2022-05-03 10:52:06 +05:30
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2021-12-09 18:01:40 +05:30
<resources >
2022-05-03 23:38:47 +05:30
<string name= "startpage" > Home</string>
<string name= "subscriptions" > Subscriptions</string>
<string name= "library" > Library</string>
2022-04-15 00:21:54 +05:30
<string name= "yes" > Yes</string>
2021-12-14 21:45:53 +05:30
<string name= "choose_quality_dialog" > Choose Quality:</string>
2021-12-28 01:37:07 +05:30
<string name= "search_hint" > Search</string>
2022-05-04 01:34:32 +05:30
<string name= "videos" > Videos</string>
2022-05-03 10:52:06 +05:30
<string name= "subscribe" > Subscribe</string>
2022-05-04 11:13:32 +05:30
<string name= "unsubscribe" > Unsubscribe</string>
2022-01-28 18:31:41 +05:30
<string name= "share" > Share</string>
<string name= "download" > Download</string>
<string name= "save" > Save</string>
2022-02-07 22:13:30 +05:30
<string name= "username" > Username</string>
<string name= "password" > Password</string>
2022-05-04 11:13:32 +05:30
<string name= "login" > Log in</string>
2022-02-07 22:13:30 +05:30
<string name= "register" > Register</string>
2022-05-04 11:13:32 +05:30
<string name= "logout" > Log out</string>
2022-02-07 22:13:30 +05:30
<string name= "cancel" > Cancel</string>
2022-05-04 11:13:32 +05:30
<string name= "loggedIn" > Logged in.</string>
<string name= "loggedout" > Logged out.</string>
<string name= "registered" > Registered. Now you can subscribe to channels.</string>
<string name= "already_logged_in" > Already logged in. You may log out of your account.</string>
<string name= "login_first" > Please log in and try again!</string>
2022-02-08 19:57:13 +05:30
<string name= "instances" > Choose an instance</string>
<string name= "customInstance" > Add a custom instance</string>
<string name= "region" > Choose a region</string>
2022-05-04 11:13:32 +05:30
<string name= "login_register" > Log in/Register</string>
<string name= "please_login" > Please log in or register in the settings first.</string>
2022-05-05 19:31:50 +05:30
<string name= "importsuccess" > Subscribed</string>
2022-05-04 11:13:32 +05:30
<string name= "subscribeIsEmpty" > Subscribe to some channels first.</string>
<string name= "cannotDownload" > Can\'t download this stream.</string>
<string name= "dlcomplete" > Download completed.</string>
<string name= "dlisinprogress" > Another download is already in progress. Please wait till it\'s finished.</string>
<string name= "downloadfailed" > Download failed.</string>
2022-03-15 21:36:42 +05:30
<string name= "vlc" > Open in VLC</string>
2022-05-26 04:20:19 +05:30
<string name= "vlcerror" > Can\'t open in VLC. It might not be installed.</string>
2022-05-05 17:08:48 +05:30
<string name= "import_from_yt" > Import subscriptions</string>
2022-05-20 19:25:55 +05:30
<string name= "import_from_yt_summary" > From YouTube or NewPipe</string>
2022-05-04 11:13:32 +05:30
<string name= "app_theme" > Theme</string>
<string name= "server_error" > There is a problem with the server. Try another instance?</string>
<string name= "unknown_error" > Network error.</string>
<string name= "error" > Something went wrong.</string>
<string name= "empty" > You have to enter a username and password.</string>
<string name= "notgmail" > This is not your Gmail account.</string>
<string name= "defres" > Default video resolution</string>
<string name= "grid" > Choose grid columns</string>
<string name= "emptyList" > Nothing here.</string>
<string name= "deletePlaylist" > Delete playlist</string>
<string name= "areYouSure" > Delete the playlist?</string>
<string name= "createPlaylist" > Create playlist</string>
2022-04-15 16:56:06 +05:30
<string name= "playlistCreated" > Playlist created!</string>
2022-04-16 23:46:43 +05:30
<string name= "playlistName" > Playlist Name</string>
2022-05-04 14:58:00 +05:30
<string name= "emptyPlaylistName" > The playlist name can\'t be empty</string>
2022-04-18 00:20:10 +05:30
<string name= "addToPlaylist" > Add to Playlist</string>
<string name= "success" > Success!</string>
<string name= "fail" > Failed :(</string>
2022-05-01 20:06:28 +05:30
<string name= "about" > About</string>
2022-05-06 00:21:34 +05:30
<string name= "changeLanguage" > Change Language</string>
2022-05-06 13:00:48 +05:30
<string name= "systemLanguage" > System Language</string>
2022-05-03 23:38:47 +05:30
<string name= "systemDefault" > System Default</string>
<string name= "lightTheme" > Light Theme</string>
<string name= "darkTheme" > Dark Theme</string>
2022-05-05 22:06:54 +05:30
<string name= "subscribers" > %1$s subscribers</string>
2022-05-11 01:35:15 +05:30
<string name= "settings" > Settings</string>
2022-05-11 13:34:48 +05:30
<string name= "location" > Location</string>
<string name= "instance" > Instance</string>
<string name= "customization" > Customization</string>
2022-05-11 02:17:02 +05:30
<string name= "website" > Website</string>
2022-05-10 01:34:06 +05:30
<string name= "videoCount" > %1$s videos</string>
2022-05-09 23:24:58 +05:30
<string name= "noInternet" > No Internet Connection</string>
<string name= "retry" > Retry</string>
2022-05-08 16:03:01 +05:30
<string name= "comments" > Comments</string>
2022-05-15 13:54:19 +05:30
<string name= "choose_filter" > Choose search filter</string>
<string name= "channels" > Channels</string>
<string name= "all" > All</string>
<string name= "playlists" > Playlists</string>
2022-05-20 19:25:55 +05:30
<string name= "okay" > OK</string>
2022-05-15 19:26:24 +05:30
<string name= "history" > History</string>
<string name= "search_history" > Search History</string>
<string name= "clear_history" > Clear History</string>
2022-05-18 02:42:47 +05:30
<string name= "music_songs" > YT Music Songs</string>
<string name= "music_videos" > YT Music Videos</string>
<string name= "music_albums" > YT Music Albums</string>
<string name= "music_playlists" > YT Music Playlists</string>
2022-05-14 03:39:33 +05:30
<string name= "defaultTab" > Default Tab</string>
2022-05-16 15:41:22 +05:30
<string name= "sponsorblock" > SponsorBlock</string>
2022-05-16 18:00:26 +05:30
<string name= "sponsorblock_summary" > Uses API from https://sponsor.ajay.app/</string>
2022-05-16 22:48:26 +05:30
<string name= "segment_skipped" > Skipped segment</string>
2022-05-16 15:41:22 +05:30
<string name= "sponsorblock_state" > Enabled</string>
<string name= "category_segments" > Segments</string>
<string name= "category_sponsor" > Sponsor</string>
<string name= "category_sponsor_description" > Paid promotion, paid referrals and direct advertisements. Not for self-promotion or free shoutouts to causes/creators/websites/products they like.</string>
<string name= "category_selfpromo" > Unpaid/Self Promotion</string>
2022-05-16 16:28:27 +05:30
<string name= "category_selfpromo_description" > Similar to \"sponsor\" except for unpaid or self promotion. This includes sections about merchandise, donations, or information about who they collaborated with.</string>
2022-05-16 15:41:22 +05:30
<string name= "category_interaction" > Interaction Reminder (Subscribe)</string>
<string name= "category_interaction_description" > When there is a short reminder to like, subscribe or follow them in the middle of content. If it is long or about something specific, it should be under self promotion instead.</string>
<string name= "category_intro" > Intermission/Intro Animation</string>
<string name= "category_intro_description" > An interval without actual content. Could be a pause, static frame, repeating animation. This should not be used for transitions containing information.</string>
<string name= "category_outro" > Endcards/Credits</string>
2022-05-16 19:25:35 +05:30
<string name= "category_outro_description" > Credits or when the YouTube endcards appear. Not for conclusions with information.</string>
2022-05-17 02:02:32 +05:30
<string name= "license" > License</string>
2022-05-19 21:52:19 +05:30
<string name= "color_accent" > Color Accent</string>
<string name= "color_red" > Red</string>
2022-05-25 01:37:47 +05:30
<string name= "color_blue" > Pixel Blue</string>
2022-05-19 21:52:19 +05:30
<string name= "color_yellow" > Yellow</string>
<string name= "color_green" > Green</string>
<string name= "color_purple" > Purple</string>
2022-05-20 03:11:21 +05:30
<string name= "oledTheme" > OLED Theme</string>
2022-05-20 03:39:47 +05:30
<string name= "material_you" > Material You</string>
2022-05-23 00:07:09 +05:30
<string name= "sponsorblock_notifications" > Notifications</string>
2022-05-22 23:54:12 +05:30
<string name= "app_icon" > App Icon</string>
2022-05-24 01:10:24 +05:30
<string name= "enabled" > Enabled</string>
<string name= "disabled" > Disabled</string>
2022-05-26 19:55:52 +05:30
<string name= "piped" > Piped</string>
<string name= "youtube" > YouTube</string>
2022-05-27 22:49:08 +05:30
<string name= "playOnBackground" > Play on background</string>
2022-05-20 19:25:55 +05:30