Show/Hide exact view count with description toggle

This commit is contained in:
Krunal Patel 2022-12-06 13:39:20 +05:30
parent 11d4b86129
commit 0480da9aa0

View File

@ -463,10 +463,20 @@ class PlayerFragment : BaseFragment(), OnlinePlayerOptions {
// hide the description and chapters
binding.descLinLayout.visibility = View.GONE
// show formated short view count
val viewInfo = context?.getString(R.string.views, streams.views.formatShort()) +
if (!isLive) TextUtils.SEPARATOR + streams.uploadDate else ""
binding.playerViewsInfo.text = viewInfo
} else {
// show the description and chapters
binding.descLinLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE
// show exact view count
val viewInfo = context?.getString(R.string.views, String.format("%,d", streams.views)) +
if (!isLive) TextUtils.SEPARATOR + streams.uploadDate else ""
binding.playerViewsInfo.text = viewInfo
if (this::chapters.isInitialized && chapters.isNotEmpty()) {
val chapterIndex = getCurrentChapterIndex()