package com.github.libretube import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.View import import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import androidx.preference.ListPreference import androidx.preference.Preference import androidx.preference.PreferenceFragmentCompat import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import com.github.libretube.adapters.TrendingAdapter import retrofit2.HttpException import retrofit2.Retrofit import retrofit2.converter.jackson.JacksonConverterFactory import retrofit2.converter.scalars.ScalarsConverterFactory import class Settings : PreferenceFragmentCompat() { override fun onCreatePreferences(savedInstanceState: Bundle?, rootKey: String?) { setPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.settings, rootKey) val instance = findPreference("instance") fetchInstance() instance?.setOnPreferenceChangeListener { preference, newValue -> RetrofitInstance.url = newValue.toString() RetrofitInstance.lazyMgr.reset() true } val login = findPreference("login_register") login?.setOnPreferenceClickListener { val newFragment = LoginDialog(), "fuck") true } } private fun fetchInstance() { val api: PipedApi by lazy{ Retrofit.Builder() .baseUrl("") .addConverterFactory(ScalarsConverterFactory.create()) .build() .create( } lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated { val response = try { api.getInstances() } catch (e: IOException) { println(e) Log.e("settings", "IOException, you might not have internet connection") return@launchWhenCreated } catch (e: HttpException) { Log.e("settings", "HttpException, unexpected response ${e.toString()}") return@launchWhenCreated } catch (e: Exception){ Log.e("settings",e.toString()) return@launchWhenCreated } //println("dafaq $response") val listEntries: MutableList = ArrayList() val listEntryValues: MutableList = ArrayList() var skipped = 0 val lines = response.split("\n") for(line in lines) { val split = line.split("|") if (split.size == 5) { if (skipped < 2) { skipped++ }else{ println("dafaq $line") listEntries.add(split[0]) listEntryValues.add(split[1]) } } } val entries = listEntries.toTypedArray() val entryValues = listEntryValues.toTypedArray() runOnUiThread { val instance = findPreference("instance") instance?.entries = entries instance?.entryValues = entryValues } } } private fun Fragment?.runOnUiThread(action: () -> Unit) { this ?: return if (!isAdded) return // Fragment not attached to an Activity activity?.runOnUiThread(action) } }