package com.github.libretube.preferences import android.content.Context import android.content.SharedPreferences import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.github.libretube.obj.CustomInstance import com.github.libretube.obj.Streams import com.github.libretube.obj.WatchHistoryItem import com.github.libretube.obj.WatchPosition object PreferenceHelper { private val TAG = "PreferenceHelper" private lateinit var prefContext: Context private lateinit var settings: SharedPreferences private lateinit var editor: SharedPreferences.Editor val mapper = ObjectMapper() /** * set the context that is being used to access the shared preferences */ fun setContext(context: Context) { prefContext = context settings = getDefaultSharedPreferences(prefContext) editor = settings.edit() } fun getString(key: String?, defValue: String?): String { return settings.getString(key, defValue)!! } fun getBoolean(key: String?, defValue: Boolean): Boolean { return settings.getBoolean(key, defValue) } fun clearPreferences() { editor.clear().apply() } fun removePreference(value: String?) { editor.remove(value).apply() } fun getToken(): String { val sharedPref = prefContext.getSharedPreferences("token", Context.MODE_PRIVATE) return sharedPref?.getString("token", "")!! } fun setToken(newValue: String) { val editor = prefContext.getSharedPreferences("token", Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit() editor.putString("token", newValue).apply() } fun getUsername(): String { val sharedPref = prefContext.getSharedPreferences("username", Context.MODE_PRIVATE) return sharedPref.getString("username", "")!! } fun setUsername(newValue: String) { val editor = prefContext.getSharedPreferences("username", Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit() editor.putString("username", newValue).apply() } fun saveCustomInstance(customInstance: CustomInstance) { val customInstancesList = getCustomInstances() customInstancesList += customInstance val json = mapper.writeValueAsString(customInstancesList) editor.putString("customInstances", json).apply() } fun getCustomInstances(): ArrayList { val json: String = settings.getString("customInstances", "")!! val type = mapper.typeFactory.constructCollectionType(, ) return try { mapper.readValue(json, type) } catch (e: Exception) { arrayListOf() } } fun getSearchHistory(): List { return try { val set: Set = settings.getStringSet("search_history", LinkedHashSet())!! set.toList() } catch (e: Exception) { emptyList() } } fun saveToSearchHistory(query: String) { val historyList = getSearchHistory().toMutableList() if ((historyList.contains(query))) { // remove from history list if already contained historyList -= query } // append new query to history historyList.add(0, query) if (historyList.size > 10) { historyList.removeAt(historyList.size - 1) } updateSearchHistory(historyList) } fun removeFromSearchHistory(query: String) { val historyList = getSearchHistory().toMutableList() historyList -= query updateSearchHistory(historyList) } private fun updateSearchHistory(historyList: List) { val set: Set = LinkedHashSet(historyList) editor.putStringSet("search_history", set).apply() } fun addToWatchHistory(videoId: String, streams: Streams) { removeFromWatchHistory(videoId) val watchHistoryItem = WatchHistoryItem( videoId, streams.title, streams.uploadDate, streams.uploader, streams.uploaderUrl?.replace("/channel/", ""), streams.uploaderAvatar, streams.thumbnailUrl, streams.duration ) val mapper = ObjectMapper() val watchHistory = getWatchHistory() watchHistory += watchHistoryItem val json = mapper.writeValueAsString(watchHistory) editor.putString("watch_history", json).apply() } fun removeFromWatchHistory(videoId: String) { val mapper = ObjectMapper() val watchHistory = getWatchHistory() var indexToRemove: Int? = null watchHistory.forEachIndexed { index, item -> if (item.videoId == videoId) indexToRemove = index } if (indexToRemove != null) { watchHistory.removeAt(indexToRemove!!) val json = mapper.writeValueAsString(watchHistory) editor.putString("watch_history", json).commit() } } fun getWatchHistory(): ArrayList { val json: String = settings.getString("watch_history", "")!! val type = mapper.typeFactory.constructCollectionType(, ) return try { mapper.readValue(json, type) } catch (e: Exception) { arrayListOf() } } fun saveWatchPosition(videoId: String, position: Long) { val watchPositions = getWatchPositions() val watchPositionItem = WatchPosition(videoId, position) var indexToRemove: Int? = null watchPositions.forEachIndexed { index, item -> if (item.videoId == videoId) indexToRemove = index } if (indexToRemove != null) watchPositions.removeAt(indexToRemove!!) watchPositions += watchPositionItem val json = mapper.writeValueAsString(watchPositions) editor.putString("watch_positions", json).commit() } fun removeWatchPosition(videoId: String) { val watchPositions = getWatchPositions() var indexToRemove: Int? = null watchPositions.forEachIndexed { index, item -> if (item.videoId == videoId) indexToRemove = index } if (indexToRemove != null) watchPositions.removeAt(indexToRemove!!) val json = mapper.writeValueAsString(watchPositions) editor.putString("watch_positions", json).commit() } fun getWatchPositions(): ArrayList { val json: String = settings.getString("watch_positions", "")!! val type = mapper.typeFactory.constructCollectionType(, ) return try { mapper.readValue(json, type) } catch (e: Exception) { arrayListOf() } } fun setLatestVideoId(videoId: String) { setString(PreferenceKeys.LAST_STREAM_VIDEO_ID, videoId) } fun getLatestVideoId(): String { return getString(PreferenceKeys.LAST_STREAM_VIDEO_ID, "") } private fun getDefaultSharedPreferences(context: Context): SharedPreferences { return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) } }