diff --git a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
index 0db563702..7cc95d66a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -41,100 +41,6 @@
- motionLayout.transitionToEnd()
- motionLayout.transitionToStart()
- }, 100)
- } else if (data.path!!.contains("/watch") && data.query != null) {
- Log.d("dafaq", data.query!!)
- var watch = data.query!!
- if (watch.contains("&")) {
- var watches = watch.split("&")
- for (v in watches) {
- if (v.contains("v=")) {
- watch = v
- break
- }
- }
- }
- var bundle = Bundle()
- bundle.putString("videoId", watch.replace("v=", ""))
- var frag = PlayerFragment()
- frag.arguments = bundle
- supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
- .remove(PlayerFragment())
- .commit()
- supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
- .replace(R.id.container, frag)
- .commitNow()
- Handler().postDelayed({
- val motionLayout = findViewById(R.id.playerMotionLayout)
- motionLayout.transitionToEnd()
- motionLayout.transitionToStart()
- }, 100)
- } else {
- var watch = data.path!!.replace("/", "")
- var bundle = Bundle()
- bundle.putString("videoId", watch)
- var frag = PlayerFragment()
- frag.arguments = bundle
- supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
- .remove(PlayerFragment())
- .commit()
- supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
- .replace(R.id.container, frag)
- .commitNow()
- Handler().postDelayed({
- val motionLayout = findViewById(R.id.playerMotionLayout)
- motionLayout.transitionToEnd()
- motionLayout.transitionToStart()
- }, 100)
+ private fun loadIntentData(data: Uri) {
+ // channel
+ if (data.path!!.contains("/channel/") ||
+ data.path!!.contains("/c/") ||
+ data.path!!.contains("/user/")
+ ) {
+ Log.i(TAG, "URI Type: Channel")
+ var channel = data.path
+ channel = channel!!.replace("/c/", "")
+ channel = channel.replace("/user/", "")
+ val bundle = bundleOf("channel_id" to channel)
+ navController.navigate(R.id.channel, bundle)
+ } else if (data.path!!.contains("/playlist")) {
+ Log.i(TAG, "URI Type: Playlist")
+ var playlist = data.query!!
+ if (playlist.contains("&")) {
+ var playlists = playlist.split("&")
+ for (v in playlists) {
+ if (v.contains("list=")) {
+ playlist = v
+ break
+ playlist = playlist.replace("list=", "")
+ val bundle = bundleOf("playlist_id" to playlist)
+ navController.navigate(R.id.playlistFragment, bundle)
+ } else if (data.path!!.contains("/shorts/") ||
+ data.path!!.contains("/embed/") ||
+ data.path!!.contains("/v/")
+ ) {
+ Log.i(TAG, "URI Type: Video")
+ val watch = data.path!!
+ .replace("/shorts/", "")
+ .replace("/v/", "")
+ .replace("/embed/", "")
+ val bundle = Bundle()
+ bundle.putString("videoId", watch)
+ val frag = PlayerFragment()
+ frag.arguments = bundle
+ supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
+ .remove(PlayerFragment())
+ .commit()
+ supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
+ .replace(R.id.container, frag)
+ .commitNow()
+ Handler().postDelayed({
+ val motionLayout = findViewById(R.id.playerMotionLayout)
+ motionLayout.transitionToEnd()
+ motionLayout.transitionToStart()
+ }, 100)
+ } else if (data.path!!.contains("/watch") && data.query != null) {
+ Log.d("dafaq", data.query!!)
+ var watch = data.query!!
+ if (watch.contains("&")) {
+ var watches = watch.split("&")
+ for (v in watches) {
+ if (v.contains("v=")) {
+ watch = v
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var bundle = Bundle()
+ bundle.putString("videoId", watch.replace("v=", ""))
+ var frag = PlayerFragment()
+ frag.arguments = bundle
+ supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
+ .remove(PlayerFragment())
+ .commit()
+ supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
+ .replace(R.id.container, frag)
+ .commitNow()
+ Handler().postDelayed({
+ val motionLayout = findViewById(R.id.playerMotionLayout)
+ motionLayout.transitionToEnd()
+ motionLayout.transitionToStart()
+ }, 100)
+ } else {
+ var watch = data.path!!.replace("/", "")
+ var bundle = Bundle()
+ bundle.putString("videoId", watch)
+ var frag = PlayerFragment()
+ frag.arguments = bundle
+ supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
+ .remove(PlayerFragment())
+ .commit()
+ supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
+ .replace(R.id.container, frag)
+ .commitNow()
+ Handler().postDelayed({
+ val motionLayout = findViewById(R.id.playerMotionLayout)
+ motionLayout.transitionToEnd()
+ motionLayout.transitionToStart()
+ }, 100)
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/github/libretube/RouterActivity.kt b/app/src/main/java/com/github/libretube/RouterActivity.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f0ee8c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/github/libretube/RouterActivity.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+package com.github.libretube
+import android.content.Intent
+import android.content.pm.PackageManager
+import android.net.Uri
+import android.os.Bundle
+import android.util.Log
+import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
+class RouterActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
+ val TAG = "RouterActivity"
+ override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
+ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
+ // Check if Intent Action is ACTION_SEND
+ if (intent?.action == Intent.ACTION_SEND) {
+ if (intent.type == "text/plain" && checkHost(intent)) {
+ // start the main activity using the given URI as data if the host is known
+ handleSendText(intent)
+ } else {
+ // start app as normal if wrong intent type
+ restartMainActivity(this)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun checkHost(intent: Intent): Boolean {
+ // check whether the host is known, current solution to replace the broken intent filter
+ val hostsList = resources.getStringArray(R.array.shareHostsList)
+ val intentDataUri: Uri = Uri.parse(intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT))
+ val intentDataHost = intentDataUri.host
+ Log.d(TAG, "$intentDataHost")
+ return hostsList.contains(intentDataHost)
+ }
+ private fun handleSendText(intent: Intent) {
+ intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT)?.let {
+ Log.i(TAG, it)
+ val pm: PackageManager = this.packageManager
+ // startIntent(this, MainActivity::class.java doesn't work for the activity aliases needed for the logo switch option
+ val intent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(this.packageName)
+ intent?.flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK
+ intent?.data = Uri.parse(it)
+ this.startActivity(intent)
+ this.finishAndRemoveTask()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/array.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/array.xml
index 254616997..a654935d6 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/array.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/array.xml
@@ -14,6 +14,46 @@
- https://pipedapi.moomoo.me
- https://pa.mint.lgbt
+ - youtube.com"
+ - m.youtube.com"
+ - www.youtube.com"
+ - music.youtube.com"
+ - youtu.be"
+ - tubus.eduvid.org"
+ - invidio.us"
+ - dev.invidio.us"
+ - www.invidio.us"
+ - redirect.invidious.io"
+ - invidious.snopyta.org"
+ - yewtu.be"
+ - tube.connect.cafe"
+ - invidious.kavin.rocks"
+ - invidious-us.kavin.rocks"
+ - invidious.site"
+ - vid.mint.lgbt"
+ - invidiou.site"
+ - invidious.fdn.fr"
+ - invidious.048596.xyz"
+ - invidious.zee.li"
+ - vid.puffyan.us"
+ - ytprivate.com"
+ - invidious.namazso.eu"
+ - invidious.silkky.cloud"
+ - invidious.exonip.de"
+ - inv.riverside.rocks"
+ - invidious.blamefran.net"
+ - invidious.moomoo.me"
+ - ytb.trom.tf"
+ - yt.cyberhost.uk"
+ - y.com.cm"
+ - piped.tokhmi.xyz"
+ - piped.kavin.rocks"
+ - piped.silkky.cloud"
+ - piped.silkky.cloud"
+ - piped.mint.lgbt"
+ - il.ax"
- Afghanistan
- Albania