package com.github.libretube.fragments import import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import android.content.res.Configuration import import import import android.os.Build import android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.os.Looper import android.os.PowerManager import import android.text.Html import android.text.TextUtils import android.util.Log import android.view.GestureDetector import android.view.GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.MotionEvent import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.Toast import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.MotionLayout import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout import import androidx.core.os.bundleOf import androidx.core.view.isVisible import import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import androidx.recyclerview.widget.GridLayoutManager import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager import com.github.libretube.Globals import com.github.libretube.R import com.github.libretube.activities.MainActivity import com.github.libretube.activities.hideKeyboard import com.github.libretube.adapters.ChaptersAdapter import com.github.libretube.adapters.CommentsAdapter import com.github.libretube.adapters.TrendingAdapter import com.github.libretube.databinding.DoubleTapOverlayBinding import com.github.libretube.databinding.ExoStyledPlayerControlViewBinding import com.github.libretube.databinding.FragmentPlayerBinding import com.github.libretube.dialogs.AddtoPlaylistDialog import com.github.libretube.dialogs.DownloadDialog import com.github.libretube.dialogs.ShareDialog import com.github.libretube.obj.ChapterSegment import com.github.libretube.obj.Playlist import com.github.libretube.obj.Segment import com.github.libretube.obj.Segments import com.github.libretube.obj.SponsorBlockPrefs import com.github.libretube.obj.StreamItem import com.github.libretube.obj.Streams import com.github.libretube.obj.Subscribe import com.github.libretube.preferences.PreferenceHelper import com.github.libretube.preferences.PreferenceKeys import com.github.libretube.util.BackgroundMode import com.github.libretube.util.ConnectionHelper import com.github.libretube.util.CronetHelper import com.github.libretube.util.DescriptionAdapter import com.github.libretube.util.PlayerHelper import com.github.libretube.util.RetrofitInstance import com.github.libretube.util.formatShort import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import import retrofit2.HttpException import import java.util.concurrent.Executors import kotlin.math.abs class PlayerFragment : Fragment() { private val TAG = "PlayerFragment" private lateinit var binding: FragmentPlayerBinding private lateinit var playerBinding: ExoStyledPlayerControlViewBinding private lateinit var doubleTapOverlayBinding: DoubleTapOverlayBinding /** * video information */ private var videoId: String? = null private var playlistId: String? = null private var isSubscribed: Boolean = false /** * for the transition */ private var sId: Int = 0 private var eId: Int = 0 private var transitioning = false /** * for the comments */ private var commentsAdapter: CommentsAdapter? = null private var commentsLoaded: Boolean? = false private var nextPage: String? = null private var isLoading = true /** * for the player */ private lateinit var exoPlayer: ExoPlayer private lateinit var trackSelector: DefaultTrackSelector private lateinit var segmentData: Segments private lateinit var chapters: List /** * for the player view */ private lateinit var exoPlayerView: StyledPlayerView private var isPlayerLocked: Boolean = false private var subtitle = mutableListOf() /** * user preferences */ private var token = "" private var relatedStreamsEnabled = true private var autoplayEnabled = false private val sponsorBlockPrefs = SponsorBlockPrefs() private var autoRotationEnabled = true private var playbackSpeed = "1F" private var pausePlayerOnScreenOffEnabled = false private var fullscreenOrientationPref = "ratio" private var watchHistoryEnabled = true private var watchPositionsEnabled = true private var useSystemCaptionStyle = true private var seekIncrement = 5L private var videoFormatPreference = "WEBM" private var defRes = "" private var bufferingGoal = 50000 private var seekBarPreview = false /** * for autoplay */ private var relatedStreams: List? = arrayListOf() private var nextStreamId: String? = null private var playlistStreamIds: MutableList = arrayListOf() private var playlistNextPage: String? = null /** * for the player notification */ private lateinit var mediaSession: MediaSessionCompat private lateinit var mediaSessionConnector: MediaSessionConnector private lateinit var playerNotification: PlayerNotificationManager /** * for the media description of the notification */ private lateinit var title: String private lateinit var uploader: String private lateinit var thumbnailUrl: String override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) arguments?.let { videoId = it.getString("videoId") playlistId = it.getString("playlistId") } } override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View { binding = FragmentPlayerBinding.inflate(layoutInflater, container, false) playerBinding = binding.player.binding doubleTapOverlayBinding = binding.doubleTapOverlay.binding // Inflate the layout for this fragment return binding.root } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) hideKeyboard() setUserPrefs() val mainActivity = activity as MainActivity if (autoRotationEnabled) { // enable auto rotation mainActivity.requestedOrientation = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR onConfigurationChanged(resources.configuration) } else { // go to portrait mode mainActivity.requestedOrientation = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT } setSponsorBlockPrefs() createExoPlayer() initializeTransitionLayout() initializeOnClickActions() playVideo() } private fun setUserPrefs() { token = PreferenceHelper.getToken() // save whether auto rotation is enabled autoRotationEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.AUTO_FULLSCREEN, false ) // save whether related streams and autoplay are enabled autoplayEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.AUTO_PLAY, false ) relatedStreamsEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.RELATED_STREAMS, true ) playbackSpeed = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.PLAYBACK_SPEED, "1" )!!.replace("F", "") // due to old way to handle it (with float) fullscreenOrientationPref = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.FULLSCREEN_ORIENTATION, "ratio" )!! pausePlayerOnScreenOffEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.PAUSE_ON_SCREEN_OFF, false ) watchPositionsEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.WATCH_POSITION_TOGGLE, true ) watchHistoryEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.WATCH_HISTORY_TOGGLE, true ) useSystemCaptionStyle = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.SYSTEM_CAPTION_STYLE, true ) seekIncrement = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.SEEK_INCREMENT, "5" )?.toLong()!! * 1000 videoFormatPreference = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.PLAYER_VIDEO_FORMAT, "WEBM" )!! defRes = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, "" )!! bufferingGoal = PreferenceHelper.getString( PreferenceKeys.BUFFERING_GOAL, "50" )?.toInt()!! * 1000 seekBarPreview = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean( PreferenceKeys.SEEKBAR_PREVIEW, false ) } private fun setSponsorBlockPrefs() { sponsorBlockPrefs.sponsorBlockEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean("sb_enabled_key", true) sponsorBlockPrefs.sponsorNotificationsEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean("sb_notifications_key", true) sponsorBlockPrefs.introEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean("intro_category_key", false) sponsorBlockPrefs.selfPromoEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean("selfpromo_category_key", false) sponsorBlockPrefs.interactionEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean("interaction_category_key", false) sponsorBlockPrefs.sponsorsEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean("sponsors_category_key", true) sponsorBlockPrefs.outroEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean("outro_category_key", false) sponsorBlockPrefs.fillerEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean("filler_category_key", false) sponsorBlockPrefs.musicOffTopicEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean("music_offtopic_category_key", false) sponsorBlockPrefs.previewEnabled = PreferenceHelper.getBoolean("preview_category_key", false) } private fun initializeTransitionLayout() { videoId = videoId!!.replace("/watch?v=", "") val mainActivity = activity as MainActivity mainActivity.binding.container.visibility = View.VISIBLE exoPlayerView = binding.player binding.playerMotionLayout.addTransitionListener(object : MotionLayout.TransitionListener { override fun onTransitionStarted( motionLayout: MotionLayout?, startId: Int, endId: Int ) { } override fun onTransitionChange( motionLayout: MotionLayout?, startId: Int, endId: Int, progress: Float ) { val mainActivity = activity as MainActivity val mainMotionLayout = mainActivity.binding.mainMotionLayout mainMotionLayout.progress = abs(progress) exoPlayerView.hideController() eId = endId sId = startId } override fun onTransitionCompleted(motionLayout: MotionLayout?, currentId: Int) { println(currentId) val mainActivity = activity as MainActivity val mainMotionLayout = mainActivity.binding.mainMotionLayout if (currentId == eId) { Globals.MINI_PLAYER_VISIBLE = true exoPlayerView.useController = false mainMotionLayout.progress = 1F } else if (currentId == sId) { Globals.MINI_PLAYER_VISIBLE = false exoPlayerView.useController = true mainMotionLayout.progress = 0F } } override fun onTransitionTrigger( MotionLayout: MotionLayout?, triggerId: Int, positive: Boolean, progress: Float ) { } }) binding.playerMotionLayout.progress = 1.toFloat() binding.playerMotionLayout.transitionToStart() } // actions that don't depend on video information private fun initializeOnClickActions() { binding.closeImageView.setOnClickListener { Globals.MINI_PLAYER_VISIBLE = false binding.playerMotionLayout.transitionToEnd() val mainActivity = activity as MainActivity mainActivity.supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction() .remove(this) .commit() } playerBinding.closeImageButton.setOnClickListener { Globals.MINI_PLAYER_VISIBLE = false binding.playerMotionLayout.transitionToEnd() val mainActivity = activity as MainActivity mainActivity.supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction() .remove(this) .commit() } // show the advanced player options playerBinding.toggleOptions.setOnClickListener { if (playerBinding.advancedOptions.isVisible) { playerBinding.toggleOptions.animate().rotation(0F).setDuration(250).start() playerBinding.advancedOptions.visibility = View.GONE } else { playerBinding.toggleOptions.animate().rotation(180F).setDuration(250).start() playerBinding.advancedOptions.visibility = View.VISIBLE } } binding.playImageView.setOnClickListener { if (!exoPlayer.isPlaying) { // start or go on playing binding.playImageView.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_pause) } else { // pause the video binding.playImageView.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_play) exoPlayer.pause() } } // video description and chapters toggle binding.playerTitleLayout.setOnClickListener { toggleDescription() } binding.commentsToggle.setOnClickListener { toggleComments() } // FullScreen button trigger // hide fullscreen button if auto rotation enabled playerBinding.fullscreen.visibility = if (autoRotationEnabled) View.GONE else View.VISIBLE playerBinding.fullscreen.setOnClickListener { // hide player controller exoPlayerView.hideController() if (!Globals.IS_FULL_SCREEN) { // go to fullscreen mode setFullscreen() } else { // exit fullscreen mode unsetFullscreen() } } // switching between original aspect ratio (black bars) and zoomed to fill device screen val aspectRatioModes = arrayOf( AspectRatioFrameLayout.RESIZE_MODE_FIT, AspectRatioFrameLayout.RESIZE_MODE_ZOOM, AspectRatioFrameLayout.RESIZE_MODE_FILL ) playerBinding.aspectRatioButton.setOnClickListener { val index = aspectRatioModes.indexOf(exoPlayerView.resizeMode) val newAspectRatioMode = if (index + 1 < aspectRatioModes.size) aspectRatioModes[index + 1] else aspectRatioModes[0] exoPlayerView.resizeMode = newAspectRatioMode } // lock and unlock the player playerBinding.lockPlayer.setOnClickListener { // change the locked/unlocked icon if (!isPlayerLocked) { playerBinding.lockPlayer.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_locked) } else { playerBinding.lockPlayer.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_unlocked) } // show/hide all the controls lockPlayer(isPlayerLocked) // change locked status isPlayerLocked = !isPlayerLocked } // set default playback speed val playbackSpeeds = context?.resources?.getStringArray(R.array.playbackSpeed)!! val playbackSpeedValues = context?.resources?.getStringArray(R.array.playbackSpeedValues)!! exoPlayer.setPlaybackSpeed(playbackSpeed.toFloat()) Log.e(TAG, playbackSpeed) val speedIndex = playbackSpeedValues.indexOf(playbackSpeed) playerBinding.speedText.text = playbackSpeeds[speedIndex] // change playback speed button playerBinding.speedText.setOnClickListener { MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(requireContext()) .setTitle(R.string.change_playback_speed) .setItems(playbackSpeeds) { _, index -> // set the new playback speed val newPlaybackSpeed = playbackSpeedValues[index].toFloat() exoPlayer.setPlaybackSpeed(newPlaybackSpeed) playerBinding.speedText.text = playbackSpeeds[index] } .show() } // repeat toggle button playerBinding.repeatToggle.setOnClickListener { if (exoPlayer.repeatMode == RepeatModeUtil.REPEAT_TOGGLE_MODE_ALL) { // turn off repeat mode exoPlayer.repeatMode = RepeatModeUtil.REPEAT_TOGGLE_MODE_NONE playerBinding.repeatToggle.setColorFilter(Color.GRAY) } else { exoPlayer.repeatMode = RepeatModeUtil.REPEAT_TOGGLE_MODE_ALL playerBinding.repeatToggle.setColorFilter(Color.WHITE) } } // share button binding.relPlayerShare.setOnClickListener { val shareDialog = ShareDialog(videoId!!, false), "ShareDialog") } binding.relPlayerBackground.setOnClickListener { // pause the current player exoPlayer.pause() // start the background mode BackgroundMode .getInstance() .playOnBackgroundMode( requireContext(), videoId!! ) } binding.playerScrollView.viewTreeObserver .addOnScrollChangedListener { if (binding.playerScrollView.getChildAt(0).bottom == (binding.playerScrollView.height + binding.playerScrollView.scrollY) && nextPage != null ) { fetchNextComments() } } binding.commentsRecView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(view?.context) binding.commentsRecView.setItemViewCacheSize(20) binding.relatedRecView.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(view?.context, resources.getInteger(R.integer.grid_items)) } private fun setFullscreen() { with(binding.playerMotionLayout) { getConstraintSet(, -1) enableTransition(, false) } binding.mainContainer.isClickable = true binding.linLayout.visibility = View.GONE playerBinding.fullscreen.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_fullscreen_exit) playerBinding.exoTitle.visibility = View.VISIBLE playerBinding.closeImageButton.visibility = View.GONE scaleControls(1.3F) val mainActivity = activity as MainActivity if (!autoRotationEnabled) { // different orientations of the video are only available when auto rotation is disabled val orientation = when (fullscreenOrientationPref) { "ratio" -> { val videoSize = exoPlayer.videoSize // probably a youtube shorts video if (videoSize.height > videoSize.width) ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT // a video with normal aspect ratio else ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_LANDSCAPE } "auto" -> ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR "landscape" -> ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_LANDSCAPE "portrait" -> ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT else -> ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_LANDSCAPE } mainActivity.requestedOrientation = orientation } Globals.IS_FULL_SCREEN = true } private fun unsetFullscreen() { // leave fullscreen mode with(binding.playerMotionLayout) { getConstraintSet(, 0) enableTransition(, true) } binding.mainContainer.isClickable = false binding.linLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE playerBinding.fullscreen.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_fullscreen) playerBinding.exoTitle.visibility = View.INVISIBLE playerBinding.closeImageButton.visibility = View.VISIBLE scaleControls(1F) if (!autoRotationEnabled) { // switch back to portrait mode if auto rotation disabled val mainActivity = activity as MainActivity mainActivity.requestedOrientation = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT } Globals.IS_FULL_SCREEN = false } private fun scaleControls(scaleFactor: Float) { playerBinding.exoPlayPause.scaleX = scaleFactor playerBinding.exoPlayPause.scaleY = scaleFactor } private fun toggleDescription() { if (binding.descLinLayout.isVisible) { // hide the description and chapters binding.playerDescriptionArrow.animate().rotation(0F).setDuration(250).start() binding.descLinLayout.visibility = View.GONE } else { // show the description and chapters binding.playerDescriptionArrow.animate().rotation(180F).setDuration(250).start() binding.descLinLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE } } private fun toggleComments() { binding.commentsRecView.visibility = if (binding.commentsRecView.isVisible) View.GONE else View.VISIBLE binding.relatedRecView.visibility = if (binding.relatedRecView.isVisible) View.GONE else View.VISIBLE if (!commentsLoaded!!) fetchComments() } override fun onPause() { // pauses the player if the screen is turned off // check whether the screen is on val pm = context?.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE) as PowerManager val isScreenOn = pm.isInteractive // pause player if screen off and setting enabled if ( this::exoPlayer.isInitialized && !isScreenOn && pausePlayerOnScreenOffEnabled ) { exoPlayer.pause() } super.onPause() } override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() try { saveWatchPosition() mediaSession.isActive = false mediaSession.release() mediaSessionConnector.setPlayer(null) playerNotification.setPlayer(null) val notificationManager = context?.getSystemService( Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE ) as NotificationManager notificationManager.cancel(1) exoPlayer.release() } catch (e: Exception) { } } // save the watch position if video isn't finished and option enabled private fun saveWatchPosition() { if (watchPositionsEnabled && exoPlayer.currentPosition != exoPlayer.duration) { PreferenceHelper.saveWatchPosition( videoId!!, exoPlayer.currentPosition ) } else if (watchPositionsEnabled) { // delete watch position if video has ended PreferenceHelper.removeWatchPosition(videoId!!) } } private fun checkForSegments() { if (!exoPlayer.isPlaying || !sponsorBlockPrefs.sponsorBlockEnabled) return exoPlayerView.postDelayed(this::checkForSegments, 100) if (!::segmentData.isInitialized || segmentData.segments.isEmpty()) { return } segmentData.segments.forEach { segment: Segment -> val segmentStart = (segment.segment!![0] * 1000.0f).toLong() val segmentEnd = (segment.segment[1] * 1000.0f).toLong() val currentPosition = exoPlayer.currentPosition if (currentPosition in segmentStart until segmentEnd) { if (sponsorBlockPrefs.sponsorNotificationsEnabled) { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.segment_skipped, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } exoPlayer.seekTo(segmentEnd) } } } private fun playVideo() { fun run() { lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated { val response = try { RetrofitInstance.api.getStreams(videoId!!) } catch (e: IOException) { println(e) Log.e(TAG, "IOException, you might not have internet connection") Toast.makeText(context, R.string.unknown_error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() return@launchWhenCreated } catch (e: HttpException) { Log.e(TAG, "HttpException, unexpected response") Toast.makeText(context, R.string.server_error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() return@launchWhenCreated } // for the notification description adapter title = response.title!! uploader = response.uploader!! thumbnailUrl = response.thumbnailUrl!! // save related streams for autoplay relatedStreams = response.relatedStreams runOnUiThread { // set media sources for the player setResolutionAndSubtitles(response) prepareExoPlayerView() initializePlayerView(response) seekToWatchPosition() exoPlayer.prepare() exoPlayerView.useController = true initializePlayerNotification(requireContext()) fetchSponsorBlockSegments() // show comments if related streams disabled if (!relatedStreamsEnabled) toggleComments() // prepare for autoplay initAutoPlay() if (watchHistoryEnabled) { PreferenceHelper.addToWatchHistory(videoId!!, response) } } } } run() } private fun seekToWatchPosition() { // seek to saved watch position if available val watchPositions = PreferenceHelper.getWatchPositions() var position: Long? = null watchPositions.forEach { if (it.videoId == videoId) position = it.position } // support for time stamped links val timeStamp: Long? = arguments?.getLong("timeStamp") if (timeStamp != null && timeStamp != 0L) { position = timeStamp * 1000 } if (position != null) exoPlayer.seekTo(position!!) } // the function is working recursively private fun initAutoPlay() { // save related streams for autoplay if (autoplayEnabled) { // if it's a playlist use the next video if (playlistId != null) { lateinit var playlist: Playlist // var for saving the list in // runs only the first time when starting a video from a playlist if (playlistStreamIds.isEmpty()) { CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { // fetch the playlists videos playlist = RetrofitInstance.api.getPlaylist(playlistId!!) // save the playlist urls in the array playlist.relatedStreams?.forEach { video -> playlistStreamIds += video.url?.replace("/watch?v=", "")!! } // save playlistNextPage for usage if video is not contained playlistNextPage = playlist.nextpage // restart the function after videos are loaded initAutoPlay() } } // if the playlists contain the video, then save the next video as next stream else if (playlistStreamIds.contains(videoId)) { val index = playlistStreamIds.indexOf(videoId) // check whether there's a next video if (index + 1 <= playlistStreamIds.size) { nextStreamId = playlistStreamIds[index + 1] } // fetch the next page of the playlist if the video isn't contained } else if (playlistNextPage != null) { CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { RetrofitInstance.api.getPlaylistNextPage(playlistId!!, playlistNextPage!!) // append all the playlist item urls to the array playlist.relatedStreams?.forEach { video -> playlistStreamIds += video.url?.replace("/watch?v=", "")!! } // save playlistNextPage for usage if video is not contained playlistNextPage = playlist.nextpage // restart the function after videos are loaded initAutoPlay() } } // else: the video must be the last video of the playlist so nothing happens // if it's not a playlist then use the next related video } else if (relatedStreams != null && relatedStreams!!.isNotEmpty()) { // save next video from related streams for autoplay nextStreamId = relatedStreams!![0].url!!.replace("/watch?v=", "") } } } // used for autoplay and skipping to next video private fun playNextVideo() { // check whether there is a new video in the queue // by making sure that the next and the current video aren't the same if (videoId != nextStreamId) { // save the id of the next stream as videoId and load the next video videoId = nextStreamId playVideo() } } private fun fetchSponsorBlockSegments() { fun run() { lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { if (sponsorBlockPrefs.sponsorBlockEnabled) { val categories: ArrayList = arrayListOf() if (sponsorBlockPrefs.introEnabled) { categories.add("intro") } if (sponsorBlockPrefs.selfPromoEnabled) { categories.add("selfpromo") } if (sponsorBlockPrefs.interactionEnabled) { categories.add("interaction") } if (sponsorBlockPrefs.sponsorsEnabled) { categories.add("sponsor") } if (sponsorBlockPrefs.outroEnabled) { categories.add("outro") } if (sponsorBlockPrefs.fillerEnabled) { categories.add("filler") } if (sponsorBlockPrefs.musicOffTopicEnabled) { categories.add("music_offtopic") } if (sponsorBlockPrefs.previewEnabled) { categories.add("preview") } if (categories.size > 0) { segmentData = try { RetrofitInstance.api.getSegments( videoId!!, "[\"" + TextUtils.join("\",\"", categories) + "\"]" ) } catch (e: IOException) { println(e) Log.e(TAG, "IOException, you might not have internet connection") return@launch } catch (e: HttpException) { Log.e(TAG, "HttpException, unexpected response") return@launch } } } } } run() } private fun prepareExoPlayerView() { exoPlayerView.apply { setShowSubtitleButton(true) setShowNextButton(false) setShowPreviousButton(false) // controllerShowTimeoutMs = 1500 controllerHideOnTouch = true useController = false player = exoPlayer } if (useSystemCaptionStyle) { // set the subtitle style val captionStyle = PlayerHelper.getCaptionStyle(requireContext()) exoPlayerView.subtitleView?.setApplyEmbeddedStyles(captionStyle == CaptionStyleCompat.DEFAULT) exoPlayerView.subtitleView?.setStyle(captionStyle) } } private fun initializePlayerView(response: Streams) { binding.apply { playerViewsInfo.text = context?.getString(R.string.views, response.views.formatShort()) + " • " + response.uploadDate textLike.text = response.likes.formatShort() textDislike.text = response.dislikes.formatShort() ConnectionHelper.loadImage(response.uploaderAvatar, binding.playerChannelImage) playerChannelName.text = response.uploader titleTextView.text = response.title playerTitle.text = response.title playerDescription.text = response.description } playerBinding.exoTitle.text = response.title if (seekBarPreview) enableSeekbarPreview() enableDoubleTapToSeek() // init the chapters recyclerview if (response.chapters != null) { chapters = response.chapters initializeChapters() } // Listener for play and pause icon change exoPlayer.addListener(object : Player.Listener { override fun onIsPlayingChanged(isPlaying: Boolean) { if (isPlaying && sponsorBlockPrefs.sponsorBlockEnabled) { exoPlayerView.postDelayed( this@PlayerFragment::checkForSegments, 100 ) } } override fun onVideoSizeChanged( videoSize: VideoSize ) { // Set new width/height of view // height or width must be cast to float as int/int will give 0 // Redraw the player container with the new layout height val params = binding.player.layoutParams params.height = videoSize.height / videoSize.width * params.width binding.player.layoutParams = params binding.player.requestLayout() (binding.mainContainer.layoutParams as ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams).apply { matchConstraintPercentHeight = (videoSize.height / videoSize.width).toFloat() } } @Deprecated(message = "Deprecated", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN) override fun onPlayerStateChanged( playWhenReady: Boolean, playbackState: Int ) { exoPlayerView.keepScreenOn = !( playbackState == Player.STATE_IDLE || playbackState == Player.STATE_ENDED || !playWhenReady ) // check if video has ended, next video is available and autoplay is enabled. if ( playbackState == Player.STATE_ENDED && nextStreamId != null && !transitioning && autoplayEnabled ) { transitioning = true // check whether autoplay is enabled if (autoplayEnabled) playNextVideo() } if (playWhenReady && playbackState == Player.STATE_READY) { // media actually playing transitioning = false binding.playImageView.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_pause) } else if (playWhenReady) { // might be idle (plays after prepare()), // buffering (plays when data available) // or ended (plays when seek away from end) binding.playImageView.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_play) } else { // player paused in any state binding.playImageView.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_play) } } }) // check if livestream if (response.duration!! > 0) { // download clicked binding.relPlayerDownload.setOnClickListener { if (!Globals.IS_DOWNLOAD_RUNNING) { val newFragment = DownloadDialog() val bundle = Bundle() bundle.putString("video_id", videoId) newFragment.arguments = bundle, "DownloadDialog") } else { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.dlisinprogress, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show() } } } else { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.cannotDownload, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } if (response.hls != null) { binding.relPlayerOpen.setOnClickListener { // start an intent with video as mimetype using the hls stream val uri: Uri = Uri.parse(response.hls) val intent = Intent() intent.action = Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType(uri, "video/*") intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE, title) intent.putExtra("title", title) intent.putExtra("artist", uploader) intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) try { startActivity(intent) } catch (e: Exception) { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.no_player_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } } } if (relatedStreamsEnabled) { // only show related streams if enabled binding.relatedRecView.adapter = TrendingAdapter( response.relatedStreams!!, childFragmentManager ) } // set video description val description = response.description!! binding.playerDescription.text = // detect whether the description is html formatted if (description.contains("<") && description.contains(">")) { if (SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { Html.fromHtml(description, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT) .trim() } else { Html.fromHtml(description).trim() } } else { description } binding.playerChannel.setOnClickListener { val activity = view?.context as MainActivity val bundle = bundleOf("channel_id" to response.uploaderUrl) activity.navController.navigate(, bundle) activity.binding.mainMotionLayout.transitionToEnd() binding.playerMotionLayout.transitionToEnd() } if (token != "") { val channelId = response.uploaderUrl?.replace("/channel/", "") isSubscribed(binding.playerSubscribe, channelId!!) binding.relPlayerSave.setOnClickListener { val newFragment = AddtoPlaylistDialog() val bundle = Bundle() bundle.putString("videoId", videoId) newFragment.arguments = bundle, "AddToPlaylist") } } } private fun enableDoubleTapToSeek() { // set seek increment text val seekIncrementText = (seekIncrement / 1000).toString() doubleTapOverlayBinding.rewindTV.text = seekIncrementText doubleTapOverlayBinding.forwardTV.text = seekIncrementText // enable rewind button val rewindGestureDetector = GestureDetector( context, object : SimpleOnGestureListener() { override fun onDoubleTap(e: MotionEvent): Boolean { rewind() return super.onDoubleTap(e) } override fun onSingleTapConfirmed(e: MotionEvent?): Boolean { toggleController() return super.onSingleTapConfirmed(e) } } ) doubleTapOverlayBinding.rewindFL.setOnTouchListener { view, event -> rewindGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event) view.performClick() true } // enable forward button val forwardGestureDetector = GestureDetector( context, object : SimpleOnGestureListener() { override fun onDoubleTap(e: MotionEvent): Boolean { forward() return super.onDoubleTap(e) } override fun onSingleTapConfirmed(e: MotionEvent?): Boolean { toggleController() return super.onSingleTapConfirmed(e) } } ) doubleTapOverlayBinding.forwardFL.setOnTouchListener { view, event -> forwardGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event) view.performClick() true } } private fun rewind() { exoPlayer.seekTo(exoPlayer.currentPosition - seekIncrement) // show the rewind button doubleTapOverlayBinding.rewindBTN.apply { visibility = View.VISIBLE // clear previous animation animate().rotation(0F).setDuration(0).start() // start new animation animate() .rotation(-30F) .setDuration(100) .withEndAction { // reset the animation when finished animate().rotation(0F).setDuration(100).start() } .start() removeCallbacks(hideRewindButtonRunnable) // start callback to hide the button postDelayed(hideRewindButtonRunnable, 700) } } private fun forward() { exoPlayer.seekTo(exoPlayer.currentPosition + seekIncrement) // show the forward button doubleTapOverlayBinding.forwardBTN.apply { visibility = View.VISIBLE // clear previous animation animate().rotation(0F).setDuration(0).start() // start new animation animate() .rotation(30F) .setDuration(100) .withEndAction { // reset the animation when finished animate().rotation(0F).setDuration(100).start() } .start() // start callback to hide the button removeCallbacks(hideForwardButtonRunnable) postDelayed(hideForwardButtonRunnable, 700) } } private val hideForwardButtonRunnable = Runnable { doubleTapOverlayBinding.forwardBTN.apply { visibility = View.GONE } } private val hideRewindButtonRunnable = Runnable { doubleTapOverlayBinding.rewindBTN.apply { visibility = View.GONE } } private fun toggleController() { if (exoPlayerView.isControllerFullyVisible) exoPlayerView.hideController() else exoPlayerView.showController() } // enable seek bar preview private fun enableSeekbarPreview() { playerBinding.exoProgress.addListener(object : TimeBar.OnScrubListener { override fun onScrubStart(timeBar: TimeBar, position: Long) { exoPlayer.pause() } override fun onScrubMove(timeBar: TimeBar, position: Long) { val minTimeDiff = 10 * 1000 // 10s // get the difference between the new and the old position val diff = abs(exoPlayer.currentPosition - position) // seek only when the difference is greater than 10 seconds if (diff >= minTimeDiff) exoPlayer.seekTo(position) } override fun onScrubStop(timeBar: TimeBar, position: Long, canceled: Boolean) { exoPlayer.seekTo(position) Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed({ exoPlayerView.hideController() }, 200) } }) } private fun initializeChapters() { if (chapters.isNotEmpty()) { // enable chapters in the video description binding.chaptersRecView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager( context, LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false ) binding.chaptersRecView.adapter = ChaptersAdapter(chapters, exoPlayer) binding.chaptersRecView.visibility = View.VISIBLE // enable the chapters dialog in the player val titles = mutableListOf() chapters.forEach { titles += it.title!! } playerBinding.chapterLL.visibility = View.VISIBLE playerBinding.chapterLL.setOnClickListener { if (Globals.IS_FULL_SCREEN) { MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(requireContext()) .setTitle(R.string.chapters) .setItems(titles.toTypedArray()) { _, index -> val position = chapters[index].start!! * 1000 exoPlayer.seekTo(position) } .show() } else { toggleDescription() } } setCurrentChapterName() } } // set the name of the video chapter in the exoPlayerView private fun setCurrentChapterName() { // call the function again in 100ms exoPlayerView.postDelayed(this::setCurrentChapterName, 100) val chapterName = getCurrentChapterName() // change the chapter name textView text to the chapterName if (chapterName != null && chapterName != playerBinding.chapterName.text) { playerBinding.chapterName.text = chapterName } } // get the name of the currently played chapter private fun getCurrentChapterName(): String? { val currentPosition = exoPlayer.currentPosition var chapterName: String? = null chapters.forEach { // check whether the chapter start is greater than the current player position if (currentPosition >= it.start!! * 1000) { // save chapter title if found chapterName = it.title } } return chapterName } private fun setMediaSource( videoUri: Uri, audioUrl: String ) { val dataSourceFactory: DataSource.Factory = DefaultHttpDataSource.Factory() val videoItem: MediaItem = MediaItem.Builder() .setUri(videoUri) .setSubtitleConfigurations(subtitle) .build() val videoSource: MediaSource = DefaultMediaSourceFactory(dataSourceFactory) .createMediaSource(videoItem) val audioSource: MediaSource = ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory) .createMediaSource(fromUri(audioUrl)) val mergeSource: MediaSource = MergingMediaSource(videoSource, audioSource) exoPlayer.setMediaSource(mergeSource) } private fun setResolutionAndSubtitles(response: Streams) { var videosNameArray: Array = arrayOf() var videosUrlArray: Array = arrayOf() // append hls to list if available if (response.hls != null) { videosNameArray += getString(R.string.hls) videosUrlArray += response.hls.toUri() } for (vid in response.videoStreams!!) { // append quality to list if it has the preferred format (e.g. MPEG) if (vid.format.equals(videoFormatPreference) && vid.url != null) { // preferred format videosNameArray += vid.quality.toString() videosUrlArray += vid.url!!.toUri() } else if (vid.quality.equals("LBRY") && vid.format.equals("MP4")) { // LBRY MP4 format videosNameArray += "LBRY MP4" videosUrlArray += vid.url!!.toUri() } } // create a list of subtitles subtitle = mutableListOf() val subtitlesNamesList = mutableListOf(context?.getString(R.string.none)!!) val subtitleCodesList = mutableListOf("") response.subtitles!!.forEach { subtitle.add( SubtitleConfiguration.Builder(it.url!!.toUri()) .setMimeType(it.mimeType!!) // The correct MIME type (required). .setLanguage(it.code) // The subtitle language (optional). .build() ) subtitlesNamesList +=!! subtitleCodesList += it.code!! } // captions selection dialog // hide caption selection view if no subtitles available if (response.subtitles.isEmpty()) playerBinding.captions.visibility = View.GONE playerBinding.captions.setOnClickListener { MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(requireContext()) .setTitle(R.string.captions) .setItems(subtitlesNamesList.toTypedArray()) { _, index -> val newParams = if (index != 0) { // caption selected // get the caption name and language val captionLanguage = subtitlesNamesList[index] val captionLanguageCode = subtitleCodesList[index] // update the icon of the captions button playerBinding.captions.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_caption) // select the new caption preference trackSelector.buildUponParameters() .setPreferredTextLanguages( captionLanguage, captionLanguageCode ) .setPreferredTextRoleFlags(C.ROLE_FLAG_CAPTION) } else { // none selected playerBinding.captions.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_caption_outlined) // disable captions trackSelector.buildUponParameters() .setPreferredTextLanguage("") } // set the new caption language trackSelector.setParameters(newParams) } .show() } // set media source and resolution in the beginning setStreamSource( response, videosNameArray, videosUrlArray ) playerBinding.qualityText.setOnClickListener { // Dialog for quality selection val builder: MaterialAlertDialogBuilder? = activity?.let { MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(it) } val lastPosition = exoPlayer.currentPosition builder!!.setTitle(R.string.choose_quality_dialog) .setItems( videosNameArray ) { _, which -> if ( videosNameArray[which] == getString(R.string.hls) || videosNameArray[which] == "LBRY HLS" ) { // no need to merge sources if using hls val mediaItem: MediaItem = MediaItem.Builder() .setUri(videosUrlArray[which]) .setSubtitleConfigurations(subtitle) .build() exoPlayer.setMediaItem(mediaItem) } else { val videoUri = videosUrlArray[which] val audioUrl = PlayerHelper.getMostBitRate(response.audioStreams!!) setMediaSource(videoUri, audioUrl) } exoPlayer.seekTo(lastPosition) playerBinding.qualityText.text = videosNameArray[which] } val dialog = builder.create() } } private fun setStreamSource( streams: Streams, videosNameArray: Array, videosUrlArray: Array ) { if (defRes != "") { videosNameArray.forEachIndexed { index, pipedStream -> // search for quality preference in the available stream sources if (pipedStream.contains(defRes)) { val videoUri = videosUrlArray[index] val audioUrl = PlayerHelper.getMostBitRate(streams.audioStreams!!) setMediaSource(videoUri, audioUrl) playerBinding.qualityText.text = videosNameArray[index] return } } } // if default resolution isn't set or available, use hls if available if (streams.hls != null) { val mediaItem: MediaItem = MediaItem.Builder() .setUri(streams.hls) .setSubtitleConfigurations(subtitle) .build() exoPlayer.setMediaItem(mediaItem) playerBinding.qualityText.text = context?.getString(R.string.hls) return } // if nothing found, use the first list entry if (videosUrlArray.isNotEmpty()) { val videoUri = videosUrlArray[0] val audioUrl = PlayerHelper.getMostBitRate(streams.audioStreams!!) setMediaSource(videoUri, audioUrl) playerBinding.qualityText.text = videosNameArray[0] } } private fun createExoPlayer() { val cronetEngine: CronetEngine = CronetHelper.getCronetEngine() val cronetDataSourceFactory: CronetDataSource.Factory = CronetDataSource.Factory(cronetEngine, Executors.newCachedThreadPool()) val dataSourceFactory = DefaultDataSource.Factory( requireContext(), cronetDataSourceFactory ) // handles the audio focus val audioAttributes = AudioAttributes.Builder() .setUsage(C.USAGE_MEDIA) .setContentType(C.CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE) .build() // handles the duration of media to retain in the buffer prior to the current playback position (for fast backward seeking) val loadControl = DefaultLoadControl.Builder() // cache the last three minutes .setBackBuffer(1000 * 60 * 3, true) .setBufferDurationsMs( 1000 * 10, // exo default is 50s bufferingGoal, DefaultLoadControl.DEFAULT_BUFFER_FOR_PLAYBACK_MS, DefaultLoadControl.DEFAULT_BUFFER_FOR_PLAYBACK_AFTER_REBUFFER_MS ) .build() trackSelector = DefaultTrackSelector(requireContext()) exoPlayer = ExoPlayer.Builder(requireContext()) .setMediaSourceFactory(DefaultMediaSourceFactory(dataSourceFactory)) .setLoadControl(loadControl) .setTrackSelector(trackSelector) .build() exoPlayer.setAudioAttributes(audioAttributes, true) } private fun initializePlayerNotification(c: Context) { mediaSession = MediaSessionCompat(c, mediaSession.apply { isActive = true } mediaSessionConnector = MediaSessionConnector(mediaSession) mediaSessionConnector.setPlayer(exoPlayer) playerNotification = PlayerNotificationManager .Builder(c, 1, "background_mode") .setMediaDescriptionAdapter( DescriptionAdapter(title, uploader, thumbnailUrl, requireContext()) ) .build() playerNotification.apply { setPlayer(exoPlayer) setUsePreviousAction(false) setUseStopAction(true) setMediaSessionToken(mediaSession.sessionToken) } } // lock the player private fun lockPlayer(isLocked: Boolean) { // isLocked is the current (old) state of the player lock val visibility = if (isLocked) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE playerBinding.exoTopBarRight.visibility = visibility playerBinding.exoPlayPause.visibility = visibility playerBinding.exoBottomBar.visibility = visibility playerBinding.closeImageButton.visibility = visibility playerBinding.exoTitle.visibility = if (isLocked && Globals.IS_FULL_SCREEN ) View.VISIBLE else View.INVISIBLE // hide the close image button playerBinding.closeImageButton.visibility = if (isLocked && !(Globals.IS_FULL_SCREEN && !autoRotationEnabled) ) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE // disable double tap to seek when the player is locked if (isLocked) { // enable fast forward and rewind by double tapping binding.doubleTapOverlay.visibility = View.VISIBLE } else { // disable fast forward and rewind by double tapping binding.doubleTapOverlay.visibility = View.GONE } } private fun isSubscribed(button: MaterialButton, channel_id: String) { fun run() { lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated { val response = try { RetrofitInstance.authApi.isSubscribed( channel_id, token ) } catch (e: IOException) { println(e) Log.e(TAG, "IOException, you might not have internet connection") return@launchWhenCreated } catch (e: HttpException) { Log.e(TAG, "HttpException, unexpected response") return@launchWhenCreated } runOnUiThread { if (response.subscribed == true) { isSubscribed = true button.text = getString(R.string.unsubscribe) } if (response.subscribed != null) { button.setOnClickListener { if (isSubscribed) { unsubscribe(channel_id) button.text = getString(R.string.subscribe) } else { subscribe(channel_id) button.text = getString(R.string.unsubscribe) } } } } } } run() } private fun subscribe(channel_id: String) { fun run() { lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated { try { RetrofitInstance.authApi.subscribe( token, Subscribe(channel_id) ) } catch (e: IOException) { println(e) Log.e(TAG, "IOException, you might not have internet connection") return@launchWhenCreated } catch (e: HttpException) { Log.e(TAG, "HttpException, unexpected response$e") return@launchWhenCreated } isSubscribed = true } } run() } private fun unsubscribe(channel_id: String) { fun run() { lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated { try { RetrofitInstance.authApi.unsubscribe( token, Subscribe(channel_id) ) } catch (e: IOException) { println(e) Log.e(TAG, "IOException, you might not have internet connection") return@launchWhenCreated } catch (e: HttpException) { Log.e(TAG, "HttpException, unexpected response") return@launchWhenCreated } isSubscribed = false } } run() } private fun Fragment?.runOnUiThread(action: () -> Unit) { this ?: return if (!isAdded) return // Fragment not attached to an Activity activity?.runOnUiThread(action) } private fun fetchComments() { lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated { val commentsResponse = try { RetrofitInstance.api.getComments(videoId!!) } catch (e: IOException) { println(e) Log.e(TAG, "IOException, you might not have internet connection") Toast.makeText(context, R.string.unknown_error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() return@launchWhenCreated } catch (e: HttpException) { Log.e(TAG, "HttpException, unexpected response") return@launchWhenCreated } commentsAdapter = CommentsAdapter(videoId!!, commentsResponse.comments) binding.commentsRecView.adapter = commentsAdapter nextPage = commentsResponse.nextpage commentsLoaded = true isLoading = false } } private fun fetchNextComments() { lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated { if (!isLoading) { isLoading = true val response = try { RetrofitInstance.api.getCommentsNextPage(videoId!!, nextPage!!) } catch (e: IOException) { println(e) Log.e(TAG, "IOException, you might not have internet connection") return@launchWhenCreated } catch (e: HttpException) { Log.e(TAG, "HttpException, unexpected response," + e.response()) return@launchWhenCreated } nextPage = response.nextpage commentsAdapter?.updateItems(response.comments) isLoading = false } } } override fun onPictureInPictureModeChanged(isInPictureInPictureMode: Boolean) { super.onPictureInPictureModeChanged(isInPictureInPictureMode) if (isInPictureInPictureMode) { // hide and disable exoPlayer controls exoPlayerView.hideController() exoPlayerView.useController = false // set portrait mode unsetFullscreen() with(binding.playerMotionLayout) { getConstraintSet(, -1) enableTransition(, false) } binding.linLayout.visibility = View.GONE Globals.IS_FULL_SCREEN = false } else { // enable exoPlayer controls again exoPlayerView.useController = true with(binding.playerMotionLayout) { getConstraintSet(, 0) enableTransition(, true) } binding.linLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE } } fun onUserLeaveHint() { val bounds = Rect() binding.playerScrollView.getHitRect(bounds) if (SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O && (binding.playerScrollView.getLocalVisibleRect(bounds) || Globals.IS_FULL_SCREEN) ) { activity?.enterPictureInPictureMode(updatePipParams()) } } private fun updatePipParams() = PictureInPictureParams.Builder() .setActions(emptyList()) .build() override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig) if (autoRotationEnabled) { val orientation = newConfig.orientation if (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { // go to fullscreen mode setFullscreen() } else { // exit fullscreen if not landscape unsetFullscreen() } } } }