From b98b83b4df806b07dd406884139f8f5963dced04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xIUPITERx <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 13:03:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update colors.xml
app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml | 114 ++++++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml
index dd9a28d08..49cd150ca 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml
@@ -297,64 +297,64 @@
- #9B3489
- #FFD7F0
- #3A0032
- #6F5767
- #281623
- #815341
- #321205
- #BA1A1A
- #410002
- #1F1A1D
- #1F1A1D
- #4F444A
- #81737B
- #F8EEF1
- #342F32
+ // Colors without comments seem to be not used
+ #616161 // LibreTube Logo, Hyperlinks and on-off switch (on status: filling) (also influence on the navbar colour)
+ #FFFFFF // on-off switch (on status: circle)
+ #272727
+ #797979 // Headline Text
+ #B39494 // SponsorBlock marker
+ #DCDCDC // NavBar Icon Container (selected)
+ #272727 // Navbar Icon (selected)
+ #272727
+ #272727
+ #272727
+ #272727
+ #FFFFFF // Background (Settings and home)
+ #272727
+ #FFFFFF // Navbar and Flyouts (uses also the "primary" color)
+ #272727 // NavBar Text (selected) and some Flyout Headlines
+ #DCDCDC // on-off switch (off status: filling)
+ #353535 // text in Flyouts, Animation color (subscription button)
+ #797979 // on-off switch (off status: border)
+ #606060
+ #C1C1C1
- #9B3489
- #9B3489
- #5E0052
- #7E186F
- #FFD7F0
- #3E2A38
- #56404F
- #F5B9A2
- #4B2617
- #663C2B
- #93000A
- #690005
- #1F1A1D
- #EAE0E3
- #1F1A1D
- #EAE0E3
- #4F444A
- #D2C2CA
- #9B8D94
- #1F1A1D
- #EAE0E3
- #9B3489
+ #717171
+ #717171
+ #AAAAAA // LibreTube Logo, Hyperlinks and on-off switch (on status: filling) (also influence on the navbar colour)
+ #1C1C1C // on-off switch (on status: circle)
+ #4D4D4D
+ #A3A3A3
+ #A3A3A3 // Headline Text
+ #886A6A // SponsorBlock marker
+ #4D4D4D // NavBar Icon Container (selected)
+ #A3A3A3 // Navbar Icon Color (selected)
+ #4D4D4D
+ #A3A3A3
+ #4D4D4D
+ #A3A3A3
+ #4D4D4D
+ #4D4D4D
+ #A3A3A3
+ #A3A3A3
+ #1C1C1C // Background (Settings and home)
+ #A3A3A3
+ #1C1C1C // Navbar and Flyouts (uses also the "primary" color) 252525
+ #A3A3A3 // NavBar Text (selected) and some Flyout Headlines
+ #4D4D4D // on-off switch (off status: filling)
+ #A3A3A3 // text in Flyouts, Animation color (subscription button)
+ #A3A3A3 // on-off switch (off status: border)
+ #404040
+ #C3C3C3
+ #707070
+ #C3C3C3
+ #C3C3C3
\ No newline at end of file