2022-06-06 16:17:54 +05:30
package com.github.libretube.util
import android.util.Log
import androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager
import com.github.libretube.BuildConfig
import com.github.libretube.dialogs.UpdateAvailableDialog
import java.io.BufferedReader
import java.io.InputStreamReader
import java.net.URL
import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
2022-06-06 16:19:14 +05:30
import org.json.JSONArray
import org.json.JSONObject
2022-06-06 16:17:54 +05:30
fun checkUpdate(childFragmentManager: FragmentManager) {
var updateInfo: UpdateInfo? = UpdateInfo("", "")
// run http request as thread to make it async
val thread = Thread {
// otherwise crashes without internet
try {
updateInfo = getUpdateInfo()
} catch (e: Exception) {
// wait for the thread to finish
// show the UpdateAvailableDialog if there's an update available
if (updateInfo?.tagName != "" && BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME != updateInfo?.tagName) {
val updateAvailableDialog = UpdateAvailableDialog(
updateAvailableDialog.show(childFragmentManager, "UpdateAvailableDialog")
fun getUpdateInfo(): UpdateInfo? {
val latest = URL("https://api.github.com/repos/libre-tube/LibreTube/releases/latest")
val json = StringBuilder()
val urlConnection: HttpsURLConnection?
urlConnection = latest.openConnection() as HttpsURLConnection
val br = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(urlConnection.inputStream))
var line: String?
while (br.readLine().also { line = it } != null) json.append(line)
// Parse and return json data
val jsonRoot = JSONObject(json.toString())
if (jsonRoot.has("tag_name") &&
jsonRoot.has("html_url") &&
) {
val updateUrl = jsonRoot.getString("html_url")
val jsonAssets: JSONArray = jsonRoot.getJSONArray("assets")
for (i in 0 until jsonAssets.length()) {
val jsonAsset = jsonAssets.getJSONObject(i)
if (jsonAsset.has("name")) {
val name = jsonAsset.getString("name")
if (name.endsWith(".apk")) {
val tagName = jsonRoot.getString("name")
Log.i("", "Lastest version: $tagName")
return UpdateInfo(updateUrl, tagName)
return null
// data class for the update info, required to return the data
data class UpdateInfo(
val updateUrl: String,
val tagName: String