
135 lines
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2022-07-30 16:39:57 +05:30
import java.time.Instant
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
plugins {
id ''
2023-08-20 06:02:04 +05:30
id ''
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
id 'kotlin-android'
id 'kotlinx-serialization'
2023-06-09 07:04:19 +05:30
id 'kotlin-parcelize'
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
android {
2023-07-26 05:24:34 +05:30
compileSdk 34
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
defaultConfig {
2022-02-01 21:22:06 +05:30
applicationId 'com.github.libretube'
2022-02-27 00:27:05 +05:30
minSdk 21
2022-08-27 18:43:24 +05:30
targetSdk 33
2023-08-15 16:36:46 +05:30
versionCode 40
versionName '0.17.1'
2021-12-09 18:31:47 +05:30
testInstrumentationRunner 'androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner'
resValue "string", "app_name", "LibreTube"
2022-11-18 22:31:11 +05:30
2023-08-20 06:02:04 +05:30
ksp {
arg("room.schemaLocation", "$projectDir/schemas")
arg("exportSchema", "true")
2022-11-18 22:31:11 +05:30
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
2022-07-01 00:35:31 +05:30
buildFeatures {
viewBinding true
2023-08-13 16:37:26 +05:30
applicationVariants.configureEach { variant ->
2022-07-30 16:03:01 +05:30
// use the date as version for debug builds
if ( == 'debug') {
variant.outputs.each { output ->
2022-07-30 16:39:57 +05:30
output.versionCodeOverride = getUnixTime()
2022-07-30 16:03:01 +05:30
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
buildTypes {
release {
2022-02-27 23:21:17 +05:30
minifyEnabled true
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
2022-02-15 01:42:10 +05:30
debug {
debuggable true
applicationIdSuffix ".debug"
resValue "string", "app_name", "LibreTube Debug"
2022-02-15 01:42:10 +05:30
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
compileOptions {
2022-04-16 11:51:50 +05:30
coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
2022-02-27 23:21:17 +05:30
splits {
abi {
enable true
2022-06-07 12:22:11 +05:30
include "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a", "x86", "x86_64"
2022-08-18 16:59:07 +05:30
universalApk true
2022-02-27 23:21:17 +05:30
packagingOptions {
2022-04-15 11:45:17 +05:30
jniLibs {
excludes += ['lib/armeabi-v7a/*']
2022-02-27 23:21:17 +05:30
2022-05-12 21:49:52 +05:30
namespace 'com.github.libretube'
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
dependencies {
//debugImplementation libs.square.leakcanary
2022-02-05 22:40:43 +05:30
2022-08-27 17:27:41 +05:30
/* Android Core */
implementation libs.androidx.activity
implementation libs.androidx.appcompat
2023-04-09 17:18:35 +05:30
implementation libs.androidx.core
implementation libs.androidx.constraintlayout
implementation libs.androidx.fragment
implementation libs.androidx.legacySupport
implementation libs.androidx.navigation.fragment
implementation libs.androidx.navigation.ui
implementation libs.androidx.preference
2022-07-28 16:57:52 +05:30
2021-12-18 16:34:14 +05:30
2022-08-27 17:27:41 +05:30
/* Android Lifecycle */
implementation libs.lifecycle.viewmodel
implementation libs.lifecycle.runtime
implementation libs.lifecycle.livedata
2023-02-06 06:47:07 +05:30
implementation libs.lifecycle.service
2022-08-27 17:27:41 +05:30
/* Testing */
androidTestImplementation libs.androidx.test.junit
androidTestImplementation libs.androidx.test.espressoCore
2021-12-18 16:34:14 +05:30
2022-08-27 17:27:41 +05:30
/* Design */
implementation libs.material
2022-08-27 17:27:41 +05:30
/* ExoPlayer */
2023-05-15 20:51:49 +05:30
implementation libs.androidx.media3.exoplayer
implementation libs.androidx.media3.ui
implementation libs.androidx.media3.exoplayer.hls
implementation libs.androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash
implementation libs.androidx.media3.session
implementation(libs.androidx.media3.datasource.cronet) { exclude group: '' }
2022-02-26 22:49:42 +05:30
2023-01-19 14:08:21 +05:30
/* Retrofit and Kotlinx Serialization */
implementation libs.square.retrofit
implementation libs.kotlinx.serialization
implementation libs.kotlinx.datetime
implementation libs.kotlinx.serialization.retrofit
2022-03-16 19:02:42 +05:30
2022-08-27 17:27:41 +05:30
/* Cronet and Coil */
coreLibraryDesugaring libs.desugaring
implementation libs.cronet.embedded
implementation libs.cronet.okhttp
2022-07-21 19:51:43 +05:30
implementation libs.coil
2022-08-04 12:38:46 +05:30
2022-08-27 17:27:41 +05:30
/* Room */
2023-08-20 06:02:04 +05:30
2022-08-13 23:34:07 +05:30
2022-07-30 16:03:01 +05:30
2022-07-30 16:39:57 +05:30
static def getUnixTime() {