manifest = DashHelper.createManifest( streams, DisplayHelper.supportsHdr(context), audioOnly, disableProxy ) // encode to base64 val encoded = Base64.encodeToString(manifest.toByteArray(), Base64.DEFAULT) return "data:application/dash+xml;charset=utf-8;base64,$encoded".toUri() } /** * Get the system's default captions style */ @androidx.annotation.OptIn(androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi::class) fun getCaptionStyle(context: Context): CaptionStyleCompat { val captioningManager = context.getSystemService()!! return if (!captioningManager.isEnabled) { // system captions are disabled, using android default captions style CaptionStyleCompat.DEFAULT } else { // system captions are enabled CaptionStyleCompat.createFromCaptionStyle(captioningManager.userStyle) } } fun getOrientation(videoWidth: Int, videoHeight: Int): Int { val fullscreenOrientationPref = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.FULLSCREEN_ORIENTATION, "ratio" ) return when (fullscreenOrientationPref) { "ratio" -> { // probably a youtube shorts video if (videoHeight > videoWidth) { ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT } // a video with normal aspect ratio else { ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE } } "auto" -> ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR "landscape" -> ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE "portrait" -> ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT else -> ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE } } val autoFullscreenEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.AUTO_FULLSCREEN, false ) val relatedStreamsEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.RELATED_STREAMS, true ) val pausePlayerOnScreenOffEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.PAUSE_ON_SCREEN_OFF, false ) private val watchPositionsPref: String get() = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.WATCH_POSITIONS, "always" ) val watchPositionsVideo: Boolean get() = watchPositionsPref in listOf("always", "videos") val watchPositionsAudio: Boolean get() = watchPositionsPref == "always" val watchHistoryEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.WATCH_HISTORY_TOGGLE, true ) val useSystemCaptionStyle: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.SYSTEM_CAPTION_STYLE, true ) private val bufferingGoal: Int get() = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.BUFFERING_GOAL, "50" ).toInt() * 1000 val sponsorBlockEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( "sb_enabled_key", true ) private val sponsorBlockNotifications: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( "sb_notifications_key", true ) private val sponsorBlockHighlights: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.SB_HIGHLIGHTS, true ) val defaultSubtitleCode: String? get() { val code = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.DEFAULT_SUBTITLE, "" ) if (code == "") return null if (code.contains("-")) { return code.split("-")[0] } return code } val skipButtonsEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.SKIP_BUTTONS, false ) val pipEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.PICTURE_IN_PICTURE, true ) var autoPlayEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.AUTOPLAY, true ) set(value) { PreferenceHelper.putBoolean(PreferenceKeys.AUTOPLAY, value) } val autoPlayCountdown: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.AUTOPLAY_COUNTDOWN, false ) val seekIncrement: Long get() = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.SEEK_INCREMENT, "10.0" ).toFloat() .roundToInt() .toLong() * 1000 val playbackSpeed: Float get() = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.PLAYBACK_SPEED, "1" ).replace("F", "").toFloat() private val backgroundSpeed: Float get() = when (PreferenceHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.CUSTOM_PLAYBACK_SPEED, false)) { true -> PreferenceHelper.getString(PreferenceKeys.BACKGROUND_PLAYBACK_SPEED, "1") .toFloat() else -> playbackSpeed } val resizeModePref: String get() = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.PLAYER_RESIZE_MODE, "fit" ) val alternativeVideoLayout: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.ALTERNATIVE_PLAYER_LAYOUT, false ) val autoInsertRelatedVideos: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.QUEUE_AUTO_INSERT_RELATED, true ) val swipeGestureEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.PLAYER_SWIPE_CONTROLS, true ) val fullscreenGesturesEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.FULLSCREEN_GESTURES, false ) val pinchGestureEnabled: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.PLAYER_PINCH_CONTROL, true ) val captionsTextSize: Float get() = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.CAPTIONS_SIZE, "18" ).toFloat() val doubleTapToSeek: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.DOUBLE_TAP_TO_SEEK, true ) val pauseOnQuit: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.PAUSE_ON_QUIT, false ) private val alternativePiPControls: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.ALTERNATIVE_PIP_CONTROLS, false ) private val skipSilence: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.SKIP_SILENCE, false ) val enabledVideoCodecs: String get() = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.ENABLED_VIDEO_CODECS, "all" ) val playAutomatically: Boolean get() = PreferenceHelper .getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.PLAY_AUTOMATICALLY, true ) fun getDefaultResolution(context: Context): String { val prefKey = if (NetworkHelper.isNetworkMetered(context)) { PreferenceKeys.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_MOBILE } else { PreferenceKeys.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION } return PreferenceHelper.getString(prefKey, "") } /** * Apply the preferred audio quality: auto or worst */ @androidx.annotation.OptIn(androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi::class) fun applyPreferredAudioQuality(context: Context, trackSelector: DefaultTrackSelector) { val prefKey = if (NetworkHelper.isNetworkMetered(context)) { PreferenceKeys.PLAYER_AUDIO_QUALITY_MOBILE } else { PreferenceKeys.PLAYER_AUDIO_QUALITY } when (PreferenceHelper.getString(prefKey, "auto")) { "worst" -> trackSelector.updateParameters { setMaxAudioBitrate(1) } } } fun getIntentAction(context: Context): String { return context.packageName + "." + ACTION_MEDIA_CONTROL } private fun getPendingIntent(activity: Activity, event: PlayerEvent): PendingIntent { val intent = Intent(getIntentAction(activity)).putExtra(CONTROL_TYPE, event) return PendingIntentCompat.getBroadcast(activity, event.ordinal, intent, 0, false) } private fun getRemoteAction( activity: Activity, id: Int, @StringRes title: Int, event: PlayerEvent ): RemoteActionCompat { val text = activity.getString(title) return RemoteActionCompat( IconCompat.createWithResource(activity, id), text, text, getPendingIntent(activity, event) ) } /** * Create controls to use in the PiP window */ fun getPiPModeActions(activity: Activity, isPlaying: Boolean): List { val audioModeAction = getRemoteAction( activity, R.drawable.ic_headphones, R.string.background_mode, PlayerEvent.Background ) val rewindAction = getRemoteAction( activity, R.drawable.ic_rewind, R.string.rewind, PlayerEvent.Rewind ) val playPauseAction = getRemoteAction( activity, if (isPlaying) R.drawable.ic_pause else R.drawable.ic_play, R.string.pause, if (isPlaying) PlayerEvent.Pause else PlayerEvent.Play ) val skipNextAction = getRemoteAction( activity, R.drawable.ic_next, R.string.play_next, PlayerEvent.Next ) val forwardAction = getRemoteAction( activity, R.drawable.ic_forward, R.string.forward, PlayerEvent.Forward ) return if (alternativePiPControls) { listOf(audioModeAction, playPauseAction, skipNextAction) } else { listOf(rewindAction, playPauseAction, forwardAction) } } /** * Get the audio attributes to use for the player */ fun getAudioAttributes(): AudioAttributes { return AudioAttributes.Builder() .setUsage(C.USAGE_MEDIA) .setContentType(C.AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE) .build() } /** * Get the load controls for the player (buffering, etc) */ @androidx.annotation.OptIn(androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi::class) fun getLoadControl(): LoadControl { return DefaultLoadControl.Builder() // cache the last three minutes .setBackBuffer(1000 * 60 * 3, true) .setBufferDurationsMs( 1000 * 10, // exo default is 50s bufferingGoal, DefaultLoadControl.DEFAULT_BUFFER_FOR_PLAYBACK_MS, DefaultLoadControl.DEFAULT_BUFFER_FOR_PLAYBACK_AFTER_REBUFFER_MS ) .build() } /** * Load playback parameters such as speed and skip silence */ @androidx.annotation.OptIn(androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi::class) fun ExoPlayer.loadPlaybackParams(isBackgroundMode: Boolean = false): ExoPlayer { skipSilenceEnabled = skipSilence val speed = if (isBackgroundMode) backgroundSpeed else playbackSpeed playbackParameters = PlaybackParameters(speed, 1.0f) return this } /** * get the categories for sponsorBlock */ fun getSponsorBlockCategories(): MutableMap { val categories: MutableMap = mutableMapOf() for (category in SPONSOR_CATEGORIES) { val state = PreferenceHelper.getString(category + "_category", "off").uppercase() if (SbSkipOptions.valueOf(state) != SbSkipOptions.OFF) { categories[category] = SbSkipOptions.valueOf(state) } } // Add the highlights category to display in the chapters if (sponsorBlockHighlights) categories[SPONSOR_HIGHLIGHT_CATEGORY] = SbSkipOptions.OFF return categories } /** * Check for SponsorBlock segments matching the current player position * @param context A main dispatcher context * @param segments List of the SponsorBlock segments * @return If segment found and should skip manually, the end position of the segment in ms, otherwise null */ fun ExoPlayer.checkForSegments( context: Context, segments: List, sponsorBlockConfig: MutableMap ): Segment? { for (segment in segments.filter { it.category != SPONSOR_HIGHLIGHT_CATEGORY }) { val (start, end) = segment.segmentStartAndEnd val (segmentStart, segmentEnd) = (start * 1000f).toLong() to (end * 1000f).toLong() // avoid seeking to the same segment multiple times, e.g. when the SB segment is at the end of the video if ((duration - currentPosition).absoluteValue < 500) continue if (currentPosition in segmentStart until segmentEnd) { if (sponsorBlockConfig[segment.category] == SbSkipOptions.AUTOMATIC || ( sponsorBlockConfig[segment.category] == SbSkipOptions.AUTOMATIC_ONCE && segment.skipped == false ) ) { if (sponsorBlockNotifications) { runCatching { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.segment_skipped, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show() } } seekTo(segmentEnd) segment.skipped = true } else if (sponsorBlockConfig[segment.category] == SbSkipOptions.MANUAL || ( sponsorBlockConfig[segment.category] == SbSkipOptions.AUTOMATIC_ONCE && segment.skipped == true ) ) { return segment } } } return null } fun ExoPlayer.isInSegment(segments: List): Boolean { return segments.any { val (start, end) = it.segmentStartAndEnd val (segmentStart, segmentEnd) = (start * 1000f).toLong() to (end * 1000f).toLong() currentPosition in segmentStart..segmentEnd } } /** * Get the name of the currently played chapter */ fun getCurrentChapterIndex(exoPlayer: ExoPlayer, chapters: List): Int? { val currentPosition = exoPlayer.currentPosition / 1000 return chapters .filter { it.highlightDrawable == null || // remove the video highlight if it's already longer ago than [ChapterSegment.HIGHLIGHT_LENGTH], // otherwise the SponsorBlock highlight would be shown from its starting point to the end (currentPosition - it.start) < ChapterSegment.HIGHLIGHT_LENGTH } .sortedBy { it.start } .indexOfLast { currentPosition >= it.start } .takeIf { it >= 0 } } fun getPosition(videoId: String, duration: Long?): Long? { if (duration == null) return null runCatching { val watchPosition = runBlocking { DatabaseHolder.Database.watchPositionDao().findById(videoId) } if (watchPosition != null && watchPosition.position < duration * 1000 * 0.9) { return watchPosition.position } } return null } /** * Get the track type string resource corresponding to ExoPlayer role flags used for audio * track types. * * If the role flags doesn't have any role flags used for audio track types, the string * resource `unknown_audio_track_type` is returned. * * @param context a context to get the string resources used to build the audio track type * @param roleFlags the ExoPlayer role flags from which the audio track type will be returned * @return the track type string resource corresponding to an ExoPlayer role flag or the * `unknown_audio_track_type` one if no role flags corresponding to the ones used for audio * track types is set */ private fun getDisplayAudioTrackTypeFromFormat( context: Context, @C.RoleFlags roleFlags: Int ): String { // These role flags should not be set together, so the first role only take into account // flag which matches return when { // If the flag ROLE_FLAG_DESCRIBES_VIDEO is set, return the descriptive_audio_track // string resource roleFlags and C.ROLE_FLAG_DESCRIBES_VIDEO == C.ROLE_FLAG_DESCRIBES_VIDEO -> context.getString(R.string.descriptive_audio_track) // If the flag ROLE_FLAG_DESCRIBES_VIDEO is set, return the dubbed_audio_track // string resource roleFlags and C.ROLE_FLAG_DUB == C.ROLE_FLAG_DUB -> context.getString(R.string.dubbed_audio_track) // If the flag ROLE_FLAG_DESCRIBES_VIDEO is set, return the original_or_main_audio_track // string resource roleFlags and C.ROLE_FLAG_MAIN == C.ROLE_FLAG_MAIN -> context.getString(R.string.original_or_main_audio_track) // Return the unknown_audio_track_type string resource for any other value else -> context.getString(R.string.unknown_audio_track_type) } } /** * Get an audio track name from an audio format, using its language tag and its role flags. * * If the given language is `null`, the string resource `unknown_audio_language` is used * instead and when the given role flags have no track type value used by the app, the string * resource `unknown_audio_track_type` is used instead. * * @param context a context to get the string resources used to build the * audio track name * @param audioLanguageAndRoleFlags a pair of an audio format language tag and role flags from * which the audio track name will be built * @return an audio track name of an audio format language and role flags, localized according * to the language preferences of the user */ fun getAudioTrackNameFromFormat( context: Context, audioLanguageAndRoleFlags: Pair ): String { val audioLanguage = audioLanguageAndRoleFlags.first return context.getString(R.string.audio_track_format) .format( if (audioLanguage == null) { context.getString(R.string.unknown_audio_language) } else { Locale.forLanguageTag(audioLanguage) .getDisplayLanguage( LocaleHelper.getAppLocale() ) .ifEmpty { context.getString(R.string.unknown_audio_language) } }, getDisplayAudioTrackTypeFromFormat(context, audioLanguageAndRoleFlags.second) ) } /** * Get audio languages with their role flags of supported formats from ExoPlayer track groups * and only the selected ones if requested. * * Duplicate audio languages with their role flags are removed. * * @param groups the list of [Tracks.Group]s of the current tracks played by the player * @param keepOnlySelectedTracks whether to get only the selected audio languages with their * role flags among the supported ones * @return a list of distinct audio languages with their role flags from the supported formats * of the given track groups and only the selected ones if requested */ fun getAudioLanguagesAndRoleFlagsFromTrackGroups( groups: List, keepOnlySelectedTracks: Boolean ): List> { // Filter unsupported tracks and keep only selected tracks if requested // Use a lambda expression to avoid checking on each audio format if we keep only selected // tracks or not val trackFilter = if (keepOnlySelectedTracks) { { group: Tracks.Group, trackIndex: Int -> group.isTrackSupported(trackIndex) && group.isTrackSelected( trackIndex ) } } else { { group: Tracks.Group, trackIndex: Int -> group.isTrackSupported(trackIndex) } } return groups.filter { it.type == C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO }.flatMap { group -> (0 until group.length).filter { trackFilter(group, it) }.map { group.getTrackFormat(it) } }.map { format -> format.language to format.roleFlags }.distinct() } /** * Check whether the given flag is set in the given bitfield. * * @param bitField a bitfield * @param flag a flag to check its presence in the given bitfield * @return whether the given flag is set in the given bitfield */ private fun isFlagSet(bitField: Int, flag: Int) = bitField and flag == flag /** * Check whether the given ExoPlayer role flags contain at least one flag used for audio * track types. * * ExoPlayer role flags currently used for audio track types are [C.ROLE_FLAG_DESCRIBES_VIDEO], * [C.ROLE_FLAG_DUB], [C.ROLE_FLAG_MAIN] and [C.ROLE_FLAG_ALTERNATE]. * * @param roleFlags the ExoPlayer role flags to check, an int representing a bitfield * @return whether the provided ExoPlayer flags contain a flag used for audio track types */ fun haveAudioTrackRoleFlagSet(@C.RoleFlags roleFlags: Int): Boolean { return isFlagSet(roleFlags, C.ROLE_FLAG_DESCRIBES_VIDEO) || isFlagSet(roleFlags, C.ROLE_FLAG_DUB) || isFlagSet(roleFlags, C.ROLE_FLAG_MAIN) || isFlagSet(roleFlags, C.ROLE_FLAG_ALTERNATE) } }